MEMS Process Engineer
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Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản lý/Giám đốc
6 ~ 10 người ứng tuyển

Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Lương hàng thángNT$ 50,000+

Điều kiện

Yêu cầu ngôn ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Tiếng Nhật
Kinh nghiệm

Mô tả công việc

I-PEX plays a leading role in world-class technology, having achieved the world's first PZT single-crystal thin film by optimizing plasma control, film composition, and other factors. As a result, we have attained excellent voltage performance, a low dielectric constant, improved heat resistance (covering a wide range of operating temperatures), and polarization formation during film deposition.
The successful candidate will be responsible for the development of MEMS processes, including photolithography, etching, protective film deposition, and all related technical work, such as the examination of deposition processes (creation of conditions), flow, characteristic evaluation, and more. This will occur during the customization stage and transition to mass production based on our high-functional materials. In some cases, you may be required to step outside the chain of command and use research facilities, such as those at universities, for process development. To customize the process according to customer needs, you will work closely with the sales department to address customer requests.
Language requirement: Fluent in English; Japanese speaking ability is preferred but not necessary.
Số lượng tuyển dụng
Trình độ học vấn
Yêu cầu ngành học
Giờ làm việc
Chế độ nghỉ

Việc Làm Gợi Ý

Semiconductor Component Design and Manufacturing
Semiconductor Component Testing and Repair
Semiconductor Material Yield Analysis
半導體元件設計製作 半導體元件測試檢修 半導體材料良率分析
Loại công việc
Semiconductor Process Engineer
Production Technology / Process Engineer
  日商愛伯股份有限公司台灣分公司(I-PEX Taiwan Branch)創立於民國 1994 年,主要從事電子相關製造業,為一半導體全自動封裝機器設備修理及精密電子連接器設計與製造商;總公司設於東京町田,生產據點主要分佈於福岡、新加坡、上海等地,客戶以筆記型電腦大廠及無線通訊製造業為主,擁有為數不少的客戶群。   本公司擁有優秀的經營團隊,秉持著『品質保證 , 創新研究開發』的經營理念,追求企業永續經營及成長;除整體營運穩定外,獲利狀況也逐年提昇,是國內績優廠商之一。   我們重視每一位員工,除了有良好工作環境、也提供學習及成長的空間,歡迎優秀的朋友一起加入 日商第一精工愛伯股份有限公司台灣分公司 的工作行列。
6 ~ 10 người ứng tuyển