

21 人
智新生技(Intelligene Inc.)專注於最創新的RNA核酸藥物開發,是台灣在基因治療界領航的新創生技公司之一,我們運用RNA干擾 (RNAi)和長鏈非編碼RNA(lncRNA)技術,開發應對各類傳染性疾病的革命性藥物,並專注於研發革命性創新的核酸(RNA)藥物開發技術平台,突破傳統藥物研發的侷限,進而改善全球醫療與健護發展。目前研發重心聚焦於感染性疾病用藥以及核酸藥物的包覆載體遞送技術,並同步建立先導工廠,以領先的技術與創新的營運模式打造世界級的競爭力。我們需要具備國際視野、樂於接受挑戰、擁有創新熱情的人才,一同加入智新的行列,開啟藥物研發的新篇章! Intelligene is at the cutting edge of RNA-based therapeutic development, focusing on modern solutions to combat infectious diseases. As a leader in gene therapy innovation, we leverage the potent mechanisms of RNA interference (RNAi) and long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) to develop drugs that address critical healthcare challenges posed by rapidly evolving pathogens. In today’s dynamic health landscape, our mission is critical: to preempt future pandemics and effectively mitigate the threats posed by infectious diseases. Our rapid-response capabilities and innovative approaches enable us to accelerate the development of effective treatments, ensuring timely interventions during health crises.



智新生技專注於研究開發傳染性疾病核酸藥物, 並同時建立研發、藥物包覆以及生產一體的RNA治療用藥物平台技術 We’ve developed our pioneered RNA therapeutics platform technology, a modular and eco-friendly RNA nanoparticle technology, using clinically relevant cell lines to efficiently produce anti-viral RNA packaged within exosomes. This advanced platform is designed for swift adaptability, enabling the rapid reprogramming to produce targeted RNAs against newly emerging viral strains.


【請休假制度】 1. 試用期滿可享一年14天特休(到職當年依年度比例調整) ,未來隨服務年資增加而遞增 2. 全薪婚假10天 3. 每月1天女性生理假 4. 其餘假別均依勞基法或性別平等工作法規定   【獎金】 1. 結婚禮金 2. 喪葬慰問金 3. 開春紅包 【其他】 1. 員工年度健康檢查(國內知名三大健檢中心) 2. 員工歡樂零食櫃,提供咖啡、茶、飲料與點心 3. 不定期公司下午茶、員工聚餐、慶祝活動 4. 專業進修機會、專業課程補助、國際會議補助 5. 團隊溝通順暢、合作融洽,提供友善愉快的工作環境 Intelligene 具有多元平等的機會。我們鼓勵多樣性,並致力為所有員工創造包容的工作環境。



Research Associate (R&D) 智新生技股份有限公司
1. About Us: We are a cutting-edge RNAi therapeutics platform technology startup, focused on developing innovative treatments for various diseases, including COVID-19 and other critical health challenges. Our mission is to rapidly translate groundbreaking scientific discoveries into clinical trials and, ultimately, transformative therapies. 2. Position Summary: As a Research Scientist in Upstream Research, you will play a critical role in advancing our RNA drug development programs. Your work will include but not limited to exosome isolation and characterization, gene and protein expression analysis, cell culture, and the development and characterization of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) for RNA drug delivery. This position offers the opportunity to be at the forefront of innovative RNA therapeutic development. 3. Key Responsibilities: (1) Cell Engineering and Molecular Biology: • Isolate and characterize exosomes using techniques such as chromatography, dynamic light scattering, and Spectradyne. • Perform gene and protein expression analysis (qRT-PCR, FACS, luciferase assays). • Culture cells and generate stable cell lines, including drug selection. (2) Lipid Nanoparticle Development: • Characterize and manufacture nucleic acid-packaged LNPs using techniques such as chromatography and dynamic light with expertise and interest in lipid nanoparticle (LNP) process development (microfluidic generated LNPs), nucleic acid packaged LNPs, nanoparticle characterization and manufacturing nucleic acid packaged LNPs scattering. (3) General Responsibilities: • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to support R&D activities. • Maintain detailed and accurate records of experiments and results. • Stay updated with the latest scientific advancements in the field of RNA therapeutics. 4. Qualifications: (1) Education: Ph.D. or Master’s degree in Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Cell Sciences, or a related field. (2) Experience: • Minimum 3+ years (3) Skills: • Excellent problem-solving skills and a keen interest in scientific innovation • Intermediate to proficient in English required
英文 條件要求
10/21 更新