Cooler Master_訊凱國際股份有限公司
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Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển

Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Lương theo giờNT$ 200+

Điều kiện

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Kinh nghiệm

Mô tả công việc

1. 協助工程師進行產品樣品安排、追蹤進度。
2. 協助工程師進行資料&基本數據蒐集,支援資料的整理與統計。
3. 熟練操作 Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint),協助key in。
4. 處理辦公室日常行政事務
5. 配合團隊需求,協助部門內部跨部門溝通,確保專案進展順利。
6. 其他主管交辦事項。
Số lượng tuyển dụng
Trình độ học vấn
Giờ làm việc
Chế độ nghỉ

Việc Làm Gợi Ý

Reliability Analysis Report Writing and Compilation
Loại công việc
Reliability Engineer
Quality Control / Inspection Staff
COOLER MASTER自1992年成立至今,不僅在專業代工提供符合客戶需求的散熱產品,同時也藉由創新設計、專業技術成為世界專業散熱領導廠商。 本公司是以顧客滿意為最終目標,透過鼓勵創新、提升研發實力和改善生產流程,提供最先進、快速的產品給客戶領先同業;最有利的商機給合作夥伴,達到競爭力。 公司能即時供應全球化市場需求,並提供顧客更好的服務品質。 歡迎各界人才加入Cooler Master,一同站上國際舞台。 ▲ ODM/研發/製造: ▲ 品牌/電競: ▲ Cooler Master facebook: ▲ 台北_內湖創客大樓介紹: 更多資訊請參考: Cooler Master always work toward to the best and contribute more to our customers and the communities. With more than two-decade dedication, Cooler Master managed to be a reliable and trustworthy partner for worldwide tier-1 leaders across industries. Cooler Master is to bring out enjoyment and satisfaction in people through INNOVATION, AGILITY, and PROFESSION. We are proud of the “Cooler Master Spirit” – by treating each other with compassion and care; we value teamwork with respect and appreciation. We improve system and process with focus and discipline; we resolve problems with creativity and Innovation, and we close deals with accountability and Integrity. Every Client is unique and exclusive, Cooler Master’s customized solutions and services that take into consideration all the needs of each client to ensure customer satisfaction and thus to develop long-term partnership through proactive engagement. Please refer to the link below for more information:
0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển