Altek Biotechnology_榮晶生物科技股份有限公司


180 人
榮晶生物科技於2014年、由華晶科醫療事業部正式獨立為榮晶生物科技股份有限公司,承襲華晶科數位影像技術,將其應用於生物科技醫療產品,並轉型為電子醫療產品設計與製造領域的領導者。目前所生產的血糖機及拋棄式內視鏡的出貨量佈及全球,品質系統穩定可靠,深受國際藥廠的信賴。這也為公司在電子醫療產品領域踏奠定了扎實的基礎。在精密製造技術能力的基礎上,我們將致力於創新產品的開發,以提供更具競爭力、符合國際醫療器材潮流的生醫產品。 獲獎實績 2019年 「第六屆經濟部國家產業創新獎」


榮晶生物科技憑藉核心競爭力和專有技術,不斷在醫療診斷和醫療器械產品開發上取得突破,繼續提供更可行和負擔得起的醫療器械產品。 (1)糖尿病護理 [血糖機、胰島素注射器] (2) 一次性診斷用內視鏡 (3) 穿戴式藥物注射器 (4) 一次性手術用內視鏡


【薪酬福利】 1. 具市場競爭力的薪資 2. 與員工利潤共享的獎酬制度 3. 員工持股信託 4. 優秀人才推薦獎金 5. 團保:公司全額補助的團體保險(含員工本人、配偶、子女) 6. 補助:結婚/生育/生日禮金、喪葬補助金、端午/中秋/春節禮品、特約商店等 【假期、休閒活動】 1. 免費年度健康檢查 2. 設有員工休息區、健身房、桌球室 3. 提倡工作與生活平衡的氛圍,彈性上下班制度,不鼓勵加班文化 4. 設有員工餐廳、7-11智販機&咖啡機 5. 交通:免費機車停車位 6. 多元活動:不定期舉辦活動,另有社團活動、年終尾牙活動等 【完善的教育訓練體系規畫】 職能別訓練發展計畫:培埴員工增強工作所需之專業及管理技能 自我發展訓練規畫:培植員工在工作技能外的其他專長(管理、語文訓練)


【QA】品保工程師/資深工程師Quality Assurance Engineer/Senior Engineer(台北/新竹) Altek Biotechnology_榮晶生物科技股份有限公司
工作詳細內容Job descriptions: QA Engineer/Senior Engineer: (1名) Responsibilities & Authorities: .Responsible for quality oversight and execution and prepare inspection criteria and standards for the assigned projects throughout the product lifecycle and the associated Quality System. Provide QA Approvals/Perspectives as needed. .Proactively engage with all stakeholders involved with product quality and design transfer. .Coordinate and oversight the change control process to ensure the process and records are appropriate and accurate. .Responsible for customer complaint, product return/repair (RMA) and investigations in accordance to client or regulator’s requirements. .Provide direction for and reviewing and approving deviations, corrective and preventive actions, risk assessments and nonconforming material reports. .Able to coordinate for tool validation activities and supplier evaluation. .Able to support process improvements by gap analysis of existing SOPs or processes against up-to-date standards and regulations and updates accordingly. .Other duties as assigned. 工作詳細內容Job descriptions: Responsibilities & Authorities: Reponsible for Hazardous Substances Management System including: Periodically update the applicable regulations (RoHS/REACH/SVHC/POPs/ED/PFAS/BPA/Latex/EU - CMR/Cal Prop 65) for medical devices. Capable of conducting risk assessment and evaluating the impact of new or revised regulations/standards. Collect and obtain the declaration, report, or evidence from Suppliers for compliance. Establish and manage the hazardous Substance Database. Complete the hazardous substances information for components and products approval. 負責有害物質管理系統,包括定期更新醫療器材適用之法規標準,具備針對新制定或更新之法規與標準之風險分析與影響評估,蒐集供應商端的符合性宣告/報告/或相當證據證明符合性,建立與維持有害物質資料庫。 Responsible for process validation activities incl. tool validation for medical devices. Able to coordinate for tool validation activities with suppliers. 負責確校活動審查,例如模具/製程確校,輔導與教育外包供應商,符合內部規範。 Provide direction for and reviewing and approving deviations, corrective and preventive actions, risk assessments and nonconforming material reports. Able to support quality assurance activities for assigned projects. Other duties as assigned. 負責相關事務之異常偏差、矯正行動與風險評估等。支援所指配專案的品質活動或其他臨時指派事項。
英文 條件要求
10/21 更新
【PM-生醫】專案經理Project Manager(台北/新竹) Altek Biotechnology_榮晶生物科技股份有限公司
1.Project schedule planning and control to ensure mass production on schedule. 2.Communication and coordinate with customer/vendors. 3.Manage and wiling to drive cross-functional groups to ensure project completed and success on schedule. 4.Control project from multiple aspects in terms of issue tracking, risk, quality, cost and schedule.
英文 條件要求
10/21 更新
【QA】有害物質工程師Hazardous Materials Engineer(台北/新竹) Altek Biotechnology_榮晶生物科技股份有限公司
工作詳細內容Job descriptions: Responsibilities & Authorities: Reponsible for Hazardous Substances Management System including: Periodically update the applicable regulations (RoHS/REACH/SVHC/POPs/ED/PFAS/BPA/Latex/EU - CMR/Cal Prop 65) for medical devices. Capable of conducting risk assessment and evaluating the impact of new or revised regulations/standards. Collect and obtain the declaration, report, or evidence from Suppliers for compliance. Establish and manage the hazardous Substance Database. Complete the hazardous substances information for components and products approval. 負責有害物質管理系統,包括定期更新醫療器材適用之法規標準,具備針對新制定或更新之法規與標準之風險分析與影響評估,蒐集供應商端的符合性宣告/報告/或相當證據證明符合性,建立與維持有害物質資料庫。 Responsible for process validation activities incl. tool validation for medical devices. Able to coordinate for tool validation activities with suppliers. 負責確校活動審查,例如模具/製程確校,輔導與教育外包供應商,符合內部規範。 Provide direction for and reviewing and approving deviations, corrective and preventive actions, risk assessments and nonconforming material reports. Able to support quality assurance activities for assigned projects. Other duties as assigned. 負責相關事務之異常偏差、矯正行動與風險評估等。支援所指配專案的品質活動或其他臨時指派事項。
英文 條件要求
10/21 更新