

10 人
賦華多元教育中心位於桃園青埔重劃區,A17橫山書法公園旁,湖光景色、綠意盎然、交通便利。 為本區首創由兒童發展醫學及兒童教育專業背景組成之團隊的教育機構。 我們秉持著專業與多元化服務,從兒童發展、兒童心理、大腦科學與研究實證為基礎,使孩童全能力發展更好,進而讓孩童的學習能力提升。最重要的是協助家長更全面的認識孩子,與孩子一起共學、共好。



服務項目 ◆ 預約相關諮詢 ◆ 學習能力評量 ◆ 課後安親照顧 ◆ 課後才藝課程 ◆ 親職教育講座 ◆ 教職知能進修 ◆ 寒、暑假營隊 課程規劃 ✓ 感覺統合課程 ✓ 視知覺專注力訓練 ✓ 學習能力提升課程 ✓ 社交情緒桌遊課程 ✓ 美術創意課程 ✓ 親子課程


賦華多元教育中心位居書法公園旁住宅區與國小學區,往來交通便利,停車無慮。 為求形塑相襯的高品質師資團隊文化,員工敬業服務、互諒關懷、彼此支援與任職滿意度是中心關注的重點。工作時段均依規定與需求調整。 員工服務條例均比照勞基法獲得保障。薪資按職能與專業條件面議,中心將從寛發給各項工作、責任、績效獎金,以及服務經年者加發資深員工獎金。 逢年過節生日加發禮卷或禮金,並不定期舉辦餐敘。 歡迎有愛心、耐心、服務心及熱愛教育的夥伴加入,共同形塑我們專業及優質的團隊服務文化。 ◆ 獎金/禮品類 1.年終獎金 2.三節禮品 ◆ 保險類 1.勞保 2.健保 ◆ 休閒類 1.部門聚餐 2.慶生會 ◆ 制度類 1.員工制服 2.招生獎金 3.績效獎金 4.順暢的升遷管道 ◆ 設備類 1.茶水間 2.飲水機 ◆ 請/休假制度 1.週休二日 2.年假 3.陪產假



美語老師 English Teacher 啟富智能教育有限公司
時薪 NT$ 500~1,000
專任 : 劍橋英檢班 美語(英語)老師 ◆ 英文-聽、說、讀、寫精通 ◆ 國小生入班全英語引導生活常規與全英語授課 ◆ 維護學生到班授課安全 ◆ 教學撰寫教案、學期進度與教具準備 ◆ 教學活動規劃與執行教學目標、課程範圍、授課內容 ◆ 招生課程說明.節慶.成果發表活動策劃與配合 ◆ 家長日與家長溝通學習狀況並評估學生學習狀況以調整授課進度 ◆ 教室環境清潔管理 ◆ 配合主管臨時交辦任務與學校相關活動 ◆ 具有一年以上教學或帶班經驗者佳 ◆ 幼兒美語繪本/遊戲/歌曲/體適能 ◆ 國小劍橋英語檢定課程 ◆ 能運用活潑生動遊戲互動教學者佳 ◆ 口說發音能力需流暢 ◆ 安排學童英語檢定/測驗認證 ◆ 熱愛孩童+教育熱忱 *寒暑假工作班時間會依營隊安排有所更動 *本工作需簽約至少一年 ※ 長期兼職: (固定時間排課) 國小1-2年級 劍橋英檢班 W1; W4 - 下午15:00~16:30 ; W6 - 上午11:00~12:30 國小3-6年級 劍橋英檢班 W3; W5 - 下午15:00~16:30 ; 17:00~18:30 ※ 全職薪資面談 ※ 獎金: 學員檢定/認證通過 Children's English (English) Teacher Full-time: English teacher ◆ English - proficient in listening, speaking, reading and writing ◆ Elementary school students are introduced to life rules and taught in English only when they enter the class ◆ Maintain the safety of students in classes ◆ Teaching and writing lesson plans, semester details and preparation of teaching aids ◆Planning and executing teaching activities, teaching objectives, course scope, and teaching content ◆ Introduction to admission courses. Festivals. Results presentation event planning and carnival. ◆ Parents’ Day communicates with parents about learning status and evaluates students’ learning status to adjust teaching progress ◆ Classroom environment cleaning management ◆ Cooperate with temporary tasks assigned by the supervisor and school-related activities ◆ Applicants with more than one year of teaching or class leading experience are preferred ◆ Children’s English picture books/games/songs/physical fitness ◆ Elementary school American English picture books/games/songs/sports ◆ Those who play a role in teaching are good ◆ Fluency in spoken English is required ◆ Arrange English tests/tests for students ◆ Love children + enthusiasm for education *We will learn more activities during the winter and summer vacation work classes according to the arrangements of the camp team *This job requires a contract of at least one year ※ Long-term practice: (Scheduled at a fixed time) English picture books /games/physical fitness for 4~6y children W2 - 16:00~17:00 pm English teaching for grades 1-2 of elementary schools W1; W4 - 15:00~16:30 pm ; W6 - 上午11:00~12:30am English teaching for grades 3-6 of elementary schools W3; W5 - 17:00~18:30 pm ※ Full-time salary interview ※ Reward: Student passes test/certification Your TOEIC score needs to be 800 or higher. We also accept if you can provide other certificates that can show your English ability, or you can just show us how good you are. We are looking for people that can comfortably, happily speaking English to children. And if you enjoy things like teaching English and river tracing at the same time, you are the one we are looking for.
英文 條件要求
10/04 更新