9/20 Cập nhật
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên trung cấp
0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển

Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Thỏa thuận
(Thường từ 40.000NTD trở lên)

Điều kiện

Yêu cầu ngôn ngữ
Tiếng Trung
Tiếng Anh
Kinh nghiệm

Mô tả công việc

1. 管理國際羽球賽事贊助事宜,與世界羽聯、亞洲羽聯及各國羽協等組織對接。
2. 推動品牌行銷專案,包含年度品牌視覺規劃等。
3. 經營品牌社群平台,並具備基本文案撰寫能力。
4. 行銷聯名專案的策劃與執行。
VICTOR is an international badminton brand with distribution networks across five continents and more than 60 countries. The Brand Marketing Department is responsible for VICTOR’s global marketing efforts, continuously enhancing the brand visibility through sponsorship of international tournaments, social media management, and brand projects.
Senior Specialists in the Brand Marketing Department are expected to independently manage projects and possess excellent English communication skills. Key responsibilities include:
1. Managing international badminton tournament sponsorships, liaising with organizations such as the Badminton World Federation (BWF), Badminton Asia, and national badminton associations.
2. Driving brand marketing projects, including the annual brand visual planning.
3. Managing brand social media platforms with copywriting skills.
4. Planning and executing co-branded and licensing marketing projects.
Số lượng tuyển dụng
Trình độ học vấn
Giờ làm việc
Chế độ nghỉ

Việc Làm Gợi Ý

Public Relations Event Planning and Execution
Proposal and Presentation Skills
Physical Event Planning and Execution
Online Event Planning and Execution
Brand Popularity Promotion
Social Media Operation Management
提案與簡報技巧 實體活動規劃與執行 網路活動規劃與執行 品牌知名度推廣 社群媒體經營管理 公關活動規劃與執行
Loại công việc
Social Marketing
Marketing Planning
國際羽球運動品牌VICTOR於1968年創立於台灣,致力研發頂級羽球拍、球鞋、服飾及相關羽球運動器材,並攜手台灣球后戴資穎、男單好手王子維、世界冠軍阿山/塞提阿萬、大馬第一男單李梓嘉、奧運金牌波莉/拉哈育、丹麥國家隊等國際頂尖好手及勁旅,於全世界推廣羽球運動。經銷據點涵蓋全球五大洲、超過60個國家。 VICTOR, a world’s leading brand in badminton industry founded in Taipei, Taiwan. Since 1968, VICTOR has been dedicated to innovating the most advanced technologies for badminton rackets, footwear, apparel, and badminton-specific accessories. VICTOR products are welcomed and sold in more than 60 countries across five continents.
0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển