10/21 Cập nhật
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
6 ~ 10 người ứng tuyển

Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Lương hàng thángNT$ 32,000~50,000

Điều kiện

Kinh nghiệm

Mô tả công việc

2024 南山人壽海外表揚晚宴@曼谷詩麗吉
2024 匯豐家庭日@森渼原
2024 雄獅集團春酒@南港展覽館
2024 艾多美路跑@高雄
2023 風格旅遊節@松菸
2023 南山人壽海外表揚晚宴@荷蘭BVB
2023 HP家庭日@台北兒童新樂園
2023 屈臣氏春酒午宴
2022 ASML 20周年活動
更多經典案例 http://www.jwimarketing.com/
◆ 專案活動企劃:提案簡報製作與發想、活動企劃與執行。
◆ 專案業務經營:企業客戶開發及專案服務維繫。
◆ 專案活動管理:專案控管(期程、預算、品質與風險)、專案窗口(客戶、廠商與團隊協調溝通)。
Số lượng tuyển dụng
Trình độ học vấn
Giờ làm việc
Chế độ nghỉ

Việc Làm Gợi Ý

Project planning execution/scope management
Multimedia Presentation Production
專案規劃執行╱範圍管理 多媒體簡報製作
Loại công việc
Marketing Planning
Event Planning
★★近期雄獅旅遊未透過Facebook廣告進行招聘,請警惕假冒招聘網站,保護個資安全★★ 更多詳情請參考雄獅集團招募網:https://recruit.liontravel.com 雄獅於2013.9.24正式股票上市(股票代號:2731) 集團簡介 秉持著「Lion, Enriching Life」理念,自1985年雄獅旅行社成立後 集團架構下多角化經營,各公司供需共生發揮綜效。在3C營運模式的生態共生圈中,我們成立了經營Content內容、Community社群的欣傳媒,以雄獅旅行社、傑森整合行銷公司作為Commerce商務的面貌服務群眾。 此外為了奠定集團發展實力,更成立雄獅資訊科技、雄獅通運、Gonna EAT,以旅遊為根基,逐漸往生活層面發展,垂直水平整合相關產業,朝著成為全球華人旅遊生活服務品牌為目標而邁進。 2017年旅天下啟動加盟平台後,相繼導入「通路加盟」以及「產品加盟」方案,緊扣旅行業需求端與供應端,共創全新旅遊生態系。以「regional hub」為概念前進擁有85年歷史的松山文創園區,進駐「欣講堂文創基地」以及「欣食旅集團餐飲品牌」,佈局文化與觀光場域,轉動生活品味與創意體驗。 旗下企業海納各界各地人才,包含旅遊達人、遊程策劃、業務高手、策展顧問、經營幕僚、IT人才,餐飲職人等;齊心合力打造集團文創、知識、科技三力,期待共同開創雄獅4.0的新頁。 Group Introduction Adhering to the concept of "Lion, Enriching Life", since the establishment of Lion Travel Service in 1985, we have diversified operations under the group structure, and the supply and demand of each company have symbiotically exerted synergy.In the ecological symbiotic circle of the 3C operating model, we established Xinmedia, which operates Content and Community. Serve the public with Lion Travel Service and JWI Marketing as the face of Commerce. In addition, in order to establish the group's development strength, Lion Information Technology, Lion Express, and Gonna EAT were established. Based on tourism, we gradually developed towards the lifestyle industry, integrating related industries vertically and horizontally, and aiming to become a global travel and lifestyle service brand. After launching the franchise platform in 2017, Uni Travel Services has successively introduced "channel franchise" and "product franchise" plans to closely connect the demand side and supply side of the travel industry to create a new tourism ecosystem. The subsidiaries recruit talents from all walks of life, including travel experts, itinerary planners, business experts, curatorial consultants, business staff, IT talents, catering staff, etc.; they work together to build the group's three strengths of cultural creativity, knowledge, and technology, and look forward to jointly creating new page for Lion 4.0.
6 ~ 10 người ứng tuyển