國際航空服務管理師(精通粵語) 可適用評點制度
9/18 Updated
6 ~ 10 applicants

Salary & Location

Monthly SalaryNT$ 30,000~37,000


Work Experience

Job Description

提供不同國籍顧客以中文/廣東話 進行電話與文字服務。
1. 為客戶提供優質的服務和解決客戶問題
2. 為消費者提供有效率的顧客服務與服務品質
3. 定期專案簡報製作、簡報說明與改善執行
4. 具有企圖心、負責任,有學習不同領域意願者佳
5. 具備團隊精神、講求團隊合作,想在獲得榮譽感及歸屬感的環境中成長
6. 積極主動肯學習,具服務熱忱,希望從提升客戶品牌效益與顧客需求中獲得成就感者
7. 配合主管交辦事項
Please introduce yourself more in your resume.
104無自傳者 請勿投遞履歷
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
9:00~18:00 / 需排休
Leave Policy
Job Category
Contact Center Information Clerks
Other Customer Service Personnel
OP/Travel Agency Staff
Experience Global Collaboration – Let's Shape the Future Together! Since 2011, EasonSourcing International has been dedicated to professional growth and continuous transformation. Starting from the Taiwan market, we have expanded our services beyond the automotive and aviation industries to encompass e-commerce and cross-border e-commerce. Over the past decade, we have played a crucial role in connecting global markets, providing solutions in multilingual support, integrated payment, and intelligent customer service. Our International Team At EasonSourcing International, our team comprises partners from diverse backgrounds, akin to working abroad. We offer services in Bilingual Call Center, professional market research outsourcing, and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO). Our services include international customer service centers, brand satisfaction surveys, consumer telephone care, mystery shopping, and service audits. We strive to meet both current and future needs of our clients, creating additional value for them. Join Our Team We prioritize service quality, infusing the concept of 'value' into every aspect of our service delivery. If you are passionate about experiencing global collaboration and seeking to advance your career in an international environment, we welcome you to join our team! We look forward to shaping a brighter future together! 跨國工作體驗,一同開創未來! 自2011年起,翊盛國際一直致力於專業提升與不斷轉型,從台灣市場出發,我們不僅服務汽車和航空產業等高專業性服務,還積極跨入電商及跨境電商等領域。十年的歷程中,我們擔任著串接全球市場的重要角色,為客戶提供多語系、整合支付和智能客服等解決方案。 我們的國際化團隊 在翊盛國際,我們擁有來自不同國家的夥伴,就像在國外工作一樣。我們提供客戶國際客服中心(Bilingual Call Center)、專業市調委外和BPO委外(Business Process Outsourcing)的服務。我們的服務範疇涵蓋國際客服中心、品牌滿意度調查、消費者電話關懷、神秘客及服務稽查等。我們致力於滿足客戶現況與未來的需求,為客戶創造附加價值。 加入我們的團隊 我們重視服務的品質,並將『價值』的理念融入到每一個服務環節當中。如果您對於跨國工作體驗充滿興趣,並且想要在一個國際化的環境中發展您的事業,歡迎加入我們的團隊! 我們期待著與您攜手開創更加美好的未來!
6 ~ 10 applicants