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FunNow,全台灣最懂玩、懂享受、懂生活的公司。立志將 FunNow 變成全球的生活態度。 想加入一個每次佳節或精選專案都一定被 App Store 與 Google Play 推薦的 APP 公司嗎?想一起開發一個跨足大東南亞的都會玩樂平台嗎?想利用龐大的消費數據,建構一個時尚生活的大平台嗎?FunNow 不僅已被台灣看見,更已經走出台灣,被各大創投與日本上市公司評為台灣最有能力國際化的生活服務類 APP。邀請你來跟我們一起發光發熱,讓台灣的軟實力被世界看見。 FunNow介紹影片:https://youtu.be/FBUKQ8Q_CKE

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透過 FunNow App,讓消費者能隨時隨地查詢、預訂與享受周遭的休閒娛樂。讓都會玩樂是簡單且隨興的,讓生活是豐富與充滿變化的。實現 FunNow 生活不只是生活的創業願景。 如果你跟我們一樣是個愛玩且瘋狂有想法的人,快把履歷給我們,歡迎與我們一起創造奇蹟,期待你的加入! 活躍地區:台灣、香港、沖繩、吉隆坡、東京 敬請期待活躍地區:大阪、曼谷、新加坡


‧ 開放式辦公環境:讓你辦公不孤單,用最快速度融入團隊。 ‧ 隨時補充的零食櫃:上班上到頭腦放空?但肚子絕對不能跟著空! ‧ 咖啡與酒精:提神與放鬆一次滿足。 ‧ 所有加入的團隊夥伴,可以擁有專業拍攝的 FunNow 個人照,讓你在 LinkedIn、FB、LINE 等通路煥然一新。 - 正職夥伴升級福利 - ‧ 保障年假14天(依在職比例發放),希望你充電充到飽,上班少煩惱~ ‧ 彈性工作時間:work-life balance,讓有家庭照顧需求的夥伴能安心上下班。 ‧ 編列每年外部教育訓練預算,協助你把技能學好學滿,不用越級打怪~ ‧ 每月 500 fun 幣犒賞自己,94 Happy,94爽。 ‧ 每個月發放兩千元福利金,讓你下班後開始煩惱今天到底要按摩紓壓、美容美甲、飽餐一頓還是暫離家鄉找尋心中的平靜? ‧ 提供員工筆電補助及健檢補助:破關斬將需要升級手上打怪的武器,定時檢查身體才能保持高度的活力!

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Data Scientist 曙客股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 65,000~70,000
Do you have a passion for extracting meaning from data, solving complex problems, and driving results through insights? Are you a curious and collaborative individual with a knack for cutting-edge analytical techniques? If so, unleash your data science expertise and join our team! WHAT YOU’LL DO: Analyze large datasets, identify patterns, and develop predictive models to solve critical business challenges Build end-to-end machine learning pipelines from data collection to model deployment. Develop and evaluate machine learning models using appropriate evaluation metrics. Translate complex data findings into clear and actionable insights for stakeholders across different departments Continuously learn and keep pace with emerging data science trends and methodologies Partner closely with cross-functional teams (engineers, product managers, marketers) to drive data-driven decision-making WHAT YOU’LL NEED: Bachelor's degree in a relevant field, Computer Science/Engineering major is a plus 3+ years of experience as a Data Scientist or related role In-depth knowledge of statistical analysis, machine learning, and deep learning techniques Proficiency in programming languages like Python, R, or equivalent Experience with data wrangling, cleaning, and visualization tools Solid understanding of big data concepts and cloud computing platforms (bonus points!) Exceptional communication and presentation skills Collaborative spirit and ability to work effectively within a team Strong problem-solving and analytical skills Curiosity and a passion for continuous learning Good English communication skills Has this role caught your Interest? APPLY NOW: https://funnow.bamboohr.com/careers/122
9/20 Updated
【HR】HR Business Partner 曙客股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
【About Our Team】 FunNow is a rapidly growing and exciting startup based in Taiwan, recognized as one of the top five emerging giants by KPMG in 2022. Over the past seven years, we have developed an on-demand lifestyle booking platform that empowers individuals to embrace spontaneity. With a strong network of over 5500 merchant partnerships across various categories, we provide exceptional experiences at the best prices, positively impacting the lives of over one million people throughout Asia. 【Position Description】 We are currently looking for a talented and enthusiastic HR Manager/Sr. Specialist to join our team. As part of this role, you will be responsible for assisting FunNow in establishing and maintaining an effective human resources management system to ensure smooth operations of recruitment, employee relations, and learning & development functions. Assisting in the execution of HR strategies to meet FunNow's talent needs and enhance employee satisfaction. 【Job duties】 ▶ As a HRBP .Act as an HR Business Partner (HRBP) for designated operational areas or business units, understanding their talent development needs. .Collaborate with leaders to identify talent development needs and strategies. .Provide guidance and support for talent management, employee engagement, and organizational development initiatives. .Analyze HR data and metrics to identify trends and recommend HR solutions aligned with business goals. .Develop and implement recruitment strategies to attract and select high-quality candidates. .Foster team building and collaboration to ensure a positive work environment. .Monitor and assess employee satisfaction, provide improvement suggestions, and participate in employee surveys. .Assist in developing and executing education and training programs to enhance employee skills and career development opportunities. 【Requirements】 .Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. .Familiarity with recruitment processes and interview techniques. .Fluent communication skills in English, both written and spoken. .Possess a startup mindset and be open to rapid and flexible changes. .Strong problem-solving and conflict-resolution skills. .Efficient in task management, skilled in multitasking, able to allocate time and set self-expectations. .Enjoy engaging with people, discovering interesting things related to human interactions, and being enthusiastic about sharing them. 【Nice to have】 .Proficiency in both English and Mandarin, Japanese is a plus .Familiar with Microsoft Office, and Power BI is a plus. .Previous experience working in publicly traded companies. .Experience in international HR management. Join our FunNow family, comprising more than 300 employees across Taiwan, Thailand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, and Japan, as we revolutionize how people find happiness and create unforgettable moments!
Senior Level
Partially Remote
9/20 Updated
【BD】餐飲事業市場開發業務 FNB BD Manager (台中) 曙客股份有限公司
Annual Salary NT$ 500,000~700,000
市場開發團隊為 FunNow 商業模式的前鋒部隊,幫消費者獵尋優質的商家,協助好店在這數位浪潮生存下來。我們期待平時就喜歡四處跑跳、熱愛享受生活的你,加入我們!讓你的口袋名單,也成為 FunNow 會員的愛店。 【應徵管道】 ※請至 https://funnow.bamboohr.com/careers/69 填寫應徵資訊,僅處理經由表單投遞之履歷。※ 【工作內容】 .尋找熱門當紅餐廳或酒吧加入 FunNow 平台。 .拜訪、簽約店家,協助店家經營數位化、決策數據化與銷售線上化。 .發想與執行線上與線下的行銷活動,用各式各樣的鬼點子讓你的店家被消費者看見,透過科技提升營業額。 .陌生開發、溝通、能說服別人、有野心。 【必要條件】 .能隨時掌握市場情報,給予店家專業的建議。 .對好玩有趣的事物充滿熱誠,喜愛挑戰各種不可能。 .做事有效率,懂得 Multitasking,會分配時間、會自我要求。 .喜愛與人交涉,面對一切和人有關的事物。 .時常發掘各類美食並樂於分享。 .具備汽機車駕照、交通工作 ( 機車佳 )。
9/20 Updated
【SaaS】市場開發經理 SaaS BD Manager(台中) 曙客股份有限公司
Annual Salary NT$ 490,000~700,000
SaaS Team 是 FunNow 2022年8月所成立的事業體,所運營產品亦為 FunNow 的新商業模式 -- FunNow Booking 控位管理系統,從線下店家角度出發,店家端僅需運用同一個系統後台,即可同步控管線下人流與線上預訂,使店家的可接單量(空位、服務人員等)獲得有效配置。 SaaS 事業體介紹:https://join.myfunnow.com/funnow-booking/zh-tw 新事業團隊尋找 渴望發揮、熱愛追求、無畏挑戰、且願意一同經歷從0到1之奇幻旅程的夥伴,我們是一個工作、生活皆 懂FUN 的團隊,期待更FUN的你加入! 【工作內容】 .透過面訪、電話或郵件方式約訪、開發具商機的客戶,拓展業務、市場並持續追蹤效益。 .負責向客戶進行產品報價。 .找到客戶痛點,為客戶提出專業解決方案。 .記錄並維護顧客資料(如:聯繫記錄、顧客反應等等)。 .協助店家經營數位化、決策數據化與銷售線上化。 .本職務另有簽約抽成獎金制度,歡迎想挑戰自我的夥伴加入我們! 【必要條件】 .有陌生開發或電銷經驗,能說服別人、有野心,或對相關工作有興趣。 .個性積極主動,活潑大方,熱愛分享與銷售;能隨時掌握市場情報,給予店家專業的建議。 .態度親切,口齒清晰,溝通表達能力佳,熟悉行銷與服務。 .具備企圖心、抗壓性佳者,無論資格背景,均歡迎應徵。 .對好玩有趣的事物充滿熱誠,喜愛挑戰各種不可能。 .做事有效率,懂得 Multitasking,會分配時間、會自我要求。 【其他條件】 .有SaaS、平台、系統等業務開發經驗者佳 .有汽機車等代步工具
Partially Remote
9/20 Updated
【SaaS】市場開發經理 SaaS BD Manager(台北) 曙客股份有限公司
Annual Salary NT$ 490,000~700,000
SaaS Team 是 FunNow 2022年8月成立的事業體,所運營產品亦為 FunNow 的新商業模式 -- FunNow Booking 訂位管理系統,從線下店家角度出發,店家端僅需運用同一個系統後台,即可同步控管線下人流與線上預訂,使店家的可接單量(空位、服務人員等)獲得有效配置。 SaaS 事業體介紹:https://join.myfunnow.com/funnow-booking/zh-tw 新事業團隊尋找 渴望發揮、熱愛追求、無畏挑戰、且願意一同經歷從0到1之奇幻旅程的夥伴,我們是一個工作、生活皆 懂FUN 的團隊,期待更FUN的你加入! 【應徵管道】 ※請至 https://funnow.bamboohr.com/careers/43 填寫應徵資訊,僅處理經由表單投遞之履歷。※ 【工作內容】 .透過面訪、電話或郵件方式約訪、開發具商機的客戶,拓展業務、市場並持續追蹤效益。 .負責向客戶進行產品報價。 .找到客戶痛點,為客戶提出專業解決方案。 .記錄並維護顧客資料(如:聯繫記錄、顧客反應等等)。 .協助店家經營數位化、決策數據化與銷售線上化。 .本職務另有簽約獎金制度,歡迎想挑戰自我的夥伴加入我們! 【必要條件】 .有陌生開發或電銷經驗,能說服別人、有野心,或對相關工作有興趣。 .個性積極主動,活潑大方,熱愛分享與銷售;能隨時掌握市場情報,給予店家專業的建議。 .態度親切,口齒清晰,溝通表達能力佳,熟悉行銷與服務。 .具備企圖心、抗壓性佳者,無論資格背景,均歡迎應徵。 .對好玩有趣的事物充滿熱誠,喜愛挑戰各種不可能。 .做事有效率,懂得 Multitasking,會分配時間、會自我要求。 【其他條件】 .有Saas、平台、系統等業務開發經驗者佳 .有汽機車等代步工具
Partially Remote
9/20 Updated
【BD】餐飲事業市場開發業務 FNB BD Manager (台北) 曙客股份有限公司
Annual Salary NT$ 500,000~700,000
※請至 https://funnow.bamboohr.com/careers/59 填寫應徵資訊 ※ 市場開發團隊為 FunNow 商業模式的前鋒部隊,幫消費者獵尋優質的商家,協助好店在這數位浪潮生存下來。我們期待平時就喜歡四處跑跳、熱愛享受生活的你,加入我們!讓你的口袋名單,也成為 FunNow 會員的愛店。 【工作內容】 .尋找熱門當紅餐廳或酒吧加入 FunNow 平台。 .拜訪、簽約店家,協助店家經營數位化、決策數據化與銷售線上化。 .發想與執行線上與線下的行銷活動,用各式各樣的鬼點子讓你的店家被消費者看見,透過科技提升營業額。 .陌生開發、溝通、能說服別人、有野心。 【必要條件】 .能隨時掌握市場情報,給予店家專業的建議。 .對好玩有趣的事物充滿熱誠,喜愛挑戰各種不可能。 .做事有效率,懂得 Multitasking,會分配時間、會自我要求。 .喜愛與人交涉,面對一切和人有關的事物。 .時常發掘各類美食並樂於分享。 .具備汽機車駕照、交通工作 ( 機車佳 )。
9/20 Updated
Engineering Lead 曙客股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 100,000~120,000
FUNNOW Group – The leading lifestyle booking platform group in Greater Southeast Asia, operating in seven countries: Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Japan, and Taiwan, with its four brands: FunNow, Eatigo, Niceday, and TABLEAPP. By adhering to digital transformation (DX) and yield management with AI, we are revolutionizing the retail industry and remain committed to our vision of making people happy! THE POSITION: Engineering Lead Do you dream of building high-performing engineering teams within your area of expertise (back-end, front-end, QA, App or SRE), driving innovation, and shaping the future of technology? Are you a leader with a passion for excellence, collaboration, and strategic thinking? If so, join us as our Technology Team to lead one of our engineering teams and become the heart and soul of our engineering powerhouse! WHAT YOU’LL DO: Oversee either front-end, back-end, QA, App or SRE development teams and their projects Monitor reliability and performance of the systems within the purview of your team to ensure high service standards Ensure compliance with security regulations Manage software development projects by setting requirements, goals, and timelines. Coordinate with representatives from the Product Management team and Product Design team to design strategies for future features or product development projects based on the company’s overall objectives and resources Recruit and develop engineering talent Implement innovative technologies within your area of expertise and coordinate with external providers WHAT YOU’LL NEED: BS/MS in Computer Science or other related Degrees. 2+ years of experience in a leadership role within software engineering Strong hands-on and proficient in at least one backend programming language such as PHP, Go, Python, Node.js, Java, etc. Experience with Go is a plus Solid understanding of software architecture principles and design patterns Code Review: Ability to review code, identify bugs, and provide feedback to ensure code quality standards are met. Deep understanding of development methodologies within your area of expertise with working knowledge of the other software engineering fields. Strong project management expertise, adept at setting goals, managing budgets, and driving delivery Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, able to inspire, motivate, and build trust across diverse teams Experience in mentoring and training engineers, fostering a culture of continuous learning Good English communication and presentation skills, able to clearly articulate technical concepts to diverse audiences
9/19 Updated