TaiNai Technologies_泰奈科技有限公司

Company Introduction

14 Employees
Contact Person
"When Performance Matters" 泰奈科技有限公司 (TaiNai Technologies Ltd.) 成立於2019年,是一個以台灣為據點,並且與其他亞洲及歐洲 Fintech 團隊共同致力於開發 B2B 客製化軟體解決方案的集團公司。 團隊中的每一位成員在相關領域及開發技術上,都有著相當豐富的經驗。從巨量即時的資料交換到前端趨勢的大數據分析,我們將每個創新的想法落實為創造價值的產品,引領客戶立足市場、達成商業目標。在此同時我們也不斷思考、不畏改變、突破限制、勇於挑戰,以敏捷的行動力持續開發新技術並拓展潛在市場,追求更卓越的產品為公司及客戶創造附加價值及雙贏局面。 TaiNai Technologies Ltd, founded in 2019, it is a group company based in Taiwan and working with other Fintech teams in Asia and Europe to develop B2B customized software solutions” At TaiNai Technologies Ltd., we invent and reinvent software solutions so businesses can rise above the competition. From disruptive Fintech to cutting-edge encryption, we are all about thinking big and bringing our razor-sharp ideas to life. We're not bogged down by processes or limited by lack of aspiration. And we trust each other to make intelligent decisions, to challenge, change, improve and perfect. It's a culture where forward-thinkers can be fearless.

Industry Sector

Main Products

泰奈科技的核心是創新。我們持續為傳統線上服務和金融行業開發具有前瞻性的解決方案。 The core of the TaiNai business is innovation. We continue to develop forward-thinking solutions for traditional online service and financial industry. 我們與來自世界各地的合作夥伴合作,為金融科技開發新工具。 We work with partners from around the world to develop new tools for fintech. ◆ B2B系統解決方案 B2B software solution ◆ API客製化開發 Customized API solution ◆ 後台分析敏捷工具 Agile analysis tool ◆ 軟體技術諮詢服務 Software consulting service


【工作環境|Comfortable working environment】 扁平式組織管理、團隊間溝通不受限 跨國團隊合作,工作上有機會接觸各國同事 成員年輕活潑:工作時認真工作,玩耍時也不客氣:) 有參與不同專案的機會,讓同仁發揮所長 新款 Macbook Pro 筆電,提供汰換計畫 iPhone 公務機 34 吋曲面大螢幕 人體工學電動升降辦公桌 人體工學電腦頭靠椅 舒適的休憩空間 咖啡機、氣泡水機全天供應 免費供應零食、水果 【不辜負你的努力|Competitive package & benefit】 定期獎金 薪資調整計畫 三節禮金:每逢佳節都揪感心。 生日禮金/生日假/當月壽星慶生會 不定期餐會:史密斯牛排館或其他優質餐廳,讓同仁一起決定。 【工作生活平衡|Work & Life Balance】 優於勞基法的特休制度(按比例):第一年 10 天;第二年 15 天;第三年起每年加一天最高 30 天 彈性上下班,工時八小時(支援需求除外) 部分遠端工作:只要有網路的地方就是你的辦公室。 生理假/生理期在家工作 萬元健檢補助(到職滿一年) 【學習與成長|Learning & development】 員工獨立自主性管理 萬元訓練課程補助:語言、技術、工作坊、年會等

Company & Workplace


[可部分遠端] Java 後端軟體工程師 (Backend Engineer) TaiNai Technologies_泰奈科技有限公司
Annual Salary NT$ 900,000~1,500,000
We are looking for a BackEnd Software Engineer with a strong passion for troubleshooting and problem solving to join our team in Taipei, Taiwan. At TaiNai Technologies Ltd., we invent and reinvent software solutions so businesses can rise above the competition. From disruptive fintech to cutting-edge encryption, we are all about thinking big and bringing our razor-sharp ideas to life. 【What You'll Do】  ● Collaborate with a diverse product background and operations team members to deliver the best solution for our customers.  ● Take on the challenge of making what you build higher quality, faster, and more scalable.  ● Research, learn, and work with the newest tools!  ● Develop high-quality, maintainable, and scalable solutions.  ● Design, code review, static analysis, continuous integration.  ● Participating in continuing education and training to remain current on best practices, learn new programming languages, and better assist other team members.  ● Work with a focus on providing the best technical support to our customers, including rotation to respond to availability incidents. 【What You'll Bring】  ● BSc or MSc degree in Computer Science or related fields, or relevant work experience in a matching position. (Completed Java course with 1.5 years experiences is acceptable)  ● 1.5+ years of experience as a backend developer.  ● Exposure to a wide range of open source technologies and best software practices.  ● A pragmatic attitude and approach to solving problems.  ● Willingness to work in a fast-paced environment, learn new technologies, and software.  ● Have strong knowledge of Java (preferably Java 8).  ● Have experience with relational and NoSQL databases.  ● Experience in micro-services architecture. (development and testing)  ● Have experience with a range of open-source Java libraries and frameworks, for example, Spring, Hibernate…etc.  ● Familiarity with REST Web Services.  ● Language requirement: Chinese (Native) + English (Working proficiency).
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
Partially Remote
9/18 Updated