
Company Introduction

680 Employees
Contact Person
TALUS Manufacturing, a semiconductor equipment manufacturer, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Lam Research Corporation located in Taoyuan, Taiwan. Founded in 2016 to support the Lam Research operational philosophy of being close to the customers, TALUS Manufacturing adds to the already substantial Lam Research presence in the important Taiwan and Asia market. Since its inception, TALUS Manufacturing has seen tremendous growth and has contributed greatly to the local economy. 泰洛斯製造是全球知名的半導體設備製造商Lam Research的子公司,泰洛斯於 2016 年成立於桃園中壢工業區,自成立以來,已取得了驚人的成長,其快速的發展,除了為台灣的經濟做出了顯著的貢獻,同時支持 母公司Lam Research 貼近客戶的運營理念,成功的奠立 Lam Research 在台灣和亞洲的半導體產業的重要地位。 Lam Research Manufacturing TALUS—LMT has well-equipped modern production cleanroom facilities and a highly qualified talented local workforce to serve as the global refurb center for Lam Research. At present, TALUS Manufacturing supports not only the refurbishment and upgrade of used equipment but also the manufacturing of legacy and new equipment. The culture to drive for continuous improvement and operational excellence is enabling TALUS Manufacturing to deliver semiconductor equipment to its customers with the best quality, reliability and total cost of ownership. In addition to the presence of Lam Research Taiwan, TALUS Manufacturing further strengthens Lam Research as the supplier of choice for its customers. 我們重視每一位員工,除了有良好工作環境、也提供學習及成長的空間,歡迎有志於投身半導體產業的朋友,一起加入泰洛斯製造股份有限公司的工作行列。

Industry Sector

Main Products

The business scope and focuses of Talus Manufacturing: 1. Manufacturing and assembling the semi industry equipment 2. Refurbishing the semiconductor equipment 3. Upgrading the semiconductor equipment


福利制度 Employee benefits of Talus ◆ 獎金 / 禮品類 Bonus/Gifts 01. 高額績效獎金(依公司營運及個人績效表現發給) Performance bonus 02. 優良員工獎金 Quarterly recognition reward 03. 員工推薦獎金 Employee referral bonus 04. 三節禮金/禮品 Festival present/coupon 05. 生日禮金 Birthday gifts ◆ 保險類 Insurance Coverage 01. 勞保 Labor Insurance 02. 勞退 Retirement Pension Plan 03. 健保 National Health Insurance 04. 員工/ 眷屬 團體保險 Group Insurance for employee and spouse/child(ren) 05. 海外旅平險 Overseas Business Travel Insurance ◆ 制度類 Training/Allowance 01. 教育訓練 On the Job Training (海內/ 外培訓) 02. 員工出差 / 誤餐費補助 Travel daily / meal allowance ◆ 請 / 休假制度 Vacation & Paid Time Off 01. 員工特別休假 Annual leave 02. 員工家庭照顧假 Family Leave 03. 男性同仁陪產假 Male Paternity Leave 04. 女性同仁生理假 Menstrual Leave 05. 女性同仁產檢假 Leave of Prenatal Checkups 06. 留職停薪制度 Leave of absence ◆ 休閒類 Travel, Entertaining and Facilities 01. 國內、外員工旅遊 Domestic/Overseas Travel 02. 社團活動 Club Events 03. 員工休閒咖啡吧 Company Café 04. 家庭日活動 Family Day 05. 尾牙活動 Annual Dinner 06. 聖誕晚會 Christmas Party 07. 電影欣賞 Movie Day ◆ 其他福利及補助 Others 01. 身體健康檢查 Health Check-up 02. 婚喪禮金 Wedding Subsidy and Sympathy gift 03. 生育禮金 Maternity Subsidy 04. 供應午餐 / 加班膳食 Provide Meals 05. 醫務室、駐廠廠護及定期駐廠醫師諮詢 Nursing Room, plant nurse and doctor 06. 子女教育獎助學金 Children Scholarship Program 07. 提供汽/ 機車停車位 Provide parking lots 08. 交通車搭乘 Provide the shuttle bus 09. 住院醫療慰問 Hospitalized medical care 10. 上下班彈性工時 (部分職務適用) Flexible working hours (for some job positions) 11. 輪班津貼(部分職務適用) Shift allowance (for some job positions) 12. 一周一天在家工作(部分職務適用) 1 day WFH each week (for some job positions)

Company & Workplace


Indirect Buyer 泰洛斯製造股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
◆ RFI, RFQ, PO management for indirect categories. ◆ Be able to sourcing new vendors for new project. ◆ On time delivery management and document management. ◆ Solve the issues from the purchasing activities and internal request from stakeholder. ◆ Total cost negotiation, identify cost saving opportunities and value creation. ◆ Develop a contract strategy for suppliers in assigned categories and create, commercial. negotiate, monitor and, enforce contracted terms and conditions. ◆ Good in time management and project management. ◆ Good logical thinking skills and organization skill. Self-starter, capable of working independently. ◆ Ensure all vendors fully follow code of conduct and compliance. To build and maintain. strong, fair relationships with all external suppliers and all internal stakeholder.
English Required
9/30 Updated
Production Supervisor 泰洛斯製造股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
◆ Plans and supervises the activities of a manufacturing shift performing the material handling, build, test, and inspection of products. ◆ Reviews production and test schedules, material resources, test equipment and resource requirements. ◆ Review and update manufacturing capacity plan for the assigned manufacturing area. ◆ Plans, develops, implements, and maintains manufacturing methods, processes, operations and equipment for new and existing products. ◆ Initiate and implement programs to reduce labor hours and manufacturing cycle time as well as implement quality improvement program to drive to achieve zero defect.
English Required
9/27 Updated
採購實習生/ 工讀生 泰洛斯製造股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 27,470~30,000
1. 輸入、處理並追蹤客戶訂單。 2. 保持與客戶間之聯繫,回覆e-mail,並確認交貨期。 3. 鼎新ERP:採購及應付帳款結帳作業。 4. 採購詢、比、議價及下單作業、文件繕打,訂單及料況跟催 5. 文件整理歸檔(ISO相關資料、請、採、進單據及合約書等)
English Required
9/26 Updated
半導體設備測試助理工程師/ Semiconductor Equipment Assistant Test Engineer 泰洛斯製造股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 30,000~38,000
1. Perform equipment electronic, electro-mechanical, mechanical function tests to ensure test result meets Lam Research specification. 執行各種設備電子、電機、機械相關功能測試,以確保機台功能測試結果符合Lam Research 設備規格 2. Equipment issue troubleshooting, co-work with related departments to solve issues 針對設備測試問題,執行故障排除,並與相關部門合作,協助解決設備異常 3. Equipment recovery and inner/cosmetic quality inspection before final QC 測試完成後機台復歸及進行機台移交成品檢驗前,內部外觀檢驗作業,確保品質
English Required
9/26 Updated
高階精密半導體設備組裝助理工程師/ Semiconductor Equipment Assistant Engineer 泰洛斯製造股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 30,000~38,000
1. Performs a wide variety of electronic, electro-mechanical, mechanical or measurement product assembly operations on product components, assemblies or sub-assemblies. 執行多種產品包含電子、電機、機械、測量產品之成品及模組組裝 2. Follows assembly procedures and sequence of operations in performing wiring, component installation, cable harnessing. 組裝時都能遵照組裝規範及操作程序來執行 3. Able to communicate with manufacturing engineer on issues discovered during system level assembly. 組裝時如發現任何問題,都能夠與製造工程師進行溝通協調
English Required
9/26 Updated