【外商】APP產品經理(Product Manager)
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Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản lý/Giám đốc
30+ người ứng tuyển

Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Thỏa thuận
(Thường từ 40.000NTD trở lên)

Điều kiện

Kinh nghiệm

Mô tả công việc

【Who we are 】
【Why join the team】
• 負責App產品的功能設計與優化,持續提升使用者體驗。
• 與市場、研發、測試、UI等部門團隊合作,推動專案的順利執行並確保專案目標的達成。
• 規劃管理專案進度,推動專案的技術實現,把控專案實施品質和效率。
• 對產品的長期發展戰略提出建設性意見,進行相關市場調查,為公司決策層提供相應依據。
• 以目標為導向,與內外部團隊緊密協作。
• 熟悉Figma、Excel、Xmind、PPT等數據化工具。
• 流利的英語口說及書面表達能力者優先。
• 熱衷於解決問題,擅長敏捷迭代優化。
• 會設計產品功能,也懂如何營運產品,讓會員愛不釋手。
• 具備創新能力,並且有推動想法的能力。
• 重視團隊合作,具備優秀的溝通能力,態度積極並願意學習。
• 擅長管理利害關係人(跨部門溝通與資源調度)。
• 如果你過往工作經歷從事證券/期貨、基金、金融產品相關那就真的太好了!
Số lượng tuyển dụng
Trình độ học vấn
Giờ làm việc
Chế độ nghỉ

Việc Làm Gợi Ý

Project time/schedule management
Project planning execution/scope management
Project communication/integration management
Project management structure and project documentation
Product Strategy
Product Lifecycle
專案時間╱進度控管 專案規劃執行╱範圍管理 專案溝通╱整合管理 專案管理架構及專案說明 產品策略 產品生命週期
Loại công việc
Project Manager
Product Manager
Project Management Supervisor
HYTECH GROUP 2016年於澳洲成立總部, HYTECH(海科) 是全球領先的管理技術諮詢公司,專注於推動金融科技產業的企業技術轉型,致力於滿足客戶需求和客製化解決方案。 我們結合專業的產業知識與創新思維,在業務和技術的交叉點中擴展市場,於雲端服務、網絡安全解決方案、IT 諮詢和其他營運支援與客戶服務等服務,提供點到點的數據分析與系統解決方案。此外,我們透過各項技術專長,幫助全球組織和商業領袖提供商業戰略,協助並解決他們所面臨的挑戰。 採用扁平化的管理,提高員工參與度及工作效率,讓團隊成員以公開、透明的方式自在工作,也為全球客戶提供卓越的商業價值服務。 台北辦公室均位於交通便利的市中心,擁有明亮的工作空間及舒適的休息區;無限量供應咖啡、茶水及小點心,讓員工擁有輕鬆的上班環境與心情。 Our Linkedin Page : https://www.linkedin.com/company/hytechgroup Our IG Page : https://www.instagram.com/hytech.tw/ Hytech is a globally leading management technology consulting company, specializing in driving the enterprise technology transformation in the Fintech industry. We are dedicated to meeting customer needs and providing customized solutions. By combining professional industry knowledge with innovative thinking, we expand our market presence at the intersection of business and technology. We offer end-to-end data analytics and system solutions in cloud services, network security, IT consulting, and other support areas. Additionally, through our various technological expertise, we help global organizations and business leaders develop business strategies and assist them in addressing their challenges. We employ a flat management structure to enhance employee engagement and work efficiency, allowing team members to work in an open and transparent manner. This enables us to provide excellent business value services to our global clients. Our Taipei office is conveniently located in the city center, providing bright workspaces and comfortable rest areas. We offer unlimited supplies of coffee, tea, and snacks, creating a relaxed working environment and atmosphere for our employees.
30+ người ứng tuyển