Gourmet Selection_美味精選有限公司

Giới thiệu công ty

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Điện thoại
Gourmet Selection成立於2015年,起初為法國馬卡龍品牌在亞洲地區的獨家銷售代表。從2016年開始,我們不斷擴展業務,陸續成為多家冷凍糕點製造商的代表,致力於將頂級法國美食引入亞洲市場。我們代表的產品包括冷凍鹹、甜點、原物料,為消費者提供更多選擇。我們在台北、深圳和東京設有辦公室,業務遍及亞太地區及大洋洲。憑藉豐富的經驗和專業知識,我們贏得了眾多知名零售和餐飲客戶的信賴。期待未來更多合作夥伴的加入,共同推廣歐洲美食文化。 Established in 2015, Gourmet Selection began by exclusively representing a French macaron brand in Asia. Over the years, we have evolved, broadening our portfolio to include a variety of authentic European recipes. Our reach now extends, showcasing and distributing these delightful products all over Asia. With our presence in Taiwan, Japan, China, and France, our goal is to stay intimately connected to the business. Being close to our clients enables us to provide support in their day-to-day operations and gain a thorough understanding of market dynamics and expectations. Our dynamic team is driven by a common passion for culinary excellence. Each member contributes unique skills and a shared commitment to introducing the finest French products to Asia. Together, we're on a mission to make global flavors more accessible and create delightful connections.

Ngành nghề

Sản phẩm chính


Chế độ phúc lợi

Quy định pháp luật
勞保 健保 勞退提撥6% 年終獎金 週休二日 年假

Cơ hội việc làm

行政助理Administrative Assistant Gourmet Selection_美味精選有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 35,000~40,000
• 執行行政任務以支持銷售團隊,例如訂單處理、資料輸入和檔案整理。 • 協助處理客戶詢問和投訴,確保客戶滿意度。 • 管理辦公用品。 • 完成主管交辦的其他事項。 • 協助準備產品介紹和報價,確保文件準確無誤。 • 維護和更新客戶信息,確保資料的準確性和及時性。 • 協助進行市場研究和分析。 Administrative Support: • Execute administrative tasks to support the sales team, such as order processing, data entry, and filing. • Assist with customer inquiries and complaints to ensure customer satisfaction. • Manage office supplies. • Complete tasks assigned by the supervisor. Sales Support: • Assist in preparing presentations and quotations and manage related databases. • Maintain and update customer information to ensure data accuracy. • Support market research and analysis.
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