
Company Introduction

9000 Employees
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【GPS 領導廠商】 Garmin,全球衛星定位系統產業的龍頭!自1989年成立以來,在航空、航海、汽車導航、戶外運動與健身休閒等五大應用領域,全球佔有率均是第一名,2012年銷售超過1億台的GPS衛星定位及通訊產品,2018年更是到達累積銷售2億台之里程碑。Garmin秉持「創新研發、豐富大家生活」的精神,以產品幫助許多人完成不同領域的旅程記憶。除了執著研發上的專業,產品更強調人性化的操作介面,不管哪一個領域,都希望開發出讓使用者快速上手的產品。Garmin於2000年在美國NASDAQ公開上市,2004 成為 NASDAQ100 指數中之高科技指標公司,2012年12月榮獲美國標準普爾500指數指名成為成份股股票之高科技指標公司。過去數年更榮獲富比士評選為全球兩千大之一。 【技術持續創新】 Garmin面對快速變動的市場,積極推動產品與技術的創新,體現在航空的整合性儀表板研發及航海產品等,到近期的穿戴式裝置。 我們擁有各項技術整合能力,包含GPS晶片組軟/硬體核心,GPS產品開發、電子地圖技術、無線電傳輸、行動電視、慣性導航、語音合成及辨識、數位路況廣播、雷達、聲納、AutoPilot、液晶模組技術及智慧型手機導航軟體及伺服器應用等。在這些領域裡都以卓越的技術成就推出傲視全球的GPS產品,成為世界的領導品牌。 【亞洲研發中心】Garmin 的臺灣團隊肩負百分之九十五的生產製造任務,近年來臺灣更發展為亞洲研發中心。我們深耕這塊土地並且持續擴大研發團隊規模,現階段需要更多學界技術能量以及研發人才的加入,持續創造Garmin 連續營收與獲利成長的奇蹟,進而提升臺灣新興科技產業的動能。在Garmin,您有機會與世界各國頂尖的人才合作,跨文化的經驗將提升您的視野與實力,歡迎您與我們共同站上世界的舞台!

Industry Sector

Main Products

Garmin 致力於全球衛星定位系統 (GPS) 及通訊產品之研發、製造及銷售。我們擁有完整且多樣化的產品線,包含航空、航海、車用、戶外休閒、運動健身五大市場領域,及智慧型手機應用等,近年來在穿戴式裝置和運動攝影產品市場亦快速成長。 【五大事業版圖】 航空 - 全球23萬架非民航機,有90%使用Garmin飛行系統。 航海 - 在貨櫃、郵輪與遊艇三大市場中,搶下航海休閒市佔率第一。 車用 - 歐洲市場佔以率將近50%、亞洲與美洲市場市佔率超過70%。 健身 - 在航空、三鐵、登山、高爾夫等領域穿戴式產品擁有最高市占率。 戶外 - 自1999年推出的eTrex掌上型GPS暢銷至2018年仍有30萬台的銷量。 【原來 Garmin這麼厲害】 ● 2017年鐵人三項世界錦標賽中 98%活動紀錄來自Garmin的裝置、跑步活動97%的紀錄Garmin 智慧跑錶 ● 全球23萬架非民航機 90%使用Garmin 航空產品 ● 全球有近3000萬活躍用戶使用Garmin穿戴式裝置 ● 航海休閒市場、車用導航機 Garmin市佔率第1名


Legal Items
【Garmin Benefits】 整體薪酬以績效為導向,具市場競爭力。 ● 端午、年終、年度績效獎金 ● Garmin員購折扣 ● 員工股票認購計畫 ● 生日禮金、中秋禮金、婚喪喜慶補助金、同仁在學補助金、 子女獎助學金 ● 設有員工餐廳、交通車 ● 設有員工宿舍及汽機車停車位供申請 【Garmin Health & Wealth】 ● 彈性上下班 ● 員工協助方案-生活及工作諮詢、健康諮詢及協助 ● 團保計畫、差旅險 ● 醫護室、定期駐點醫師/物理治療師、定期健康檢查、身心靈相關講座 【Garmin Environment】 ● 符合人體工學辦公桌椅 ● 提供咖啡、茶飲、歡樂點心時間 ● 自由彈性、舒適的工作環境 【Garmin Life】 ● 豐富多元化社團活動 ● 運動休閒設施 ● 旅遊補助 【Garmin Talent Development】 ● 新進人員訓練:紮實且豐富的新進訓練課程與活動! ● 專業課程訓練:職務領域精進,掌握工作專業核心! ● 領導管理訓練:帶人帶心,邁向成功的團隊領導者! ● 語言訓練計畫:世界接軌語言訓練,成為國際人才! ● 多元學習管道:課程、活動、線上等多元學習管道! 想一窺Garmin的生活嗎?快來Follow我們的官方專頁!

Company & Workplace


組裝生產製程助理工程師_台南 GARMIN_台灣國際航電股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
【製程別分為組裝與LCM】 1. 設備組裝、安裝、調機、維修、保養及換線設定及換線協助 2. 協助機構組立、電控配線、自動化設備安裝 3. 生產作業(加工、組裝、測試、包裝、無塵室)的第一線異常處置與回報。 4. 換線時機器設備的模具更換與參數設定。 5. 機器設備及模具的維護與二級保養作業(含5s 整頓維護)。 6. 設備保養/維護計畫與作業指導書的維護更新。 7. 簡易治(工)具的製作、裝配、修改與日常維護作業。 8. 生產現場狀態追蹤暨執行收集與彙整,協助執行實驗計畫。 9. 作業人員教育訓練暨生產移轉支援。 10. 生產線作業改善。 11. 其他交辦事項。
English Required
9/26 Updated
軟體工程師(車載產品Platform team - Audio)_汐止 GARMIN_台灣國際航電股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Responsibilities: • Design and develop audio frameworks and associated components on Android and Linux system. • Collaborate with product teams to design and implement audio solutions that meet project requirements. • Ensure compatibility and performance optimization of audio frameworks across multiple devices and Android versions. • Continuously improve and optimize audio frameworks based on user feedback and performance testing results. Requirements: • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or related field. • Minimum of 3 years of Android platform development experience, specifically in audio development. • Proficiency in Android audio frameworks and APIs such as AudioTrack, AudioRecord, MediaCodec, Audio Policy, Audio Flinger, Audio HAL, etc. • Familiar with audio codec standards such as AAC, MP3, and digital signal processing techniques. • Familiar with C and C++ language programming. • Strong problem-solving skills and ability to work collaboratively in a team environment.
English Required
9/24 Updated
軟體工程師(車載產品Android System/framework)_汐止Utown GARMIN_台灣國際航電股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
協助AOEM團隊持續保有車載系統的核心技術與成本結構上的競爭優勢,專精於車載通訊網路開發和模組化的軟體平台設計。 設計研發工程師需與供應商/客戶緊密合作,滿足車廠之機能/性能/信賴性等規格要求。 致力研發具備標準化、高延展性與可移植性的車載軟體平台,縮短系統整合與產品上市時間,提供有競爭力且高品質的車載產品 。 1. Implementation of Android/Linux system service design. 2. Ensure the product software has good quality, performance. 3. Responsible for co-work with hardware engineers, BSP platform engineers or vendors to make sure corresponding functions work appropriately. 4. Setup and build up Android AOSP environment and development. 5. Worked with I/O interface. 6. Linux kernel/device driver/system programming.
English Required
9/24 Updated
軟體工程師 (車載產品)_林口 GARMIN_台灣國際航電股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
We are the Auto OEM department software engineers. Our mission is to develop auto infotainment system. To reach the ultimate goal of high quality and best user experiences. Garmin has its own powerful navigation system and display audio platform. So, what do we do? As software engineers at product team 1. We develop new features on our auto infotainment system. -- Android Development (Focus on application/framework layer). -- IoV (Internet of Vehicle) feature developments. -- Car accessory integration. 2. We are interested in -- Application/framework developers. -- Programmer with great software quality. -- Advanced user experiences. 3. Regarding to individual projects, -- We analyze and solve problems. -- We evaluate tasks to fulfill customer demands. Who we are looking for: 1. Basic Requirements: -- M.S. degree in CS / CE / Math or equivalent experiences. -- 1-year working experiences or equivalent background. -- Familiar with C / C++ / Android. -- Knowledge in Data structure / Algorithm / Design pattern. -- Team player. -- Good communication / presentation skills. 2.Preferred Requirements if any: -- Product software development experiences. -- Open source development experiences. -- Contest experiences. -- Familiar with scripting languages. -- Embedded systems development experiences
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
9/23 Updated
[Garmin Korea] Customer Service Manager GARMIN_台灣國際航電股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Hi we are Garmin Korea! We are seeking a dedicated Customer Service Team Leader at our Garmin Korea Office focusing on motivating and coaching our Customer Service Representatives to deliver excellent customer service to Garmin customers and local authorized service center. In this role, you will handle all customer service-related business to business (B2B), RMA and Customer Call Center (B2C) with the highest level of professionalism. ★ Join us and expand your career in Seoul!★ 【Responsibility】 ◆ Ensure subsidiary company and HQ’s strategy and process are aligned ◆ Understand local customer needs and propose a strategy to deploy relevant customer service plans ◆ Maintain good communication with internal team and external parties include distributors and Consumer Association ◆ Work with HQ to implement IT systems related to service activities ◆ Perform KPI review and provide regular service reports ◆ Represent the company in resolving customer disputes with customers and consumer protection officers 【Qualification】 ◆ Years of experience: Minimum 2 years in electronics industry’s customer service and management ◆ Education (degree, major): Bachelor’s degree ◆ Specific skills: Strong coordination, planning, leadership and communication skills ◆ Personality: High of sense of responsibility, high integrity, reliable and patient ◆ Language: English is a must. Excellent Chinese communication skill is a plus
9/18 Updated
台南廠_日班作業員(固定班、不需輪班) ★不收履歷,請於周二、五 09:30-11:00到廠面試★ GARMIN_台灣國際航電股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 31,000+
1.產品組裝、包裝與測試 2.生產線SMT機台操作 3.無塵室製程(需著全套無塵衣) ★不收履歷,請於每周二、五 09:30-11:00到廠面試★
9/18 Updated
顯示器與光學技術工程師(Outdoor/Fitness) GARMIN_台灣國際航電股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
- About Garmin - Garmin是一間著重多元發展的跨國企業公司,涉足的領域包含車用、戶外健身、航空、航海等消費性電子產品。 - About Display & Optics Technology engineer : 漂亮且省電的螢幕是Garmin產品的核心賣點,顯示器與光學工程師就是這幕後的推手,舉凡新技術的開發設計、產品性能驗證、量產導入等,顯示器工程師都是不可或缺的重要角色! 工作內容包含: 1. 與全球的工程團隊及廠商合作,開發下一代Garmin產品的顯示器、觸控螢幕、背光設計、光學膠、玻璃蓋板製作工藝及鍍膜 2. 先進技術開發與實現:包含開發合作廠商,與廠商規格訂定、驗證流程和時程制定、面板和觸控設計與相關驗證 3. 新產品開發及量產導入:包括試產前準備、異常分析及處理、治具設計討論及測試流程定義;與國內外團隊合作,確保在規劃時程內量產高品質的產品。 4. 產品實測以貼近使用者需求,確認產品具優良的使用者體驗。 5. 進行市場競品分析及產業動態蒐集,確認產品競爭力。 - Good to have- 1. 理工相關背景,熟悉評估面板光學和電性表現,面板設計及了解業界廠商和製程佳 2. 熟悉顯示器和觸控螢幕的驗證者佳 3. 熟悉AMOLED/ Micro-LED 者佳 4. 喜歡學習新知識與技術,保持開放積極的態度且富有好奇心 5. 樂於與人溝通合作,且有外語交流能力 6. 歡迎社會新鮮人面試 *投遞履歷請詳閱下方【其他條件】欄位*將優先審核履歷
English Required
9/11 Updated
軟體工程師(車載產品Platform team - BSP)_汐止U-Town GARMIN_台灣國際航電股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. Android/Linux system ARM based SoC board bring up. 2. Android/Linux kernel driver development and porting. 3. Bootloader development and porting. 4. Manufacturing firmware and test process development. 5. Co-work with hardware engineers, MCU engineers or vendors to make sure corresponding functions work appropriately.
English Required
9/09 Updated
Functional Safety Manager(車載產品)_林口 GARMIN_台灣國際航電股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Automotive electronics has become a global trend in the technology field. Being one of the leaders in the field, Garmin is a superior partner for international Automotive manufacturers with various products and professional services. We welcome you to join the team. 【Essential Functionals】 1. Act as a Functional Safety Manager for the Automotive OEM division 2. Analyze impact of ISO26262 releases for Garmin and create Functional Safety awareness across all departments. 3. Define and implement processes to align Garmin’s safety culture with - 4. ISO2626:2018 and support external audits. 5. Coordinate and provide guidance to safety management activities for Automotive projects according to relevant standards during all project phases (concept, product development, production) including preliminary hazard analysis(for SEooC), DFMEA, FMEDA, qualitative and quantitative fault tree analysis 6. Conduct reviews, audits, and assessments with product teams to ensure functional safety standards are being met throughout product development cycles 7. Define processes and coordinate creation of all functional safety work products according to ISO 26262:2018 including, but not limited to : • Establish process and workflow for confirmation measure (reviews, audit, and assessment) • Define safety case and traceability workflow • Enforce safety requirement tracking system • Provide guidance to safety engineers to write safety requirements by leading the cascade of safety requirements to the systems, subsystems, and component levels in the item • Create verification and review process for architecture, design, verification, test Review requirement management tool and configuration management system • Create templates for safety activities • Create methodology flow chart, checklist and revision control for safety document management • Assist in developing safety architectures and safety plans to ensure compliance with ISO 26262:2018 【Other Responsibilities】 1. Function both as a team member and as an independent professional 2. Perform other job-related duties as assigned 3. Maintains focus on continuous improvement 【Education, Experience, and Skills Required】 1. Bachelor's Degree in an engineering discipline such as computer science, electrical or mechanical engineering 2. Advanced degrees preferred 3. 5+ years experience working in the semiconductor, automotive, OEM or a related industry 4. 5+ years experience leading functional safety development process in accordance with ISO 26262 5. Deep knowledge of automotive development process and the V-Model system development, verification and validation framework 6. Deep knowledge and experience developing and delivering the work products of a functional safety program compliant to ISO 26262 7. Knowledge of Functional Safety Theory, with specific on-the-job experience 8. Experience supporting external/third-party assessments of functional safety work products 9. Experience working as a Functional Safety Manager in multiple projects. 10. A collaborative approach to working closely with development teams 11. Understanding of the product safety responsibility share between supplier and OEM 12. The ability to communicate complex ideas succinctly and persuasively to peers, management and customers 13. Excellent writing, verbal, and organization skills
9/09 Updated
[Garmin Thailand] Human Resource Senior Specialist GARMIN_台灣國際航電股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
【Role and Responsibility】 ◆ Develop and enforce HR policies ◆ Labor law compliance ◆ Recruit required positions ◆ Arrange local recruitment plan ◆ Fulfill and submit government applications ◆ Support Other HR functions, especially training and compensation and benefits and payroll ◆ Build a HR team initially. ◆ Effectively manage any other assigned duties. 【Qualification】 ◆ Familiar with Thai labor laws ◆ Previous experience in human resources for establishment factories in Thailand ◆ Experience in hiring migrant Worker in Thailand ◆ More than five years of human resources experience ◆ University degree or higher in a relevant social science discipline, with preference for majors in human resources, business management, or psychology ◆ Fluent in Thai, able to communicate English and Mandarin is preferred. 【Others】 ◆ Additional points if there is prior 1-2 years experience living and working in Taiwan ◆ Expatriation 1-2 years to Taiwan
9/09 Updated
Biosensor生醫感測工程師_汐止U-Town GARMIN_台灣國際航電股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Introduction • We focus on biosensor early assessment, feature development, function validation and data collection and analysis. • We work with colleagues with different principles in global to make our product better. • We are interested in health care, sports and medical applications. • We expect our member to be creative and innovative, and also encourage our member to realize the new idea. • We also keep track on the product stability and keep monitoring and improving biosensor features. Overview • Develops moderately complex software, creates and executes designs for small sets of new functionalities. • Hardware and Firmware verification. • Exploration of new Biosensor functions. • Production line maintenance. Essential Functions: • Develops moderately complex software in C, C++, Python, or other selected languages for Garmin or OEM products and/or applications consistently following Garmin’s coding standards and in accordance with applicable software development methodology and release processes. • Utilizes software engineering tools such as configuration management systems, build processes, and debuggers in the software development process. • Creates and executes designs for small sets of new functionalities as part of a software project. • Collaborates and adds value through participation in peer code reviews, providing comments and suggestions. • Provides reliable solutions to a variety of problems using sound problem solving techniques. • Contributes to technical research on new technologies. • Estimate level of effort, evaluate new options of similar technology, offer suggestions to improve processes, and provide comments on some electrical design aspects. • Works collaboratively and professionally with other Garmin associates in cross functional teams to achieve goals. • TOEIC 700+ Basic Qualifications: • Master of Science degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering Aerospace Engineering, Math or Physics or a technical field (such as CIS or IT) relevant to the essential functions of this job description. • Demonstrates proficient knowledge and utilization of engineering tools necessary for successful performance of the essential functions of this job description. o Experience in MCU firmware programming (C/C++), familiar with AFE is a plus. o C for embedded applications, C++, Python, Other. o Basic instrument usage experience is plus: multimeter, LCR meter, logic analyzer.
English Required
9/09 Updated
軟體工程師 (車載產品_Server)_林口 GARMIN_台灣國際航電股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Mission Statement: The Garmin AOEM team is dedicated to developing automotive infotainment systems that deliver high-quality and optimal user experiences. As the AOEM server team, our goal is to establish a robust CI/CD environment that enhances coding efficiency and quality, while meeting Original Equipment (OE) customer’s cyber security requirements. Key Responsibilities: 1. CI/CD Flow Development for AOEM Software Engineering: • Design and integrate CI/CD scripts with Jenkins to support daily builds, release builds, unit testing, and SRS/SWRS synchronization with JIRA. • Develop tools for internal website management, including resource planning. • Design automated flows to meet cybersecurity requirements, such as static code analysis and software sign-key management. 2. Server Environment Management: • Set up and deploy server environments using Docker to provide a robust platform for software development. 3. Support AOEM Product Software Development: • Support Android application and framework layer development. • Develop features for the Internet of Vehicles (IoV). • Develop features for Android components such as CarLauncher, LauncherBar, Multi-window, and CarSystemUI. • Integrate various car accessories into the system.
Senior Level
English Required
9/09 Updated
軟體工程師(車載產品Platform team - 藍牙專業)_林口 GARMIN_台灣國際航電股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. ARM based SoC Bluetooth chip integration on Android/Linux system. 2. Bluetooth Hardware Abstract Layer (HAL) maintenance on Android system. 3. Bluetooth Stack maintenance on Android system. 4. Bluetooth Middleware Application development on Linux system. 5. Bluetooth HCI/AIR log and UART protocol analyzing. 6. C and C++ languages programming. 7. Co-working with hardware engineers and vendors to debug Bluetooth
English Required
9/09 Updated
顯示器與光學技術助理工程師(fitness) GARMIN_台灣國際航電股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 40,000+
1. 產品功能測試 2. 測試資料統整 3. 實驗室設備操作 4. 測試治具維護 5. 主管交辦事項
English Required
9/09 Updated
顯示器與光學技術工程師(Automotive) GARMIN_台灣國際航電股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
- About Garmin - Garmin是一間著重多元發展的跨國企業公司,涉足的領域包含車用、戶外健身、航空、航海等消費性電子產品。 - About Display & Optics Technology engineer : 隨著車聯網系統發展日趨成熟,消費者除了對車子外觀、性能要求高之外,對於車用顯示器亦是高度要求,顯示器與光學工程師就是這幕後的推手,舉凡新技術的開發設計、產品性能驗證、量產導入等,顯示器與光學工程師都是不可或缺的重要角色! 工作內容包含: 1. 負責車載產品 (車用嵌入式多媒體影音系統、行車記錄器、汽機車之攜帶式導航系統等) 的面板模組設計、開發與驗證。 2. 與世界各地的GARMIN工程團隊、車廠客戶及廠商合作,開發下一代產品的面板模組,包括顯示器、觸控面板、背光、玻璃蓋板、光學貼合….等。 3. 先進技術開發與實現,包括開發新廠商,與廠商訂定規格、驗證流程、時程,並進行相關驗證。 4. 新產品開發及量產導入,包括試產前準備、異常分析及處理、治具設計討論及測試流程定義;與國內外團隊合作,確保在規劃時程內量產高品質的產品。 5. 進行市場競品分析及產業動態蒐集,確認產品競爭力。 - Good to have- 1. 理工相關背景,熟悉面板光學、面板設計、電性表現及製程佳。 2. 熟悉顯示器和觸控螢幕的驗證者佳 3. 喜歡學習新知識與技術,保持開放積極的態度且富有好奇心 4. 樂於與人溝通合作,且有外語交流能力 5. 善於解決問題,且有責任感 *投遞履歷請詳閱下方【其他條件】欄位*將優先審核履歷
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
9/09 Updated
軟體工程師(Vehicle Network)_林口(育嬰留停職代) GARMIN_台灣國際航電股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
【此職缺為育嬰留停職代之約聘缺,合約期間會於電話中詳細說明】 1. 8-/16-/32-bit Cortex-M & R ARM based MCU development. 2. Communication protocols for systems utilizing UART, I2C, SPI and other such inter-IC interfaces. 3. Wi-Fi software development under FreeRTOS environment. 4. Skill to develop Bare-Metal/FreeRTOS application and driver on ARM Cortex-M& R. 5. C/C++/Python programming. 6. Responsible for co-work with hardware engineers, BSP platform engineers or vendors to make sure corresponding functions work appropriately. 7. Candidates must have the passion for software development.
English Required
9/09 Updated
生醫感測產品工程師_林口 GARMIN_台灣國際航電股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Our Biosensor Team is committed to creating advanced biosensors, using the latest technology and medical knowledge. We focus on rigorous research and development (R&D), thorough testing, and ensuring all products meet relevant certifications and compliance requirements such as FDA and ISO standards. Our team culture promotes cooperation, continuous learning, and innovation. Job Responsibilities: ◆Collaborate on the design, development, and optimization of our biosensor products, prioritizing performance, reliability, and user experience. ◆Offer technical support, troubleshoot issues, and address hardware and software challenges to ensure smooth operations. ◆Monitor production processes, maintain quality standards, and conduct tests to verify product performance. ◆Assist in obtaining required legal certifications (FDA, ISO, etc.), including application submissions and review participation. ◆Stay updated on emerging technology trends, proposing ideas for enhancements and innovations to maintain our market leadership. Skills needed: ◆Proficient with optical components (LED, PD) ◆Strong data analysis abilities ◆Fast problem-solving skills
English Required
9/09 Updated
聲學工程師 GARMIN_台灣國際航電股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1. 聲學零件性能測試、可靠度測試與治具設計。 2. 產品線性馬達與偏心馬達性能測試、可靠度測試與治具設計。 3. 產品電聲與震動設計、聲學結構設計、馬達結構設計。 4. 產品通話品質/ANC/PNC調校與性能驗證、Haptics調校與性能驗證。 5. 產線/IQC聲學與震動性能檢測能力建立,治具設計與規格定義。 6. 操作SoundCheck、Audio precision(AP)、Audition、陽光掃頻儀、BAKO等相關聲學與震動儀器與軟體。 7. 建立音響喇叭生產檢驗能力。
English Required
9/09 Updated
軟體工程師(Vehicle Network_車載事業群)_林口 GARMIN_台灣國際航電股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1.8-/16-/32-bit ARM based MCU development. 2.ARM based SoC device driver development. 3.Communication protocols for systems utilizing UART, I2C, SPI and other such inter-IC interfaces. 4.Vehicle signal(CAN bus / LIN bus / Ethernet / FlexRay) communication. 5.Sensor module integration. 6.Bluetooth software development under Android/Linux/RTOS environment. 7.WiFi software development under Android/Linux/RTOS environment. 8.Embedded system and FreeRTOS/Linux Kernel driver programming. 9.C and C++ programming. 10.Responsible for co-work with hardware engineers, BSP platform engineers or vendors to make sure corresponding functions work appropriately.
English Required
9/09 Updated
生產總處 倉儲課_倉管員_林口(日班) GARMIN_台灣國際航電股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 35,200+
工作內容 。搬運、收料、揀料 。出貨 。簡易電腦資料輸入 工作時間 做二休一(周日休假) 日班08:00 ~ 19:30 夜班20:00 ~ 07:30 每週工作四天/每月平均工作 18 天
9/09 Updated