學徒 軒瑞興業有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 27,470+
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Mới tốt nghiệp
9/30 Cập nhật
總辦公室 / 營運部 專案人員 More Space_摩爾空間有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 35,000~45,000
※ 職務內容 - 營運SOP整合及維護 (包含:客服、銷售、行政等部門SOP) -協助營運報表建制及分析 (例:營運狀況分析、執行流程分析、人力成本分析、專案成果分析,產業競爭分析與市場調查分析等) - 內部專案管理 (例:門市搬遷規劃及執行等) - 跨部門專案管理 -(例:參與行銷優惠活動策劃,內部新舊系統轉換等專案) - 主管交辦或其他內部行政庶務等事項 ※ 上班地點 - 北市中山區天祥路123號13樓 [捷運民權西路站九號出口,步行至公司3分鐘] ※ 職能要求 - Google雲端表單建制及管理 - Microsoft office(Word、Excel、PPT) - 基本EXCEL函數及樞紐分析 - 高階中文資料編輯能力,SOP撰寫能力 - Power BI/Looker Studio (有則加分) - 專案管理及規劃經驗(有則加分) - 中高階英文能力(有則加分) ※ 上班時段 - 週一 ~ 週五 [週六日公休] - 10:00 ~ 19:00 ※ 摩爾福利 - 三節獎金、生日禮金、聚餐費
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Cấp nhân viên trung cấp
9/27 Cập nhật
總辦公室 / 營運部 稽核/協商專員 More Space_摩爾空間有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 35,000~45,000
※ 職務內容 - 建立營運稽核流程,執行監督、異常事項追蹤及協助流程改善 - 協助優化公司營運部各類SOP (包含客服、業務、行政等組別) - 協助規劃及執行人員績效考核 - 協助業務單位處理逾期客戶協商,客訴/災損理賠 - 負責與政府/法院/律師事務所等相關機構接洽,處理消費爭議,維權相關等事宜 - 主管交辦或其他內部行政庶務等事項 ※ 上班地點 - 北市中山區天祥路123號13樓 [捷運民權西路站九號出口,步行至公司3分鐘] ※ 職能要求 - Google雲端表單建制及管理 - Microsoft office(Word、Excel、PPT) - 中高階文書處理能力 - 中高階英文能力(有則加分) - 有法務相關工作經驗(有則加分) ※ 上班時段 - 週一 ~ 週五 [週六日公休] - 10:00 ~ 19:00 ※ 摩爾福利 - 三節獎金、生日禮金、聚餐費
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Cấp nhân viên trung cấp
9/27 Cập nhật
業務專員(無經驗可) 浩宇事務機器有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 30,000~50,000
1. 開發潛在客戶,拓展市場,以達成業績目標。 2. 定期拜訪經銷客戶,維繫穩定客戶關係。 3. 負責國內業務接洽及訂單處理。 4. 負責產品報價及產品展示,並處理帳款回收相關事宜。 5. 負責業務推展,傳達及說明公司各項業務重大訊息、活動及產品。 6. 進行商品行銷,產品特色分析介紹,並提供產品購買的建議。 7. 提供售後服務,處理客戶端之問題,給予完善的處理。 8. 察覺客戶交易之異常狀況,並負責客訴問題之處理。
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Mới tốt nghiệp
9/26 Cập nhật
資深財務會計 Finance/Tax Accountant (Senior Accountant) 臺北雷格斯企業管理諮詢股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
The Finance/Tax Accountant/ Sr. Accountant will have overall responsibility for administrative accounting, company secretary matters, accounting operation process, local tax compliance and risk management. A summary of the key activities / responsibilities follows: Regular interaction with IWG GSC, centre teams, for daily accounting operations. Regular tax filing and manage the tax enquiries / inspections Management of service providers, including tax agency, company administration related agencies to ensure business and tax compliance. Managing statutory paper filing, working closely with internal and external auditors and maintaining a good working relationship with bank and local authorities. Local customer invoicing facilitations. Partnership deal coordination regarding finance queries response, inspections, etc. Cashflow management Key Areas of Responsibility Working closely with IWG GSC team to achieve accounting operational objectives: Responsible of the preparation of full set of statutory accounts based on GSC’s booking details Ensure an accurate and timely monthly, quarterly and year end closing Manage the process efficiency and record accuracy Accounts Payable: ePO administration Review centre payment application/ AP coding & lodgement, on weekly base to ensure it’s in line with regulations Accounts Receivable: Manage client GUI billing printing and queries Work with the centre teams to manage client receipt and allocation Check bank statement and support follow-up of unidentified items Support the processing of credit cards and related procedures Accounting record filing to ensure statutory governance & compliance is in-place Tax / Compliance Preparation of tax declaration and submission, tax filing with WHT inclusive on time (with no penalty) Work on annual tax return, prepare full set of data reconciliation Closely work with GSC AP team to ensure on-time tax payment Proper management of all tax audit/inquiry - responding on time and appropriately with Group Tax support Closely work with tax agency and auditor for all compliance matters. Ensure internal controls and management are established. Improve data quality / running of audit process to eliminate overruns and future year fee increases. Management of professional fees against agreements & budgets Legal and regulatory compliance for company including legal administration, compliance with local company laws, statutory and regulatory requirements. Providing company registration support by managing variable agencies, and maintaining a good relationship with local authorities Set up new bank account, manage funding request, etc. Coordinate local insurance programme Manage relationships and liaise with banks, external auditors, tax consultants, lawyers, landlords and relevant local authorities Coordinate with landlord / partners regarding finance related reporting queries, audit, etc. Ad-hoc duties, process improvement project and other administrative work as assigned by Management. The Successful Applicant Accounting Degree/Diploma or Professional Qualification in Accountancy/Tax; At least 5 years relevant work experience in an MNC. Added advantage for candidates with experience from the public accounting firms, or share service organization. Less than 5 years may be considered with a lower job band Good English communication skill Proficient with GAAP, IFRS & experience in accounting audit and tax Proficient with Microsoft Office applications Resourceful, analytic, independent and meticulous Team player with strong communication skills and comfortable working in a fast-paced environment Advantage for candidates with accounting system setup experience Flexible and willing to take challenge
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Mới tốt nghiệp
9/25 Cập nhật
摩爾空間-展店開發專員 More Space_摩爾空間有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 40,000+
More Space, More Life! 多點空間,讓生活更美好! 您可曾夢想開創一間屬於自己的店面?若您還沒開始,這份工作可以讓您走在前往夢想的路上! 我們將無私分享給你全台超過50間門市的開店經驗,帶你少走冤枉路,此職務將由公司執行長親自培育,用最貼近老闆的視野及高度,培養獨立思考、批判能力、深植自我領導意識、跳脫框架勇於創新! 【工作內容】 目標:負責全台展店 1. 不動產分析及損益評估 2. 產品定位、產品規劃(丈量、製圖)及新產品研發 3. 不動產合約談判:簽約、續租、降租 4. 房東、管委會、鄰居等關係人維繫 5. 適法性:消防、公安、建築法令等評估、相關作業申請 6. 主管交辦事項及專案 【這個工作適合誰?】 須具備市場敏銳度及情報搜集能力,找尋最適合的門市據點,降租談判並成功簽約。 這個工作適合:喜歡打前鋒的你,買東西一定會殺價的你,願意傾聽對方需求的你,及頭腦靈活可以快速反應的你! 有店面開發經驗者佳,如果沒有相關經驗,但有上述特質,也可以投遞履歷,讓我們有機會認識你。
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9/23 Cập nhật