10/17 Cập nhật
Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản trị
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
6 ~ 10 người ứng tuyển

Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Thỏa thuận
(Thường từ 40.000NTD trở lên)

Điều kiện

Yêu cầu ngôn ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Kinh nghiệm

Mô tả công việc

Primary Responsibility : 
■Develop, drive, and implement sourcing strategies and implement supply chain improvements..
■Manage supplier relationships and performance in technology alignment, cost, quality, and delivery.
■Maintain industry knowledge and keep stakeholders aware of supplier and market conditions.
■Lead cross-functional teams through supplier selection process for new platforms
■Ensure smooth product transition from NPI to volume manufacturing.
■Lead sourcing team to meet with sourcing KPI
You are best equipped for this task if you have:
■A degree in Mechanical Engineering or comparable, alternately a degree on business related.
■10+ years of working experience in technical sourcing, negotiation, supply chain management
■General knowledge on manufacturing methods , machining process, quality requirements related to products and cost structure. 
■Knowledge of cost modeling, quotation analysis, roadmap development, supplier selection/performance, and planning processes.
■Experience with sourcing components with semiconductor manufacturers and capable of negotiating and enforcing business agreements.   
■Strong analytical capabilities with proficiency in MS Excel and databases to extract, manipulate and organize large datasets.
■Impeccable attention to detail, a process-oriented mindset, and ability to communicate clearly and effectively with internal and external functional teams verbally, in writing, and via presentations.
■Self-motivated, proactive, and efficient
Số lượng tuyển dụng
Trình độ học vấn
Yêu cầu ngành học
Giờ làm việc
Chế độ nghỉ

Việc Làm Gợi Ý

Supplier identification and selection execution
Procurement negotiation and pricing techniques
Negotiation skills
Supplier Evaluation and Development
供應商尋找及評選執行 採購談判與議價技巧 協商談判能力 供應商評鑑與開發
Loại công việc
Purchasing Manager
Materials Manager
京鼎精密科技股份有限公司(簡稱京鼎,股票代號:3413)成立於2001年4月並於2015年7月在臺灣證券交易所掛牌上市,為鴻海集團投資公司,總部位於苗栗竹南科學園區,主要生產據點則在台灣竹南、江蘇昆山、上海松江等地,另外在美國加州、德州及大陸南京設立辦事處及銷售據點。主要從事半導體前段製程設備關鍵模組及零部件製造服務、半導體/工業自動化高端設備之研發、製造及銷售並提供整合性解決方案及醫療設備製造及設計服務。 京鼎公司以精密零組件製造能力為基礎,應用先進組裝、機電整合及自動化為核心技術,生產高端精密設備,為業界少數做到垂直整合的半導體設備製造商。 京鼎公司將以持續不斷的創新及執行力,實踐綠色科技,提供人類生活福祉與生命健康的永續發展並打造全方位研發與製造服務平台,成為全球先進半導體、醫療及新能源設備的最佳策略夥伴及事業發展共同體。 【相關子公司】 ※ 承鼎精密 : 成立於民國103年11月、106年10月獲准進入新竹科學園區、108年10月取得新竹科學園區竹南鎮南科段45-3地號擴建二廠,(英文名稱:Fox Automation Technology Inc.)為鴻海集團半導體製造事業旗下的京鼎精密科技股份有限公司所成立的子公司,將全力投入半導體設備關鍵零組件備品及耗材,與先進製程設備的研發生產結合於一體,這將會大大的提升國內整體半導體產業與半導體設備產業的競爭力。 ※ 凱諾科技 : 主要產品為半導體主動式微污染防治設備、半導體晶圓傳輸儲存自動化設備及晶圓外觀檢測設備。 ※ 銓冠半導體 : 主要營業項目為經營機器設備及電子零組件製造。 【全球據點】 ※ 台灣廠區 : 台灣竹南科中廠 、台灣竹南科研(2A)廠 ※ 中國廠區 : 上海松江廠區、江蘇昆山廠區、南京子公司 ※ 美國廠區 : 美國加州辦公室、美國德州辦公室、矽谷USA
6 ~ 10 người ứng tuyển