Business Operation Management
9/30 Cập nhật
Toàn thời gian
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Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
30+ người ứng tuyển

Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Thỏa thuận
(Thường từ 40.000NTD trở lên)

Điều kiện

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Mô tả công việc

1.Business Operation Management
▶Customer forecast review and analysis; PO and order fulfillment management and executions.
▶Manage and guide supporting function to achieve on-time delivery and revenue target, coordinate with teams to manage MP demand. Manager the process to achieve customer’s requirements/company goal.
▶Effective cross function communication to manage material readiness and capacity review and coordinate risk mitigation.
▶Organize customer requirements, optimize operation process via SOP establishing / automation tool.
▶Strengthen business relationship, identifying customer’s potential needs and execute sales strategy.
▶Proactive business-oriented mindset, solving a variety of business problems with total accountability sense of urgency.
2.Revenue/ AR and Inventory Management
▶Execute on-time order billing, payment, remittance, and drive overdue AR with resolution
▶Manages monthly customer invoicing for completion within established financial deadlines.
▶Review global shipment plan, work with other function teams to predict revenue, analysis the root cause and work mitigation plan.
▶Develop dashboard for Revenue/AR/Inventory indicator via automation tool
▶Inventory Management: Excess, Aging inventory, EOM inventory disposition-data collection and analysis.
▶Proactive, Accountability, Cross-team Communication
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Giờ làm việc
Chế độ nghỉ
Loại công việc
International Sales
Inside Sales
緯穎專注於提供超大型資料中心 (Hyperscale Data Center) 及雲端基礎架構 (Cloud Infrastructure)各項產品及系統的解決方案。緯穎科技的成立目標除了成為客戶最佳的創新性技術服務合作夥伴 (Technology Service Provider),並期望與客戶在業務合作上達成雙贏的局面 (We Win)。 在這個廣泛運用雲計算的新時代,緯穎科技瞭解客戶未來的需求在於具備高效率低耗能的大規模運算及儲存能力、高速資料傳輸及軟硬體整合的解決方案。藉由傳承緯創資通豐富的創新設計技術,以及多年的製造經驗,緯穎科技的頂尖團隊為客戶提供巨型資料中心、運營商及企業的雲端運算解決方案,其中包括高性價比的伺服器、儲存設備、網路系統、機房基礎設備及軟硬體整合的私有雲解決方案。 IT連上雲端,已是核心趨勢,要為伺服器產業帶來未來榮景,需要更多人才加入,歡迎對雲端伺服器有興趣的新世代創新人才,一起與我們馳騁雲端、致勝國際市場! 【Honor Roll/榮譽榜】 2023 《第九屆公司治理評鑑》上市公司排名前5% 2022 《英國標準協會 BSI》2022 永續韌性獎 2021 《哈佛商業評論》數位轉型鼎革獎 2020 《經濟部國際貿易局》金貿獎 2018 《天下雜誌》兩千大調查:總排名第 45名 / 行業類別排名第 9名 2014 《中華民國傑出企業人管理協會》金炬獎之「年度十大潛力企業」與「年度十大潛力商品」 2013 《Gartner》入選年度 Cool Vendors 評選
30+ người ứng tuyển