

29 人
瑞德克斯-我們是一個新創的團隊,我們相信唯有團隊才能成就團隊。 我們由一群追求自我實踐的人組成,仰賴每一位成員的創意、個人特質創作出我們想要的品牌模樣。瑞德克斯以線上平台科技提供用戶即時市場訊息,以有競爭力市場優勢、以人為出發點的思維,企圖將品牌推向世界各地。 是的,這是一家新的公司。 期待想跟我們一同創造出自我價值的你一起加入! RADEX MARKETS, a fintech company founded in SVG. We offers our users online software with competitive market strengths, cutting-edged technology, fair and transparent products, all for optimising user experiences. At RADEX MARKETS, we believe a good brand is made by the team working behind it. We value creativity and personality, and we look for people who share the same core values as us. We are new to the market but if you want to prove yourself, by all means, come and try.



瑞德克斯提供用戶多面向服務:品牌業務推廣、行銷規劃、客服支持 RADEX provides a variety of services: Business Development, Branding and Marketing, and Customer service.


【法定項目】 週休二日、家庭照顧假、勞保、健保、陪產假、產假、特別休假、女性生理假、勞退提撥金、產檢假 【其他福利】 年終獎金、三節獎金/禮品、零食櫃、咖啡吧、結婚禮金、生育津貼、部門聚餐、慶生會 【法定項目By law】 1. 週休二日 Weekends off 2. 勞健保 Labor & Health insurance 3. 特別休假 Annual leave 4. 女性生理假 Menstrual leave 5. 產假 Maternity leave 6. 陪產假Paternity leave 7. 產檢假 Prenatal checkup leave 8. 育嬰假 Parental leave 【請/休假 Leaves】 1.依照勞基法規定見紅休假、國際金融市場休市亦休(可能因職位有部分差異,並以公司公告為主) 優於勞基法規定 Day off according to the official calendar Day off when international markets are closed (based on company’s announcement) 2.滿半年即有3天特休,滿一年則享7天特休 3 days annual leaves after 6 months of service 7 days after one year of service 3. 女性同仁每月一日生理假 Menstrual leave: 1 day/monthly 4. 婚假 Marriage leave 5. 產假 Maternity leave 6. 陪產假 Paternity leave 7. 產檢假 Prenatal check-up leave 8. 育嬰假 Parental leave 【獎勵 Bonuses】 1. 新人教育訓練獎金 Bonus for Sales training 2. 個人績效獎金 (銷售職位) Personal performance bonus (Available for sales positions) 3. 競賽績效獎金 (銷售職位) Team bonus (Available for sales positions) 4. 年終獎金 Annual Bonus (Year-end bonus) 5. 三節獎金/禮品 3-holidays bonuses 6. 生日禮金 Birthday bonus 瑞德克斯的團隊文化不同於一般的傳統產業,在全力工作之餘我們希望讓夥伴能夠充分放鬆、享有各種福利。 加入我們,你將可以體驗到: - 靈活的彈性上下班時間9:00-10:00,更輕易地避開交通尖峰時刻 - 開放的工作環境,無隔閡的辦公室讓你一抬頭就能與同事互動 - 隨時敞開的零食櫃、軟硬式飲料、咖啡供應,以不喝醉影響工作為前提 - 不定時自由參加餐敘與點心,我們總是可以找到一起吃東西的理由 - 無需員工表演的尾牙/春酒,喝酒吃飯就可以了! - 婚喪禮儀 我們重視每個團隊成員的工作狀態,適時提供必須的資源與協助。我們相信,每個成員都是成就團隊的一部分! Redex team culture is different from most traditional domestic companies. We hope that our staff can fully relax and enjoy various benefits while working. What we offer: - Flexible working hours - Open-space working environment - Free for all snacks and drinks - Occasional team meals and parties - Year-end dinner - Marriage Red Envelope/ Bereavement Pay We value the performance of each team member, so necessary resources and assistance will always be there when needed. We believe that it's the team members who make the team!



【擴編】國外業務/銷售專員(保障底薪40000起,另加績效獎金) Overseas Sales Executive 聖文森商瑞德克斯科技有限公司台灣分公司
月薪 NT$ 40,000+
如果以下這些是你能做的,那麼我們正在尋找你! 你的新職務 1. 業務渠道開發,透過人脈建立並締結海外客戶群體 2. 配合公司商品與策略,協助使用者並維繫客戶發展 3. 根據公司制定之銷售KPI,逐步達成銷售目標 4. 跨部門溝通協調,與後端、行銷團隊合作完善客戶體驗 我們希望你具備 1. 具備至少1年的銷售經驗 或 流暢的表達能力 2. 充分的英文 或 中文的口語表達能力 3. 能夠舉一反三,具備靈活思考的能力,充滿想像力與創意 4. 跳脫框架思考的能力 5. 積極主動、喜愛與人接觸,充滿說服力 6. 具備良好合作態度及團隊精神,並富有工作激情、責任感 7. 若有金融相關背景或相關知識尤佳 If this sounds just like you, we're looking for you. Your New Role 1. Generating and closing the outbound leads/sales opportunities, and maintaining existing clientele base 2. Understand the company's products and latest promotions, assisting users/problem-solving 3. Meeting Sales KPI and sales targets 4. Cross-department communication. Work as a team with the Admin & Marketing team. What you need to succeed 1. At least one year experience in sales, or outstanding communication skills 2. Fluent language skills in both English and Mandarin; effective telephone manner would be ideal 3. Learn fast and work smart. Full of creativity 4. Ability to think outside the box 5. Proactive and energetic personality, and interpersonal skills 6. Sense of responsibility for the job, and also able to work as a team 7. Financial knowledge is a plus but not essential
英文 條件要求
10/04 更新