Bacha Coffee Private Limited_台灣夿萐咖啡股份有限公司
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Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Lương theo giờNT$ 183+

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Mô tả công việc

1. 負責包裝可頌和甜點裝袋。
2. 咖啡外帶和奶油、糖棒裝盒。
3. 將菜單遞給顧客和解決顧客提出之疑問,並給予咖啡或可頌、甜點選擇上的建議。
1. 負責為顧客帶位、安排座位。
2. 將菜單遞給顧客和解決顧客提出之疑問,並給予咖啡或可頌、甜點選擇上的建議。
3. 後續將顧客點餐的訊息通知廚房做餐,或可進行簡易餐飲之料理,如:回烤可頌或調配咖啡等。
4. 於顧客用餐完畢後,負責收拾碗盤與清理環境或打包外帶服務。
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Shop Clerk/Counter Staff
Bacha Coffee (夿萐咖啡)的故事始於摩洛哥馬拉喀什。壯觀的Dar el Bacha(達夿萐) 宮殿,意思是 "帕夏之家",建於1910年,在一壺閃閃發光的阿拉比卡咖啡下聚集了本世紀偉大的文化家和政治家。 達夿萐華麗的室內裝飾以雕刻和彩繪雪松木天花板、黑白格紋大理石地板、藏紅花色門廊和來自摩洛哥的精美、色彩豐富的澤利格瓷磚,將精緻生活的藝術體現得淋漓盡致。踏進鬱鬱蔥蔥的高聳棕櫚樹的庭院,前往裝飾高雅奢華的咖啡廳,客人們可以盡情享受一系列阿拉比卡咖啡的香醇。但在二戰後,該宮殿被關閉,成為一個時間膠囊,這座曾經周圍充斥著色彩和故事的建築內,每一磚一瓦都保留了一些輝煌時代的遺跡,但是卻慢慢地陷入了沉寂。在關閉了60多年之後,這個摩洛哥的手工藝典范建築在充滿著芬芳馥郁的釀造中被喚醒。佇立在馬拉喀什千年古城的門口的帕夏之家,它的改造無疑是一項壯舉。經過兩年的艱苦修復,華麗的裝飾終於恢復至昔日的輝煌,達夿萐於2017 年底以文化匯合博物館重新開放。在國家博物館基金會(FNM)的監督下,這座被列入名錄的歷史遺跡正式進行修復工作。修復這座古蹟是一項真正的壯舉,並且匯集了眾多在各自領域精湛的專家,從建築師和歷史學家到各行各業的工匠,共同致力於振興這個建築地標,使它重新煥發生機。無論是華麗的玻璃屋頂或是每個房間的裝飾、每張桌椅的擺放,都保存了當年的風貌,彷彿時間靜止了,什麼都沒有改變,黃金時代從未離開過。 在2020年紀念其110週年之際,達夿萐重新盛大開業! 如今,Bacha Coffee是一個全球化的品牌,擁有國際批發經銷商。 Bacha Coffee保持採用純正阿拉比卡咖啡豆,始終專注於完美烘焙過程以展現一系列的單品咖啡、精緻風味、精緻混合,以及脫因咖啡的獨特品質。如同一個咖啡圖書館,為咖啡愛好者提供廣泛的選擇,豐富的口感,以及獨特的風味,讓顧客品味杯中的咖啡,便可環遊世界、暢享世界風味。自從在馬拉喀什重新開業以來,Bacha Coffee已經在全球擴張,在新加坡和巴黎開設了精品店和咖啡廳,也是首家巴黎分店,為了計劃歐洲的拓展。 BachaCoffee.com線上精品店也能發貨致多個國家,目前也在各豪華酒店、餐廳和航空公司分銷。 The story of Bacha Coffee begins in the medina of Marrakech, Morocco. Built in 1910, the spectacular Dar el Bacha palace, which means "House of the Pasha", united the greatest cultural and political minds of the century over glittering pots of "Coffee of Arabia" or Arabica, as it is known today. After the Second World War, the palace was closed and became a time capsule, retaining some of the vestiges of a glamorous era within a building that was once awash with the colours and sounds of the surrounding medina — but had slowly fallen into a deep and enchanted sleep. Closed for over 60 years, this fine example of Moroccan craftsmanship has been awakened. Standing at the gates of the thousand-year-old medina of Marrakech, the makeover of the house of the Pasha was a feat not for the faint-hearted. After two years of painstaking restoration to bring back the sumptuous decor to its former glory, Dar el Bacha was reopened in late 2017 as the Museum of Cultural Confluences. In 2019, Bacha Coffee reopened its original location in Marrakech and has since quickly grown into a global brand, with international coffee rooms and boutiques in Europe and Asia. Today, Bacha Coffee continues to attract today's philosophers, musicians, politicians, artists, and film stars, as well as a new generation of coffee lovers who are discovering the magic of Bacha Coffee for themselves.
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