
Company Introduction

26 Employees
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成立於1999年今年邁入第23個年頭,本公司為專業微波通訊零組件代理商及行銷通路,代理品牌涵蓋世界各專業通訊零件製造商。提供優良關鍵性零組件予消費性(Cellular Mobile/GPS/DAB-T/S/C /BLUETOOTH/Wi-Fi/Wi-Max/UWB/Zigbee)及商用/工業用/軍用等各類型通訊應用 ,於2005年發展自有品牌產品,並慎選國外優良產品加入銷售行銷。 Woken Technology, Inc., specializes in RF/Microwave communications and related fields. Supported by a group of experienced technical engineers and consultants, Woken Technology is quite familiar with RF products and local market in Taiwan. Woken is confident of offering satisfactory service and technical support to the customers in add to high quality microwave products at reasonable prices. With a team of highly approachable people who prides itself on developing and maintaining excellent business relationships with its clients and international vendors, Woken Technology has expanded rapidly to become the leading company in the field.

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Main Products

Woken's product line for RF and Microwave components includes the following categories. ●Antenna Embedded: MeanderLine Antenna, Coaxial Dipole For Indoor application: Swivel / Fixed Dipole Antenna, Monopole, Desktop Antenna For base station : Patch Panel/ Omni-Directional /Yagi Antenna ●Antenna Switch Connector ●Filter/Duplexer Ceramic/Dielectric/SAW/DR/Cavity (Mechanical)/ Chip & Wire Filter, LPF/HPF/BPF/Band Reject Fixed/Tunable Filter ●GaAs MMIC Power Amplifier/ Mixer/ integrated receivers & up-converters ●Isolator/Circulator Coaxial/Drop-In/Micro strip/Strip line/Waveguide ●RF Connectors/Coaxial Cable/Cable Assembly ●RF Test Coax Probe ●RF Test Accessories Coaxial Adapter/Termination/Short/Open Fixed/Rotary/Push Button/Wave guide Attenuators Power Divider/Directional Coupler/Hybrid Detector, D.C. Block, Bias Tees, Phase Shifter, Impedance Transformer Diode/Directional/ TTL/ECL Detectors Other Components: VCO / DRO / PLO / Oscillators / Synthesizer Diode/Directional/ TTL/ECL Detectors Coaxial/TTL Switch


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