Quality Control Technician-6 Months contract (工作地點:蘆竹)
9/30 Cập nhật
Bán thời gian
Cấp nhân viên trung cấp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển

Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Lương hàng thángNT$ 35,000~40,000

Điều kiện

Yêu cầu ngôn ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Kinh nghiệm

Mô tả công việc

 根據檢驗標準進行產品檢驗,包括進料檢驗、製程中檢驗和最終檢驗。
 監督和維護檢驗記錄,確保所有檢驗結果準確無誤。
 參與品質問題的分析和解決,並提供改進建議。
 協助品質主管執行品質管理體系要求。
 細心和高度責任感,能夠精確地發現和記錄問題。
 良好的溝通能力,能夠與團隊成員和其他部門協調合作。
 分析能力,能夠快速理解並解決品質問題。
 基本的電腦技能,能夠熟練使用Excel和品質檢驗相關的軟體。
Số lượng tuyển dụng
Trình độ học vấn
Giờ làm việc
Chế độ nghỉ

Việc Làm Gợi Ý

Inspection of New Products and Incoming/Outgoing Goods
Raw Material and Product Quality Control and Monitoring
Execution of Product Reliability Testing and Problem Analysis
原料及產品品質管制監控 執行產品可靠度測試與問題分析 新產品與進出貨檢驗
Loại công việc
Testing Staff
Quality Control / Inspection Staff
QA / QC Engineer
本公司是一家領先全球的特殊化學品公司,依據市場業務制定了廣泛的解決方案,以提高人們每天使用的產品的性能。我們的創新解決方案採用獨步技術開發,可以在多個關鍵領域實現客戶的製造流程,包括電子電路,通信基礎設施,汽車系統,工業表面處理,消費品包裝和海上能源。 我們企業的客戶將我們的創新作為競爭優勢,依靠我們來幫助他們在快節奏、高增長的市場中前進。例如,從影音娛樂到輔助駕駛的車載技術正在加快新產品開發的步伐,並改變汽車製造商的競爭環境。憑藉在汽車市場的長期深耕以及在電子產品領域的深厚專業知識,以及我們廣泛的產品應用,可為我們服務的終端市場提供強大的戰略價值。 Element Solutions is a leading specialty chemicals company whose operating businesses formulate a broad range of solutions that enhance the performance of products people use every day. Developed in multi-step technological processes, our innovative solutions enable our customers' manufacturing processes in several key segments, including electronic circuitry, communication infrastructure, automotive systems, industrial surface finishing, consumer packaging, and offshore energy. Customers of our businesses use our innovation as a competitive advantage, relying on us to help them navigate in fast-paced, high-growth markets. For example, in-car technology, from infotainment to driver assistance, is accelerating the pace of new product development and changing the competitive playing field for automotive manufacturers. With a long-standing presence in automotive markets and a deep market expertise in electronics, we sit at the intersection of this fast-growing market. The breadth of our offerings provide strong strategic value to the end markets we serve.
0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển