InfoSec Manager
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Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản lý/Giám đốc
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển

Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Thỏa thuận
(Thường từ 40.000NTD trở lên)

Điều kiện

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Tiếng Anh
Kinh nghiệm

Mô tả công việc

1.Building a comprehensive security program that includes physical and virtual safety policies.
2.Reviewing existing security measures and updating protocols as needed.
3.Overseeing the daily operations of the company to identify potential security risks and room for improvements.
4.Fostering a culture of physical security awareness by conducting training sessions and communicating with personnel.
5.Managing, evaluating, and resolving any physical security incidents or breaches.
6.Ensuring that the company's security policies comply with laws and regulations.
7.Presenting risk assessments and improved security policies to management team members.
8.Working with management to develop and implement an appropriate budget for security programs.
9. Security operation and policy management to roll out the standard to global sites on behalf of Group Headquarter.
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Loại công việc
Information Security Supervisor
貿聯 (BizLink) 成立於1996年,總部設於美國加州矽谷,應用於資訊科技的電源線組是貿聯的早期產品之一。我們致力於為多元客戶開發可靠的互連解決方案,成為可信賴的供應商。貿聯提供關鍵元件、線束及電纜線予多元產業,產品及服務擴及資訊科技基礎設施、用戶端周邊設備、光通訊、電信網絡、電器、醫療保健、工廠自動化、機械與感測、汽車產業、軌道車輛、船舶暨海洋產業、工業產業、太陽能等。我們的目標是讓互連變得更簡易,並成為全球互連解決方案可領導供應商。 我們透過創新的產品及服務,持續支持具環境意識的產業,以改善人們的生活品質。並藉由遍布美洲、歐洲及亞洲的彈性生產資源及全球研發團隊,提供貼近市場的可靠互連解決方案。貿聯亦專業於客製化一站式電子製造服務 (EMS) 及設置NPI中心,無縫轉移設計至貿聯的全球量產網絡。在貿聯,我們能夠緊密與客戶合作,實現客戶的創新概念,從創新創造價值。 連接可以迅速改變世界,我們將持續發展先進互連解決方案,為客戶永續創新。
0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển