
Company Introduction

10 Employees
Contact Person
< 4個你應該加入我們的理由> 1. 團隊超給力:我們的成員專業且風趣,工作上遇到困難? 不怕,有我們罩你。 2. 自我提升力: 我們鼓勵每個人提出自己的想法、發起自己喜愛的工作方式,並持續學習、持續進步! 3. 合作文化:我們是一個跨國合作團隊,相信一個工作背後,需要各種意見和想法。團隊背後的文化背景不同,成員互相討論來激盪出不一樣的火花。 4. 個人價值 : 你的工作態度、專業度是我們注重的,即使你是剛畢業的新鮮人、二度就業人員只要你肯學,我們一定會認真栽培。

Industry Sector

Main Products

主要商品 & 服務項目 ●委外案件及售後 1.人員教育訓練 2.文字及對話溝通順暢 3.熟悉電腦軟、硬體設備&操作 4.使客戶滿意我們的服務


Other Benefits
1.具市場競爭力的薪資 2.不定期下午茶 3.勞、健保險 4.特休 5.年度調薪

Company & Workplace


【採線上面談】信義區 IT Engineer/ Support Specialist 台灣博森特資訊技術服務有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 60,000~75,000
IT Skills and Experience Desired Experience: Computer OS/Peripherals troubleshooting Handling Different PC Operating Systems ( Windows 7/8 and 10) Basic knowledge of SOE and group policies Printer support Good knowledge of MS Office tools installation & troubleshooting Excellent customer service and people skills Field experience supporting a variety of technologies and services Advanced technical abilities including solid troubleshooting skills applicable to Windows, Apple, and virtual operating systems Ability to manage time and resources to meet or exceed expectations in high-profile situations while maintaining professionalism under pressure. 為客戶IT環境中的有關IT硬、軟體和網路各方面的問題,提供遠端或現場的技術支援。 為客戶的桌面環境(包括筆電/桌上型電腦/工作站/印表機)執行安裝和升級。 為客戶IT環境執行定期巡檢和IT資產檢查。 協助IT項目實施,以及根據需要執行派單任務赴客戶現場提供技術支持。 確保及時以及專業和有效地回應客戶服務需求。 Personal Attributes: Excellent End-user computing skills. Strong analytical and problem-solving capabilities Well-organized and extremely detail-oriented Strong customer service ethic and great communication skills, both oral and written Passionate about delivering quality no matter what you are doing Can work both independently and in a collaborative team-oriented environment A self-starter, motivated to push the limits and think outside of the box Fondness for solutions that are simple, elegant, and effective Ability to work with and maintain confidential information In-depth knowledge of: Windows OS (e.g. XP, Vista, Windows 7, 10) Microsoft Office applications PC Laptop hardware PC Laptop peripherals, including printers 樂於傾聽和學習,有耐心,有團隊合作精神,良好的自律. 良好的中英文書面和口語交談能力. 良好人際關係, 處事心態和圓滑的溝通能力. AD操作,O365問題排除,Windows 軟體安裝, 電腦硬體更換,加入企業網域,和網路基礎知識等.
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
9/19 Updated