客戶體驗服務專員 Customer Experience Specialist [FineDayClub]
10/22 Cập nhật
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên cao cấp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
11 ~ 30 người ứng tuyển

Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Thỏa thuận
(Thường từ 40.000NTD trở lên)

Điều kiện

Yêu cầu ngôn ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Kinh nghiệm

Mô tả công việc

#About FineDayClub
在各種客戶端(B2B2C / 2B /2C)提供不同形式的服務;以「品味極致體驗,恣遊美好生活」為主軸,提供頂級客製化生活體驗。(https://www.finedayclub.com)
#About the Job
- 顧客(貴賓、會員)關係建立:與會員建立專業且融洽的關係,同時提供客製化的顧客體驗,促成雙方長期合作關係。
- 顧客(貴賓、會員)關係經營:與產品規劃部密切合作,根據服務的個人及VIP戶需求提供產品介紹、費用報價等服務及安排。
- 顧客(貴賓、會員)出行及緊急狀況處理及追蹤:即時應對會員在各渠道的問題及客訴處理,定期彙整意見與建議統計分析及反饋給團隊。
- 跨部門合作專案:包括但不限於產品及顧客服務流程的標準化及SOP建立。
- Other project-related duties 其他主管交辦事宜。
#We are looking for
- 三年以上客戶服務經驗者優先考慮
- 精通英文聽說讀寫能力加分
- 具備其他語系能力加分
- 願意款待客人、夥伴的貼心
- 好的情緒控管能力
- 機靈靈光、口條清晰、好的溝通能力
- 對於快速變化現今有著隨時自我調整的最大彈性
Số lượng tuyển dụng
Trình độ học vấn
Giờ làm việc
Chế độ nghỉ

Việc Làm Gợi Ý

Telephone Handling and Reception
Document or Data Entry and File Processing
Customer Information Update and Maintenance
Customer Information Collection
Customer Complaint Handling
電話接聽與人員接待事項 文件或資料輸入建檔處理 客戶資料更新維護 客戶情報蒐集 客訴案件處理
Loại công việc
Contact Center Information Clerks
Customer Service Supervisor
Other Customer Service Personnel
KKday為全亞洲領先的旅遊科技公司,致力於創造全新的旅遊體驗,提供最完善的服務平台,最獨特且真實的遊玩行程。 KKday在全球超過92個國家、550個城市擁有 300,000 種以上的在地旅遊體驗商品,每月平均活躍用戶高達900萬,目的是透過專業平台數據化整合,讓來自全球的旅客都能夠更方便自在地挑選行程,創造自己專屬的旅遊經驗。 成立於2014年,在亞太區12個城市設有分公司,2022年7月完成C+輪募資,累計募資金額近30億元,於疫情後全力備戰跨境旅遊,已經為出境、入境與國旅三大領域完成亞太區配置。未來將持續透過科技來革新旅遊產業。 - KKday 提供人才具規模、活力和自主權的新創環境,歡迎加入我們創造未來!https://kkday.bamboohr.com/jobs/ - KKday Linkedin:https://www.linkedin.com/company/kkday/ - KKday的旅遊推薦清單:https://www.youtube.com/c/KKdayTaiwan/featured KKday is the leading travel-tech company in APAC, committed to providing the most complete service platform, the most unique and authentic travel experience. Currently, KKday hosts over 300,000+ local experience products in over 92 countries and 550 cities with more than 9 million unique users each month. Our goal is to be easily accessible, make it more convenient through the data integration of professional platform. Let all types of travelers find and create their own memorable, exclusive, and safe travel experience. Founded in 2014, we have expanded to 12 countries and set up overseas offices around the world. In July 2022, we secured a series C+ round funding of nearly 3 billion, well prepared for inbound, outbound, and domestic travel after Covid. In the future, we will innovate the industry with technology continuously. We provide talent with an environment where they have a combination of resources, scale, and autonomy to run for KKday business. Most importantly, we also provide our talents the opportunity to rotate across businesses, accelerate their career path and impact the business of the travel industry around the APAC region. Welcome to join us! - Positions at KKday: https://kkday.bamboohr.com/jobs/ - KKday LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/kkday/ - KKday’s travel recommendation list: https://www.youtube.com/c/KKdayTaiwan/featured
11 ~ 30 người ứng tuyển