人力資源專員(HR Specialist)
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Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
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11 ~ 30 người ứng tuyển

Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Lương hàng thángNT$ 35,000~60,000

Điều kiện

Yêu cầu ngôn ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Kinh nghiệm

Mô tả công việc

※ 因應疫情發展,自由系統第一階段面談皆更改為Microsoft Teams視訊面談。
Join Our Team as an HR Partner!
Are you a logical thinker with sharp analytical skills? Do you have a positive and proactive attitude and enjoy taking on challenges? If so, we want you to join our team as an HR Partner!
About Us:
We believe that HR is the backbone of our company, connecting departments and employees to work together towards achieving our goals. We are looking for someone who is keenly observant, curious, eager to learn, meticulous, articulate, and passionate about excellence. If you are enthusiastic about your work, love challenges, and are committed to growth, we sincerely invite you to join our team.
Job Responsibilities:
Recruitment Operations:
1. Develop Recruitment Strategies: Formulate and implement effective recruitment strategies based on the company’s business development needs to enhance the company’s visibility and attractiveness in the overall job market.
2. Manage Recruitment Processes: Execute and optimize recruitment processes to ensure the efficient operation of each recruitment stage.
3. Interview and Selection: Confirm recruitment needs, conduct recruitment, and achieve the company’s recruitment goals.
4. Recruitment Data Analysis: Analyze recruitment data, provide valuable reports and suggestions to improve recruitment effectiveness.
Employee Activities:
1. Plan and Organize Activities: Design and organize employee activities to enhance team cohesion.
2. Company Culture Building: Promote company culture building to improve employee job satisfaction and sense of belonging.
1. Proficiency in English is preferred.
2. More than one year of recruitment experience.
3. Passionate about recruitment work, loves teamwork, proactive, and responsible.
4. Goal-oriented work attitude, highly self-disciplined, and capable of self-management and responsibility.
Số lượng tuyển dụng
Trình độ học vấn
Yêu cầu ngành học
Giờ làm việc
Chế độ nghỉ

Việc Làm Gợi Ý

Document Processing/Typing Skills
Administrative Affairs Handling
Telephone Handling and Reception
Document or Data Entry and File Processing
文書處理╱排版能力 行政事務處理 電話接聽與人員接待事項 文件或資料輸入建檔處理
Loại công việc
Human Resource Personnel
Human Resources Assistant
Recruitment Consultant
自由系統是全台第一間 MSP ( Managed Service Provider ),根據客戶公司發展需求,進行客製化的資訊委外規劃,從數位轉型、資訊安全到系統整合維運皆能為企業全面把關。立即探索:www.freedom.net.tw 自由系統是一間高速成長的公司,有別於坊間的電腦公司或系統整合商,我們首創市場獨有的訂閱式資訊專業服務,撇棄以購買軟硬體解決問題的傳統思維,相信「專業服務」才能解決客戶問題。 自由系統的文化: ◆新創文化氛圍:不用年齡和年資去評估每個人的能力,風格開放、自由、多元,溝通方式透明直接,扁平化的組織讓每個人都有機會展現自己的能力。 ◆鼓勵學習與挑戰:注重個人發展,不怕員工犯錯,提供大量學習與挑戰機會,提供完善訓練體制及教育訓練津貼。 ◆高度自由的工作環境:信任員工,強調主動思考、獨立作業,提供軟硬體支援及規劃完整的遠端工作制度。 我們看重的特質: ◆打破思考的框架:能保持活躍的思考能力,不侷限在常規的解決方案,使用創新方法解決傳統問題。 ◆追根究底的精神:遇到問題時,堅持不懈的找出根因和解決方案,而非止步於處理表面問題。 ◆吸收新知的渴望:放下偶包,可以主動學習日新月異的知識跟接受別人給予的意見跟回饋。 我們兼有新創公司的自由開放文化,和穩健成長的商業模式,歡迎對「自己」有信心、勇於接受挑戰的「你(妳)」加入自由系統!
11 ~ 30 người ứng tuyển