Open Access BPO_一路通有限公司

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|| Open Access BPO || Open Access BPO is a multilingual outsourcing company providing multichannel processes for businesses of any industry, size, and location. We provide a wide range of customizable services, including customer experience, content moderation, and back office solutions. What began as a humble telemarketing startup in 2006 has grown into a full-suite service provider with over 30 language offerings. || Open Access BPO Taipei || Establish a strong brand presence in East Asia through Open Access BPO Taipei. Widely known as the heart of Asia, Taiwan is a microcosm of Far East Asia, encapsulating the culture and commerce of the region. Located between commercial capitals Hong Kong and Mainland China, Taipei is a strategic location for businesses wanting to reach large Asian markets. International economic surveys regularly recognize Taipei’s investment-friendly business landscape. Furthermore, strategic advisory firm Tholons named its capital city Taipei as one of the world’s top outsourcing cities. Its healthy business environment and large pool of multilingual and digitally adept workers make it a premier destination for outsourcing services targeting both local and foreign customers. Official LINE Open Access BPO Taipei: @oabpo_tpe LinkedIn Open Access BPO Taipei : FB Open Access BPO Taipei : 關於Open Access BPO 一路通有限公司是全球的大型美商BPO公司,致力於提供給客戶最專業的客戶服務與客服體驗的外包服務。從一個2006年創立的電話行銷新創公司開始,現在已發展成一家能夠提供超過30種語言服務的完整BPO服務提供商。目前一路通全球規模超過2000位員工,除菲律賓馬尼拉總部外,於菲律賓的達沃、菲律賓的馬卡蒂、美國的拉斯維加斯、中國的廈門、和台灣的台北皆有我們的營運據點。 服務的產業多元化的我們,一直以建立優良的職涯機會和多國文化友善的環境為目標。我們歡迎來自世界各地的夥伴,並期許在這裡學習的不只是客服技巧,更能活用語言與工作技能。我們提倡明確的工作制度與工作生活平衡、透明的升遷管道與考核調薪制度、直接且友善的工作環境等價值,若您喜歡工作中也力求語言發展、有興趣了解中高階客服與一般客服的差異、對歡樂的不做作的工作環境感興趣,並追求一份穩定且符合未來市場的工作,一路通歡迎優秀的您加入我們。

Main Products

【國際電話秘書及客服中心委外服務】 Open Access BPO s Taipei site offers multilingual customer support solutions, content moderation, and back office services designed to address the unique needs of businesses catering to East Asian markets. Our experience in the region connects our clients' business operations to Asian markets, with results that add value to consumers’ experience of our clients. Let our multilingual team enable our clients to expand market opportunities, connect with more customers in different parts of the world, and strengthen customer relationships. • Specializes in multi-channel customer support solutions in East Asian languages and dialects delivered via phone, email, and live chat • Rich pool of digital savvy professionals with customer-centric skills • Best practices in data security and compliance policies across various East Asian nations • Domestic team equipped with intimate knowledge of Taiwan’s basic business etiquette to increase customer responsiveness • Extended reach to the large Chinese market through our native Mandarin and Cantonese-speaking customer service representatives


◆ 獎金/禮品類 1. 年終獎金 2. 三節獎金 3. 半年制績效考核 4. 年終尾牙禮品 ◆ 保險類 1.意外險 2.職災保險 ◆ 休閒類 1. 部門聚餐 2. Happy Hours ◆ 制度類 1. 完整的教育訓練 2. 順暢的內轉管道 3. 明確的挑戰升遷制度 ◆ 請/休假制度 1. 週休二日 2. 特休/年假 3. 陪產假 4. 不扣薪+半薪病假 5. 家庭照顧假 6. 生理假 7. 育嬰假 ◆ 補助類 1. 結婚禮品

Company & Workplace


★全球大型美商BPO公司★ 線上韓文客服 行政職 無業務 |韓文T5以上 英文中等以上 依照語言能力核薪| Open Access BPO_一路通有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 40,000~52,000
★★★此職缺為韓文線上客服的統一履歷投遞專區★★★ 我們目前正在招募以下韓文客服職缺: (我們將透過您的經歷符合程度安排相對應的面談,請優先閱讀以下職缺介紹) 【目前所有中文與英文職缺招募至滿編。若希望,歡迎依然投遞履歷作為未來招募職缺優先考慮人選】 您將在這個職位中(職務內容): • 透過文字和語音方式協助解決韓國消費者所遇到的問題 • 維持客服系統運作與維護消費者資料 • 透過優良的客服技巧持續提高服務品質與客戶滿意度 您所具備的技能(職務需求): • 優良的韓文口說或文字技能,T5證照或以上即可! [我們有純文字、純語音、也有綜合的線上客服職位,一定有適合優秀的你的職位] • 中等或以上的英文能力,主要用於客服系統閱讀和內部溝通! • 能夠配合輪週末班,會確保一週有兩日的休息日! [皆為日班,無夜班與大夜班的辛勞,且我們絕對性的注重生活工作平衡] • 具備基本的電腦操作能力 • 具備優良的抗壓能力與適應能力 我們將提供優秀的您(職務福利): ★每月薪資與實際服務的產品線將依照語言能力核定,皆為全球美英外商公司★ ★每半年一次的考核加薪機會,且無上限★ ★完整入職客服教育訓練,無經驗可,且受訓期間給予全薪★ ★持續性的能力提升計畫,與每一位夥伴一同成長★ ★多產業客服供選擇與學習,適合各等級韓語使用人士★ ★協助申辦工作簽證,長期在台穩定工作無煩惱★ 업무 내용: • 텍스트 및 음성 방식을 통해 한국 소비자가 겪는 문제를 해결하는 데 도움을 주기. • 고객 서비스 시스템의 운영을 유지하고 소비자 데이터를 관리. • 우수한 고객 서비스 기술을 활용하여 서비스 품질 및 고객 만족도를 지속적으로 향상. 필요한 기술: • 뛰어난 한국어 대화실력 또는 글쓰기 기술, T5 자격증 이상. [텍스트, 음성, 그리고 종합적인 온라인 고객 서비스 직종이 있어 우수한 분에게 적합한 직종이 반드시 있습니다.] • 중급 이상의 영어 능력. 주로 고객 서비스 시스템 읽기 및 내부 의사 소통에 사용됨. • 주말 교대근무 가능하며 주당 2일의 휴식일 보장. [모두 주간 근무이며 야간 근무나 새벽 근무는 없으며, 생활과 업무의 균형을 중시합니다.] • 기본적인 컴퓨터 조작 능력. • 뛰어난 스트레스 대응 및 적응 능력. 복지 혜택: ★월급은 언어 능력에 따라 결정되며 모두 글로벌한 미국 및 영국 기업입니다.★ ★반기마다 인사 평가 및 월급인상 기회가 있으며 상한이 없습니다.★ ★완전한 입사 고객 서비스 교육이 제공되며 경험이 없어도 교육 기간 동안 전액 지급됩니다.★ ★지속적인 능력 향상 계획이 있어 모든 동료와 함께 성장할 수 있습니다.★ ★다양한 산업에서의 고객 서비스 기회가 있어 모든 수준의 한국어 사용자에게 적합합니다.★ ★외국인근로자 비자 신청 지원이 있어 장기적으로 안정적인 대만 근무가 가능합니다.★ In this position, you will: • Assist in resolving issues faced by Korean consumers through text and voice communication. • Maintain the operation of customer service systems and uphold consumer data. • Continuously enhance service quality and customer satisfaction through excellent customer service skills. Skills you possess (Job requirements): • Excellent spoken or written Korean proficiency, T5 certification or above is preferred. [We have positions for pure text, pure voice, and integrated online customer service; there is definitely a suitable position for exceptional candidates like you.] • Intermediate or above proficiency in English, primarily used for reading customer service systems and internal communication. • Ability to work on a rotating weekend schedule, ensuring two days off per week. [All shifts are during the day (no night shifts or overnight shifts,) and we prioritize work-life balance.] • Basic computer operation skills. • Excellent stress resistance and adaptability. We will provide outstanding individuals like you (Job benefits): ★ Monthly salary and service product lines will be determined based on language proficiency, working with global American and British foreign companies ★ ★ Bi-annual performance review with unlimited salary increase opportunities ★ ★ Comprehensive onboarding customer service training with full pay during the training period, no experience required ★ ★ Continuous skills development plans for every team member to grow with us★ ★ Multiple industry customer service options and learning opportunities suitable for Korean language users of all levels ★ ★ Assistance in applying for work visas, ensuring stable long-term employment in Taiwan ★
9/23 Updated
★全球大型美商BPO公司★ 線上日文客服 行政職 無業務 |日文N2以上 英文中等以上 依照語言能力核薪| Open Access BPO_一路通有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 35,000~38,000
★★★此職缺為所有日文線上客服的統一履歷投遞專區★★★ 我們目前正在招募以下日文線上客服: (我們將透過您的經歷符合程度安排相對應的面談,請優先閱讀以下職缺介紹) 【目前所有中文與英文職缺招募至滿編。若希望,歡迎依然投遞履歷作為未來招募職缺優先考慮人選】 您將在這個職位中(職務內容): • 透過文字和語音方式協助解決日本消費者所遇到的問題 • 維持客服系統運作與維護消費者資料 • 透過優良的客服技巧持續提高服務品質與客戶滿意度 您所具備的技能(職務需求): • 優良的日文口說或文字技能,N2證照或以上皆可! [我們有純文字、純語音、也有綜合的線上客服職位,一定有適合優秀的你的職位] • 中等或以上的英文能力,主要用於客服系統閱讀和內部溝通! • 能夠配合輪週末班,會確保一週有兩日的休息日! [皆為日班,無夜班與大夜班的辛勞,且我們絕對性的注重生活工作平衡] • 具備基本的電腦操作能力 • 具備優良的抗壓能力與適應能力 我們將提供優秀的您(職務福利): ★月薪與服務的客戶將依照語言能力核定,皆為全球美英外商公司★ ★每半年一次的考核加薪機會,且無上限★ ★完整入職客服教育訓練,無經驗可,且受訓期間給予全薪★ ★持續性的能力提升計畫,與每一位夥伴一同成長★ ★多產業客服供選擇與學習,適合各等級日語使用人士★ ★協助申辦工作簽證,長期在台穩定工作無煩惱★ 業務内容: • テキストと音声を利用して、日本の消費者が抱える問題を解決する。 • カスタマーサービスシステムの運用と消費者データの管理を維持する。 • 優れたカスタマーサービススキルを活かし、サービス品質と顧客満足度を向上させる。 必要なスキル: • 優れた日本語の口頭および文章表現能力。N2の資格以上が望ましい。 [純粋なテキスト、音声、総合的なオンラインカスタマーサービスのポジションがあり、• 優れた方に適した職種が必ずあります] • 中級以上の英語スキル。主にカスタマーサービスシステムの読解および内部コミュニケーションに使用します。 • 週末勤務への対応が可能で、週に2日の休息日が確保されます。 [すべて日勤で、夜勤や深夜勤務はありません。仕事と生活のバランスに重点を置いています] • 基本的なコンピュータ操作能力。 • 高いストレス耐性と適応力があること。 福利厚生: ★月給は言語能力に基づいて決定され、すべてがグローバルな美英外資企業です。★ ★半期ごとの昇給の機会があり、上限がありません。★ ★入社時にはカスタマーサービスの教育トレーニングが提供され、経験がなくても給与が支給されます。★ ★持続的なスキル向上プログラムがあり、すべての仲間と共に成長できます。★ ★多様な業界でのカスタマーサービスの機会があり、各レベルの日本語スキルを持つ方に適しています。★ ★労働ビザの申請支援があり、台湾での安定した長期勤務が可能です。★ In this position, you will: • Assist Japanese consumers in resolving their issues through text and voice communication. • Maintain the customer service system and manage consumer data. • Continuously enhance service quality and customer satisfaction through excellent customer service skills. Skills you should possess: • Proficient spoken and written Japanese, with at least N2 certification or above. [We have customer agent positions with text-only, calls-only, or both included. There will be a suitable role for different Japanese users and proficiency.] • Intermediate or higher English proficiency primarily for reading the customer service system and internal communication. • Flexibility to work on rotating weekend shifts. We ensure two days off per week. [All shifts are during daytime; no night shifts or overnight shifts, and we prioritize work-life balance among our agents.] • Basic computer skills. • Strong stress resistance and adaptability. Position benefits: ★ Monthly salary & servercing product are determined based on language proficiency.★ ★ Biannual performance review with unlimited salary incremental opportunities.★ ★ Comprehensive onboarding customer service training, with full pay during the training period, even if you have no prior experience.★ ★ Ongoing skills development programs to grow with every team member.★ ★ Multiple industries for customer service to choose from and learn, suitable for Japanese language users of all levels.★ ★ Assistance with work visa applications for stable, long-term employment in Taiwan.★
9/23 Updated