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我司屬港資企業,在1995年成立於香港,分別在香港、深圳、東莞及台中有分公司。銷售公司自己的產品品牌,以出口電容器、二三極管、整流器及電位器等電子零件到全球百多個國家及地區。公司成立歷史悠久,在國外市場上享有很好聲譽,業務辦公室持續擴編,廣招人才歡迎您的加入! 公司業務有出國參展的機會, 公司曾參加以下世界各地電子展,例如德國慕尼黑電子展, 香港、德國、巴西、俄羅斯、波蘭、捷克、泰國、印度和新加坡等。

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Our products: 1>Trimming Potentiometers, 2>Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors(Snap-in, SMD, Radial Type), 3>Dipped and SMD Tantalum Capacitors, 4>Radial and Axial Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors, 5>Diodes & Transistors and Bridge Rectifiers, 6>Surge Arresters 7>Quartz Crystals and Oscillators

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< 福利制度> 業績獎金、年終獎金、三節禮金、生日禮金、旅遊津貼、婚喪生育津貼、尾牙、不定時公司公費聚餐。 < 符合法規> 符合勞基法投保 勞保、健保、勞退、特休假、周休二日。 <職涯展望> 每年審核考評調薪 與職位制度、出國參加電子展機會。

Môi trường công ty

Cơ hội việc làm

Marketing Graphic Designer 行銷美編設計師 勗富有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 33,000+
主要職責 ● 負責公司各類行銷專案的視覺設計,包含但不限於網頁、社群媒體、電子報、廣告、展會物料等設計,確保品牌形象的一致性。 ● 根據市場需求及行銷策略,進行產品海報、活動宣傳單、廣告橫幅、電子郵件模板等創意設計,吸引目標受眾並增強品牌辨識度。 ● 製作與優化網頁介面設計,確保使用者體驗流暢、視覺效果佳,並符合SEO規範。 ● 與市場行銷部門緊密合作,將行銷理念轉化為具視覺衝擊力的創意作品,提升品牌能見度。 ● 支援公司所需的產品拍攝與圖片後製,確保每項產品視覺呈現的專業性與一致性。 ● 規劃公司參展的視覺設計,包括展位設計、展示板、海報及宣傳材料,確保整體展位形象符合品牌風格。 ● 負責各類設計素材的檔案管理與歸檔,確保資料完整並易於調取。 職位要求 ● 美術設計、視覺傳達等相關科系畢業,具備平面設計、網頁設計經驗者佳。 ● 熟悉Adobe系列軟體(Photoshop、Illustrator、InDesign等),具備影片剪輯能力者尤佳。 ● 具備良好的創意思維與美感,能獨立完成設計專案並根據需求進行修改與調整。 ● 具備良好的溝通能力,能與行銷團隊和其他部門協調合作。 ● 擁有展會設計經驗者優先考慮。 ● 工作態度細心、負責,能在壓力下完成多項任務。 如您對此職位有興趣,歡迎提交您的作品集與履歷。
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
10/21 Cập nhật
Senior Marketing Specialist 資深市場行銷企劃專員 勗富有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 38,000+
【主要職責】 ● 負責整體市場行銷企劃專案的規劃與推動,協助主管制定行銷策略並有效執行: 1. 主導產品推廣的策略性規劃與實施,包括官方網站及各大數位社群平台(Blog、Facebook、LinkedIn、Twitter、YouTube等)的維護與管理,確保流量穩定提升,進行SEO優化,增加品牌曝光度、客戶黏著度與轉化率。 2. 具備專案管理經驗,協調市場行銷部門與其他相關部門進行跨部門合作,確保專案順利推進並達成目標。 3. 規劃並執行大型公關活動、國際展會及參展規劃,提升公司形象與市場影響力。 4. 負責新品上市的行銷策略制定與執行,包括市場定位、推廣計畫及上市行銷活動。 5. 管理及分析CRM系統,進行客戶數據分析以優化行銷決策,並提出改善建議。 6. 具備B2B市場開發經驗,熟悉企業間市場推廣及合作模式。 ● 協助執行董事及市場部主管指派的其他專案工作。 ● 進行網站優化與改善,提升用戶體驗並增加流量轉化。 ● 文案撰寫、創意素材設計及執行整體行銷策略,確保品牌訊息一致性。 職位要求 ● 需具備豐富的行銷企劃及專案管理經驗,有媒體行銷及網絡行銷經驗者尤佳。 ● 具備跨部門協調與團隊合作能力,能有效推動專案。 ● 擁有豐富的市場推廣經歷,具有國外參展與展會規劃經驗為佳。 ● 精通CRM管理與數據分析,能夠提出數據驅動的行銷建議。 ● 具備B2B市場開發經驗,熟悉企業行銷流程。 ● 多益成績500分以上為佳,擁有良好的英文讀寫能力,能熟練處理國際事務。 如您對此職位有興趣,歡迎提交申請。 《Key Responsibilities》 ● Lead comprehensive marketing project planning and execution, assisting supervisors in developing and implementing effective marketing strategies: 1. Strategically plan and execute product promotions, including the regular update, maintenance, and management of websites and major digital social media platforms (Blog, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, etc.), ensuring steady traffic growth, SEO optimization, increased brand visibility, customer engagement, and conversion rates. 2 Manage and coordinate cross-departmental collaboration between the marketing department and other teams to ensure smooth project execution and the achievement of goals. 3. Plan and execute large-scale public relations activities, international exhibitions, and trade show planning, enhancing the company's image and market presence. 4. Develop and implement marketing strategies for new product launches, including market positioning, promotional plans, and launch marketing events. 5. Manage and analyze CRM systems, perform customer data analysis to optimize marketing decisions, and provide actionable improvement suggestions. 6. Experience in B2B market development, familiar with business-to-business marketing strategies and partnership models. ● Assist the board of directors and marketing supervisors with additional assigned projects. ● Optimize website performance and user experience to increase traffic and conversions. ● Create content, develop creative materials, and implement overall marketing strategies to ensure consistent brand messaging. 《Requirements》 ● Extensive experience in marketing planning and project management, with a background in media and digital marketing preferred. ● Strong cross-departmental coordination and teamwork skills, with the ability to effectively drive project progress. ● Experience in international exhibition planning and participation, with a solid background in market promotion. ● Proficient in CRM management and data analysis, able to provide data-driven marketing insights. ● Experience in B2B market development, familiar with corporate marketing processes. ● A TOEIC score of 500 or above is preferred, with strong English reading and writing skills, and the ability to handle international affairs proficiently. If you are interested in this position, we welcome your application.
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên trung cấp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/21 Cập nhật
Marketing Specialist 市場行銷企劃專員 勗富有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 33,000+
工作內容 【主要職責】 ● 協助主管推廣行銷企劃工作: 1. 參與相關產品推廣之規劃與製作,定期更新、維護及管理各網站及數位社群平台(Website、Blog、Facebook、LinkedIn、Twitter、YouTube等),流量獲取、SEO優化、提升品牌能見度,增加客戶黏著度與轉化率。 2. 具備基本製圖技巧與產品拍攝經驗,具備影片剪輯能力者尤佳。 3. 各類社群成效追蹤、數據分析與總結建議,或具備Google Analytics數據分析技能者優先。 ● 協助執行董事及市場部主管指派的各項工作。 ● 文案撰寫、網頁創作、設計素材製作及執行各項行銷策略。 ● 創新、研究及開拓新的推廣渠道。 ● 有機會參加國外展會並獲得晉升機會。公司曾參加世界各地電子展,例如德國慕尼黑電子展、香港、巴西、俄羅斯、波蘭、捷克、泰國、印度和新加坡等。 【職位要求】 ● 工作經驗不拘,有媒體及網絡行銷經驗者優先考慮。 ● 多益成績500分以上為佳,著重於讀寫能力。 Job Description 《Main Responsibilities》 ● Assist supervisors with marketing planning and promotional activities: 1. Participate in planning and production of product promotions, regularly update, maintain, and manage various websites and digital social media platforms (Website, Blog, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, etc.), increase traffic, optimize SEO, and improve brand visibility, customer engagement, and conversion rates. 2. Basic graphic design skills and product photography experience, with video editing capabilities as a plus. 3. Track social media performance, analyze data, provide summaries and recommendations, or have skills in Google Analytics. ● Assist in executing tasks assigned by the board of directors and marketing department supervisors. ● Content writing, web page creation, design material development, and execution of various marketing strategies. ● Innovate, research, and develop new promotion channels. ● Opportunity to attend overseas exhibitions and career advancement. The company has participated in global electronics exhibitions in countries such as Germany (Munich Electronica), Hong Kong, Brazil, Russia, Poland, Czech Republic, Thailand, India, and Singapore. 《Requirements》 ● Work experience is not required; candidates with media and digital marketing experience will be prioritized. ● A TOEIC score of 500 or above is preferred, with a focus on reading and writing. If this role interests you, please feel free to reach out with your application.
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/21 Cập nhật