

110 人
A. P. Moller - Maersk 集團,源始於1904年,總部位於丹麥哥本哈根,為全球第一大海運公司,擁有500多艘貨櫃船及 1000,000個貨櫃, 於全球超過125個國家,成立了超過325家分公司,擁有80,000多名員工。其主要經營事業涵蓋了海運、物流、船舶貨運承攬、造船設計、石油、天然氣探勘生產、航空、製造業(塑膠容器、醫療用器材、空氣淨化器等)等工商業。 Maersk Line 台灣分公司成立於1974年,至今擁有110名員工,分佈於台北、基隆、台中、高雄等地。台灣分公司所經營之遠洋與近洋航線遍及全球。



Worldwide Ocean Shipping


1. 年休假、病假優於勞基法 2. 勞保、健保、團保(包括配偶、子女,團保保費由公司全額負擔) 2. 年終獎金保障兩個月、績效獎金 3. 職工福利委員會(年度旅遊.三節禮券.社團補助等) 4. 年度健康檢查 5. 完整教育訓練


CX-Consultant 台灣快桅股份有限公司
月薪 NT$ 36,000+
We offer Joining Maersk, you will become part of the global family of the company that moves 20% of global trade every day all the way, where one of our core values is Our Employees. It goes without saying that we value diversity in all its forms, including but not limited to: gender, age, nationality, race, sexual orientation, disability or religious beliefs. We are proud of our diversity and see it as a genuine source of strength for building high performing teams. Key responsibilities: 1 Daily monitor Air & Sea Clearance issue(BSMI&NCC) and escalation 2 Daily monitor Invoice & HTS code issue and escalation 3 Monitor customs performance 4 Record retention 5 Monthly provide Finance to reclass Air & Sea duty 6 Monthly provide SSC weekly Billing data 7 Monthly handover duty receipt to HP internal team 8 Yearly coordinate with multiple parties on repair part list inspection 9 Prepare annual list for CIQ application for Repair part 10 Yearly coordinate with multiple parties on Border inspection Who we are looking for: • Excellent emergency resolution and cross function collaboration skill to deliver professional service to customers • Sensitive to customer's needs, and be commercial sense on value added service • Good analytical, problem-solving and responsible for customer-specific performance monitoring, management, and discussion At Maersk we value the diversity of our talent and will always strive to recruit the best person for the job – we value diversity in all its forms, including but not limited to: gender, age, nationality, race, sexual orientation, disability, or religious beliefs. We are proud of our diversity and see it as a genuine source of strength for building high performing teams. At Maersk we value the diversity of our talent and will always strive to recruit the best person for the job – we value diversity in all its forms, including but not limited to: gender, age, nationality, race, sexual orientation, disability, or religious beliefs. We are proud of our diversity and see it as a genuine source of strength for building high performing teams.
英文 條件要求
9/25 更新
Quality Assurance 台灣快桅股份有限公司
月薪 NT$ 45,000~53,000
Main tasks 工作內容 定期進行品質符合性的抽查 管制項目執行狀況之追蹤及確認,並即時回報管理層 協助有關單位解決品質問題 協助材料、半成品、成品品質檢驗之判定及放行 協助品質事件報告調查與追蹤 管理變更管制,設備驗證,溫度測繪之進度 QA相關要求及規定之執行 拒收、退貨責任歸屬及品質之判定 Detail of the tasks: 每月彙整品保/品管單位之KPI。 安排各項品質計劃如:內部品質稽核、儀器校正、教育訓練、確效、供應商稽核計劃、模擬回收(Mock Recall)進度跟催。 跟催各項異常偏差、稽核缺失、矯正預防之改善進度。 內部品質系統稽核年度總結報告之撰寫。 變更管制之配套措施進度跟催。 負責包裝材料、標示材料、半製品、及產品規格書、檢驗方法之審核。 負責制訂有關儀器、裝置、儀表、記錄器之校正書面作業程序,明確規定校正方法、校正日程表、精確度界限,以及未能符合精確度界限時之限制使用及補救措施。 最終產品判定及放行職責。 產品包裝與進貨檢驗之最後判定或放行。 退回產品篩檢處理後之確認或判定。 負責公司GXP相關文件正本管理。 負責各標準作業程序書之管理、維護、審閱。 負責公司GXP相關文件副本影印、分發與舊版回收。 Must 必備條件 Education 學歷 : 大學以上 Certification 相關證照:ISO13485 & ISO9001 內部稽核員 Experience 相關工作經驗:推行和維護品質管理系統,推行和維護醫療器材QMS 具高度的抗壓性及服務熱忱,做事細心、耐心、負責任。
8/28 更新