Account Specialist財會專員
9/19 Cập nhật
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển

Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Thỏa thuận
(Thường từ 40.000NTD trở lên)

Điều kiện

Yêu cầu ngôn ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Tiếng Malaysia
Tiếng Trung
Kinh nghiệm

Mô tả công việc

1. Perform daily operational accounting & finance/treasury functions in accounts receivable, payable, general ledger, cash & bank management, fixed asset management, inventory management, taxation and other related accounting/finance tasks.
2.Participate in the closing of accounts, preparation of daily /weekly /monthly /quarterly management reporting with data analysis, including statement of profit and loss, statement of financial position and statement of cash flow. Responsible for the timeliness and accuracy of monthly management account closing.
3. To prepare, compile & monitor the company’s Annual Budgets, forecast & projection.
4. Monitor cash flow & prepare weekly/monthly cash flow forecast report. Reporting and handling of company cash flow requirement.
5. Manage and maintain accuracy of Bank Balance information and Petty Cash records.
6. Handling of FOREX planning, hedging requirement and reporting.
7. Responsible for liaising with external parties i.e. external auditors and company secretary.
8. Liaise and follow up with bank officers in relation to bank matters.
9. Check and prepare documents on bank reconciliation and ensure proper documentation for internal and external auditors review.
10. Ensure compliances with accounting standards, company SOP, statutory reporting and local authorities.
11. Check to ensure online bank account numbers of suppliers are set up accurately and all payments are properly authorized.
12. Check, verify and process the payments and ensure all the payments are properly authorized according to company policy.
13. Perform all other duties, activities and responsibility that may be assigned by the superior whenever necessary from time-to-time.
Số lượng tuyển dụng
Trình độ học vấn
Yêu cầu ngành học
Giờ làm việc
Chế độ nghỉ

Việc Làm Gợi Ý

Thiết kế
Reporting internal audit plans
Account audit and accounting inspection
Drafting internal audit plans
Reviewing financial statements
Preparation of financial statements
Income tax settlement reporting
Tax planning and tax reporting/tax payment matters
Tax business handling
Analyzing managerial accounting information
Analyzing financial statements
Closing Accounts and Account Handling
Accounting Calculations and Account Processing
Compilation of Accounting Statements
內稽內控制度設計、執行、考核 申報內部稽核計劃 帳務查核與會計稽查 編制內部稽核計劃 核閱財務報表 財務報表製作 所得稅結算申報 稅務規劃與稅報╱納稅事項 稅務業務處理 分析管理會計資訊 財務報表分析 結帳作業與帳務處理 會計核算和帳務處理 編製帳務報表
Loại công việc
Bookkeeping/Cashier/General Accounting
Financial Analysis/Financial Staff
Tax Staff
  聯成化科於1976年以生產石油化學品起家,生產規模穩健成長,伴隨整體經濟的成長發展與新興市場的逐步轉移,目前已在台灣林園及大陸的中山、珠海、鎮江、泰州、南充、盤錦與馬來西亞關丹建立製造/營銷據點,在大中華地區的市佔率達30%以上,更是全球最大的苯酐(PA)與可塑劑(Plasticizers)的製造及通路廠商。 在發展策略上,聯成除持續聚焦核心化學本業外,亦利用既有之本業平台支援發展特用化學、倉儲、貿易、物流等事業拓展,這種具規模經濟(Scale)、範疇經濟(Scope)、產品差異化(Differentiation)及整合內部優勢資源(Synergy)與外部聯盟(Alliance)的經營模式,就是聯成所具有之核心競爭力。未來聯成將本著"誠、穩健、務實"的企業文化精神,不斷追求永續成長,以專業及多元化的產品與服務來滿足市場與客戶需求。 在工作上,我們強調【7P】哲學 ◆Pleasure 工作樂趣 ◆Professionalism 崇尚專業 ◆Planning 周詳計劃 ◆Performance 講求續效 ◆Perfection 追求完美 ◆Prestige 團隊精神 ◆Profit 創造利潤 在內部管理上,我們著重於人力資源與人事福利制度,使人人樂在工作;發揮團隊群體的力量,提昇資訊管理與技術與組織彈性化,以創造提高生產力。 在經營管理上,我們確保產品品質高質量,滿足客戶需求,善用核心技術、致力研發創新;積極垂直、水平之產業整合,推動事業投資組合以分散風險,整合集團企業資源、加速企業國際化的目標。
0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển