

496 人
2021年1月『達擎』誕生,作為驅動友達Go Vertical的成長引擎,專注於非消費性顯示器事業的研發、銷售及客戶服務。總部位於新竹,營運及業務服務據點遍佈中國大陸、日本、韓國、美國及歐洲等全球各地,提供完善的技術諮詢、產品支援與業務服務。 整合友達廣而深的顯示技術及資源、誠信經營多年的合作夥伴與成長經驗,以及AIoT應用趨勢,我們能以更自信及輕盈的姿態,更彈性及敏捷地身段,持續產品、應用、服務及商業模式創新,藉由深耕『育樂、醫療、零售、交通』等4大場域,延伸面板價值、開發加值產品及解決方案、拓展無限商機,加速建構更有競爭力的智慧場域生態圈。



▍通用顯示器總覽 標準化、客製化全方位產品線 滿足各種環境需求 專業是我們保持領先的基石 達擎通用顯示器面板具備超高解析度、戶外可視、及產品壽命長等特色。產品應用含自動取款機(ATM)、銷售終端(POS)、自助服務終端(Kiosk)、工業用電腦(IPC)、安全監控、商用遊戲機、醫療設備、工廠自動化、機上娛樂與航海顯示器等。我們同時提供客製化設計及整合觸控方案,協助客戶開發具競爭力的終端裝置。 ▍公共訊息顯示器總覽 豐富產品組合 開創應用新商機 創新是我們引領市場潮流的動能 達擎開發多項領先業界公共訊息顯示器技術及產品,包含超高解析度、戶外超高亮度、曲面顯示器、TARTAN顯示器及整合觸控面板等。產品線涵蓋21.5 吋至 85 吋高品質顯示面板,針對數位看板、商用顯示、互動式電子白板、交通資訊顯示及娛樂等不同應用提供完整解決方案。 ▍解決方案總覽 以創新解決方案 重新定義客戶體驗 深化垂直應用 打造完整智慧顯示解決方案 在數位轉型浪潮下,各種垂直市場新應用及新商模蓬勃發展。達擎以顯示技術為核心,從使用者痛點及需求出發,在零售、企業、教育、交通及醫療照護領域,提供高度整合、更高效及更精準的軟硬體解決方案。同時結合跨領域的專業合作夥伴,共同打造整體解決方案及一站式服務,協助企業加速智慧轉型,創造更高價值。


★薪資與假勤 #具市場競爭力的薪資水準 #多元獎勵措施:員工分紅、年度績效獎金、不定期激勵獎金、及特別為員工累積退休金而設置的持股信託方案等 #完善休假制度:提供訂婚假、陪產假、生理假、家庭照顧假等 ★健康與保險 #專業醫護及維力中心資源,妥善照護員工身心狀況 #優於勞基法的保險制度,提供勞健團保、醫療/意外險等 ★福利與補助 #舒適完善交通方案:交通車及員工專屬汽/機車停車場 #多元實用餐飲方案:員工餐廳及用餐補助、設有7-11與Starbucks等 #身心平衡休閒方案:完善設備活力館、多元社團活動等 #豐富多樣福委資源:結婚/生育/育兒/住院/喪葬補助、三節禮金、自助式福利點數制度、旅遊補助及康樂活動、特約商店折扣、藝文活動、家庭日/運動日等親子活動...等 ★學習與發展 #職能導向的學習發展體系 #友達大學的實體及線上課程 #結合個人發展計劃(IDP),激發員工潛能、打造優質人才 ★達擎人限定 開放式辦公環境,掌握自我工作節奏 全自動咖啡機台,享受優質咖啡時光 達擎人專屬徽章,增添對外專業識別 公司罩治裝基金,打造國際商務形象



Smart Retail Project Management Director 達擎股份有限公司
Key Responsibilities: 1.Define Vertical Market Strategy & Product Roadmap: Lead the development of a comprehensive vertical market strategy for SRBG, aligning with industry trends, customer needs, and competitive landscapes. Develop and maintain a clear and actionable product roadmap, ensuring timely delivery of innovative solutions that drive customer value and market differentiation. 2.Engage with KAs/SAs & Ecosystem: Establish and maintain strong relationships with key accounts and strategic alliances, fostering collaboration and joint business development initiatives. Identify and leverage resources and channels within the ecosystem to expand market reach, increase brand visibility, and drive revenue growth. Facilitate knowledge sharing and best practice exchanges across the ecosystem, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation. 3.Develop SR+ IPC Set Products Strategies & Business Expansion Plans: Develop and execute strategies for our Smart Retail + IPC set products, ensuring they meet the evolving needs of the market and deliver compelling value propositions. Lead the development of business expansion plans, identifying new markets, segments, and channels for growth. Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including R&D, sales, and production department, to ensure seamless execution of strategies and plans. Job Summary:  The SR PM Director will be a strategic leader, responsible for defining the vertical market strategy and product roadmap for our Smart Retail Business Group(SRBG). It is required to have experience in cooperating with RD to develop products, such as POS, check-out and other retail solutions and customer management experience in complete machine sales. Ability to develop and manage projects based on customer needs, have served as a manager at or above the business department level, and have experience in collaborating and developing customer products.
英文 條件要求
10/09 更新
Sr. Global HR generalist 達擎股份有限公司
1. Leading the initial operational planning and establishment of management mechanisms for overseas locations. 2. Aligning headquarters' strategies with local implementation, ensuring alignment with overseas business needs. 3. Led and facilitated overseas HR project including talent acquisition , people management, and designing operational processes with in compliance with local regulations. 4. As a professional HR advisor to influence executives and teams to enhance the effectiveness of overseas organizational operations.
英文 條件要求
10/09 更新
Smart Retail Sales Director 達擎股份有限公司
Job Summary: We are seeking an experienced and dynamic Director of Sales Growth & Business Development to lead our Smart Retail sales team on an exciting journey of market expansion and revenue growth. Reporting directly to the VP of Sales , this role will be responsible for devising and executing innovative strategies to capture new markets, deepen customer relationships, and drive sustained business growth both domestically and internationally. Key Responsibilities: 1.Market Expansion & Revenue Generation: Develop and implement comprehensive sales strategies to identify and pursue new market opportunities, ensuring alignment with company objectives and contributing significantly to achieving and exceeding sales targets. 2.Customer Relationship Management: Foster long-term, strategic partnerships with key clients through regular visits, personalized attention, and exceptional service. Lead by example in maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction and loyalty. 3.Product Promotion & Pricing Strategy: Direct the preparation of compelling product presentations and pricing proposals that effectively communicate the value proposition to potential and existing customers. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to optimize pricing strategies for maximum market penetration and profitability. 4.Financial Management & Accounts Receivable: Ensure timely and accurate invoicing, collections, and reconciliation of accounts receivable. Implement effective measures to minimize bad debts and maintain a healthy cash flow. 5.Team Leadership & Development: Build and maintain a high-performing sales team by recruiting top talent, providing ongoing training and development opportunities, and fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation, and accountability. Join us in shaping the future of our industry and drive our business to new heights! Apply now to become our Director of Sales Growth & Business Development.
英文 條件要求
10/04 更新