
Company Introduction

20 Employees
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GRC SinoGreen Fund is a leading international venture capital firm, investing in early stage high-tech companies in Taiwan, China and Silicon Valley. Based in central Taipei, we work at fast pace to look for next mega trends that will change people's lives. We welcome young people who are quick learners and aren't afraid of exploring unknowns. You will work with seasoned venture capitalists and experience the exciting life in a VC firm, while working on the challenging projects. GRC成立於2005年,為世界知名投資機構管理私募創投基金,有限合夥人包括主權基金、全球五百強企業及國際金融機構。 團隊由來自亞洲和美國矽谷創投、科技產業的資深高管組成,具備豐富的行業經驗,致力於挖掘並投資顛覆性科技型初創企業,依托廣泛的產業及人脈資源網絡,助推企業把握全球發展趨勢,充分發揮其成功潛力。 本公司主要關注自主創新的高新技術領域,聚焦初創期、成長期企業,重點投資半導體、關鍵零組件、數字轉型、智慧基礎建設、智能製造、新能源、新材料、生物醫療等新興行業。 本公司升遷制度完整,福利優渥,企業文化活潑開放,歡迎認真負責、細心忠誠、並且對自我期許高,能接受工作挑戰的專業人才加入我們的團隊。

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Main Products

1.高新技術產業投資 2.初創期企業扶持 3.投資後管理


。獎金/禮品類:年終獎金、三節獎金及禮品、生日禮金 。保險類:員工團體保險、勞保、健保 。請/休假制度:週休二日、優於勞基法之年休假制度、不扣薪病假 。休閒類:慶生會、不定期內部聚餐、健身課程 。補助類:國外旅遊補助


Accountant 會計 英屬維京群島商國富綠景創業投資有限公司台灣分公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 42,000+
The ideal candidate will have substantial exposure to monthly closing processes and day- to- day operation of a venture fund. Through immerse themselves in the venture capital industry, they will posses the expertise in fund accountant, also equipped with knowledge of risk management and financial analysis for investments. RESPONSIBILITIES: Accounting & Tax 1. Manage and maintain books and records of fund, management company as well as offshore affiliates. 2. Prepare quarterly and annually financial reports 3. Manage preparation and support of all external audits 4. Interact with investment team and support investment valuation based on IFRS 5. Maintain accurate investment records in database 6. Prepare tax related matters, including Taiwan and China tax return, CRS and FATCA filing 7. Responsible for payment process and manage bank accounts Compliance & Regulation 1. Fulfill compliance requirements of AML, FPL and ESR and for bank KYC 2. Implement any risk control management process
Mid to Senior Level
10/07 Updated