
Company Introduction

40 Employees
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碧綠威自動化股份有限公司 (PBA Systems) 隸屬於PBA國際集團。我們的高精度直驅馬達技術,能精準地改善機械設備的定位、轉矩控制及運動效率,大幅提升自動化製造效率。 PBA 集團深耕機器人自動化技術,具多項發明專利。總部位於新加坡,並於台灣、日本、韓國、馬來西亞、泰國及中國等地建立先進研發及製造中心,為全球客戶及系統夥伴提供一站式自動化系統整合方案,以及迅速的技術支援服務。 PBA Systems is an ISO certified company. Our advanced High Precision Direct Drive Motor Technology improves the positioning, torque control, and efficiency of robotics systems, which are crucial in automation manufacturing. PBA Group specializes and owns proprietary robotic automation technologies. Headquartered in Singapore, with advanced manufacturing and technology centers in Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand and China regional hubs, we are capable of providing one stop Components to Customized Swift Motion Solutions for our global customers and system partners.

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◆ 獎金 1.年終獎金 2.三節禮金 3.績效考核獎金 4.年度調薪 ◆ 法定保險 1.勞保 2.健保 3.職災保險 4.勞工退休金 ◆ 休閒類 1.部門聚餐 2.尾牙活動 3.咖啡及點心 ◆ 制度類 1.員工制服 2.伙食費/誤餐費 3.內部及外部教育訓練 4.升遷管道 5.員工健康檢查 ◆ 法定休假制度 1.特休假 2.陪產假 3.育嬰留職停薪 4.家庭照顧假 5.生理假 6.同仁育嬰假 7.勞基法與性平法相關請休假 ◆ 補助類 1.婚育禮金 2.喪事慰問 3.住院慰問

Company & Workplace


Regional Marketing Specialist 行銷企劃專員-台北 碧綠威自動化股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1.專案規劃及撰寫:根據專案需求,提供配套方案建議、進度規劃及簡報呈現。 2.專案執行及進度控管:推動專案進度,回報專案業務部門。 3.內部資源整合統籌:跨部門溝通協調及專案進行溝通。 4.外部資源整合統籌:對外廠商協調溝通。 5.印刷發包、攤位廠商接洽、活動用品採購。 6.其他主管交辦事項。 We are seeking a talented, self-motivated Marketing & Communications Specialist who will be responsible for marketing PBA’s product portfolio across regional markets. The individual will be executing marketing plans under the strategic directions of the global marketing manager in external strategic marketing communications. As the Marketing & Communications Specialist, you will be the regional marcom project manager of assigned country and provide sales required marketing supports including marketing materials productions, trade show organizations, event coordination, channel and partner promotions, digital marketing campaign executions and press release handling. Training would be provided for those with good marketing potentials and language abilities but are less experienced. You will be part of a global marketing team, working together with colleagues from our headquarters in Singapore, driving the execution of the overall marketing plan, focusing on marketing and communications activities for all PBA Group Companies.
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
9/18 Updated
Senior Mechanical Design Engineer 資深機構設計工程師 碧綠威自動化股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1.半導體、面板、雷射、自動化相關,精密定位平台設計 2.FEM結構分析 3.標準模組開發設計 4.機構材料的測試與選用 5.模具設計、開模、試模與修正 6.主管交辦事宜
Senior Level
English Required
9/18 Updated