IYUNO_ 韓商艾語諾有限公司台灣分公司


50 人
本公司為外商機構在台之分公司,從事全球化的電視、電影、串流影音字幕翻譯及配音。 Iyuno Group is a global entertainment technology and localization company with 67 offices in 34 countries, serving the world's leading entertainment studios in dubbing, subtitling, and media services. We provide end-to-end global media services that enhance global storytelling through expert fluency, a seamless and secure experience, and a connected network. A technology trailblazer with grounded core values centered around quality and simplicity in an ever-changing industry. Using its sophisticated in-house technology for all product and service offerings. With over 35 million subtitled and 10 million dubbed minutes of content in 100+ languages, Iyuno Group focuses on connecting people and content to the world.



<Subtitling> With 20,000 expert linguists worldwide, Iyuno Group delivers over 500,000 hours of subtitling in more than 100 languages for broadcast, theatrical, home video, streaming, and VOD platforms. <Dubbing> From script adaptation through casting, directing, recording and mixing, our wide-ranging expertise and seasoned pool of voice talents bring global content to local audiences. Think theatrical, OTT, episodic and more. <Accessibility> Our closed captioning (CC), sign language for the deaf and hard-of-hearing, and audio description (AD) services provide broadcasters with assistive technologies for those in need. <Speech Recognition> We are working hand in hand with technology companies to develop speech recognition systems and text-to-speech automation in more than 50 languages, and continue to assist in the development of new voices as speech systems to integrate within new platforms. <Distribution> From theatrical blockbusters to binge-worthy episodes, we offer everything needed to ingest, transcode, QC, and package your content – including a single point of distribution for all of our end-to-end services. <Creative Post Production> Our post-production services are led by a deep roster of top talent and trusted by the world's leaders in media and entertainment. Cutting-edge facilities, customized editing rooms, and highly trained engineers utilize a follow-the-sun approach for a smooth, productive end-to-end process.


公司全體正職員工享有以下福利: ◆ 請 / 休假制度 1.彈性上下班,周休二日 2.彈性午休時間 3.可彈性遠距上班 4.特休優於勞基法,滿一年特休11天,滿2-4年特休14天,滿5年15天 5.年資滿三年後除特休外,可另享連續10個工作天放鬆假 6.生理假一年12天 7.生日假(到職當月可以使用) 8.每月有一天提早下班日 ◆ 職工福利 1.點心吧、泡麵、研磨咖啡及茶包 2.不定期下午茶會 3.不定期聚餐活動 4. 到職滿3個月,公司幫你支付OTT平台每月追劇費用 5. 到職滿3個月,享員工訓練或健身房費用/購買保健食品補助每年上限10,000元 6. 銀行跨行匯款或提款每月15次免手續費



櫃台人資行政助理 Receptionist and Admin Assistant IYUNO_ 韓商艾語諾有限公司台灣分公司
月薪 NT$ 33,000~36,500
1. 負責一般文書資料處理、歸檔工作及辦理費用請款及核銷事宜(如:收發公文並會簽文件) 2. 協助人資相關出缺勤、加班時數統計、新人報到照片準備 3.處理總務行政相關事務、訂購零食咖啡、聚餐餐點 4. 協助處理庶務性行政工作(如:事務機器叫修維護、文具用品採買) 5. 負責簡單零用金及員工福利 6. 協助會議安排(如:月會及勞資會議) 7. 負責到郵局或快遞收件 8. 負責接待訪客、協助訂購餐點、準備會議室及茶水
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