ULTRON 奧創_薩摩亞商奧創物聯有限公司台灣分公司
Visual Graphic Designer (UI) 視覺平面設計師
10/1 Cập nhật
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên trung cấp
11 ~ 30 người ứng tuyển

Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Lương hàng thángNT$ 35,000+

Điều kiện

Kinh nghiệm

Mô tả công việc

《About this Role》
UltronSMART 團隊正在尋找具有創造力的視覺平面設計師來加入我們充滿活力的團隊。理想的候選人應對設計充滿熱情,並能夠在各種媒體平台上創作出視覺上令人驚豔且具有影響力的設計。您將與我們的行銷、內容和產品團隊緊密合作,開發能夠有效傳達我們品牌訊息並引起目標受眾共鳴的視覺內容。
#UI #WebDesign #Graphic
《About Responsibilities》
1. [產品包裝與說明書設計] 參與產品包裝和說明書的創意構思,提供視覺設計解決方案,並負責視覺設計稿的輸出與切圖。
Participate in the creative conceptualization of product packaging and instruction manuals, provide visual design solutions, and be responsible for the output and slicing of visual design drafts.
2. [Icon 元件標準化設計] 將公司內部和部門的元件形象進行標準化設計,並輸出 UI 組件、規格及色彩等規範文檔。
Standardize the component imagery within the department and company, and produce documentation for UI components, specifications, and color guidelines.
3. [網頁與產品形象設計] 根據企業品牌形象,設計並整理視覺風格,創造符合品牌形象且具視覺震撼力的設計作品。
Design and refine visual styles in line with the company’s brand image, creating visually stunning designs that align with brand identity.
4. [品牌吉祥物系列設計] 配合市場部門的形象推廣需求,設計將品牌吉祥物融入品牌形象和產品中的創意方案。
Collaborate with the marketing team to design and integrate the brand mascot into the brand image and products to meet promotional needs.
5. [官網設計與維護] 協助事業部持續開發新網站頁面並維護現有頁面,確保網站設計的更新與一致性。
Assist the business unit in continuously developing new website pages and maintaining existing ones, ensuring consistency and updates in website design.
6. [影片設計與剪輯製作] 協助事業部進行影片的設計、拍攝和剪輯,旨在支持業務推廣目標。
Assist the business unit in designing, shooting, and editing videos with the goal of supporting business promotion.
Số lượng tuyển dụng
Trình độ học vấn
Yêu cầu ngành học
Giờ làm việc
Chế độ nghỉ

Việc Làm Gợi Ý

Visual Design Knowledge
User Interface Design
Web Software Operation
視覺設計相關知識 使用者介面設計 網頁軟體操作
Loại công việc
Graphic Design/Art Editor
Visual Designer
Web Designer
加入我們,探索你的新價值 這裡,我們以他人的立場思考問題,以誠實、開放、客觀的態度提出建議與行動。 這裡,我們堅信一切皆有可能,我們樂於不斷挑戰技術和專業的極限。 這裡,我們掌握自己的成敗,體驗著獨特的營運思維與流程。 ULTRON 獨家的跨晶片 Mesh WiFi 軟體技術在 2016 年被鴻海集團旗下的網通品牌採用 ; ULTRON 為南韓領先網通品牌廠 HUMAX 、 KAONMEDIA 的 Mesh WiFi 方案合作夥伴 ; ULTRON 為以色列電信 Bezeq 之 Be Mesh 方案提供商 ; ULTRON 為凱擘大寬頻 WiFi 滿屋 的 Mesh WiFi 方案提供商 ; 全世界已有至少 4500 萬場域使用我們的 Mesh WiFi 獨家專利技術。 ULTRON 為台灣大智慧家庭的 IoT 平台方案提供商 ; ULTRON 為全台灣至少 100 家家電品牌的 IoT 方案提供商 ; 在台灣,已經超過 100 萬戶的家庭使用我們的物聯網軟體技術。 我們正在開創一種跨領域合作的全新商業模式,並協助我們的合作夥伴實現經營目標的加速。我們與合作夥伴和客戶攜手合作,在全世界打造更優質的無線體驗。 Join us and explore your new value. Here, we approach problems from the perspective of others, offering suggestions and taking actions with honesty, openness, and objectivity. Here, we firmly believe that anything is possible, and we thrive on continuously challenging the limits of technology and expertise. Here, we take ownership of our successes and failures, experiencing unique operational thinking and processes. ULTRON's exclusive cross-chip Mesh WiFi software technology was adopted by networking brands under the Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd. in 2016. ULTRON is a partner in Mesh WiFi solutions for leading South Korean networking brands HUMAX and KAONMEDIA. ULTRON is a provider for Bezeq's Be Mesh solution in Israel. ULTRON is a provider for KBro's Whole Home Mesh WiFi solution. Our Mesh WiFi exclusive patented technology is used in at least 45 million venues worldwide. ULTRON is a provider of IoT platform solutions for Taiwan Mobile Smarter Home service. ULTRON is an IoT solution provider for at least 100 household appliance brands in Taiwan. Over 900,000 households use our IoT software technology in Taiwan. We are pioneering a new business model of cross-disciplinary collaboration and accelerating our partners' business objectives. Together with our partners and customers, we are creating superior wireless experiences worldwide.
11 ~ 30 người ứng tuyển