
Company Introduction

Contact Person
Bridgetek is a leading global semiconductor company providing high performance microcontroller units (MCUs), display IC products and developing innovative silicon solutions that enhance seamless interaction with latest connectivity technologies. Our key objective is to provide core bridging technology in order to support engineers with highly sophisticated, feature-rich, robust and simple-to-use product platforms. These platforms enable creation of electronic designs with high performance, low peripheral component requirements, low power budgets and minimal board real estate. More information is available at

Industry Sector

Main Products

提供一系列極易導入設計的 USB Bridge IC 晶片,支援 USB Host 以及 Slave 模式,以及 Serial 和 FIFO 的控制介面,並給予客戶完整解決方案,包括提供完整的驅動程式及韌體,測試模組及相關產品,以支援且簡化用戶端的產品設計


【法定項目】 依循勞基法 【其他福利】 部門活動餐敘 生日當月有薪假一天 ◆ 獎金/禮品類 1.年終獎金 2.績效獎金 ◆ 保險類 1.勞保 2.健保 3.員工團保 ◆ 休閒類 零食餅乾提供 ◆ 請 / 休假制度 1.週休二日 2.優於法令之年休假制度 3.陪產假 4.生理假/每月一次


Customer Service Representative 新加坡商寶吉特有限公司台北分公司
Salary negotiable
*Key responsibilities: ◆ Act as communication coordinator from the Service Centre towards assigned customers. ◆ Manage both EDI and manual customer order entry. ◆ Manage customer backlog: confirmation, reschedule, cancellation, reconciliation and resolve discrepancies with outgoing deliveries. Including communication with the customer. ◆ Communicate with Sales team and Supply Chain Planner and with the customers on a daily basis regarding the supply situation. ◆ Be accountable for delivery to the customers and resolution of shipping and price discrepancies. ◆ Manage customer returns / RMA and invoice discrepancies. ◆ Communicate with the customers regarding order confirmation, shipping and tracking information. ◆ Create and send out defined reports to the customers on a regular basis. ◆ Occasionally participate to meetings with customers as required. ◆ Manage customer forecast communication both internally and externally. Additional Responsibilities : Any reasonable task assigned by management and deemed to be within the individual’s capabilities to ensure smooth running of the business. Knowledge and skill requirements: ◆ Minimum of 3 year's experience is preferred. ◆ Excellent writing and verbal communication skills for business. ◆ Bachelor's degree ◆ Customer oriented with customer service background. ◆ Process driven and very strong in problem solving. ◆ High level of ownership and accountability for assigned tasks. ◆ Great team player. ◆ Good communication skills suitable for both internal and external communities. ◆ Can effectively cope with change and be comfortable with ambiguity. ◆ Ability to respond rapidly and professionally to the demand of a high-pressure commercial environment. ◆ Willing to work in a challenging and multicultural environment. ◆ Fluent written & oral English for business.
Senior Level
English Required
9/23 Updated
Planner/Buyer(採購/生管專員)-4 新加坡商寶吉特有限公司台北分公司
Salary negotiable
1. 半導體與電子類採購/生管 2. 計劃晶圓備料,議價, 交期追蹤 3. 外包生產排程管控、追蹤與產能配置 4. 生產成本議價與掌握 5. ERP/MRP 系統操作 6. 出貨計畫排程規劃與進度掌握 7. 海外分公司物料需求之溝通協調 8. 日常採購作業和訂單處理 9. 外包工廠交期追蹤 10. 建立,更新供應商資料 11. 供應商請款作業 12. 各項專案跨部門合作及溝通協調
Senior Level
English Required
9/23 Updated