
Company Introduction

40 Employees
Contact Person
本公司創立於1990年,為一國際性化學品進出口貿易公司。在上海、東莞、廈門、越南、菲律賓、印尼,皆設有分公司,業務範圍片及全球。 供應本公司之石化廠家皆為大型股票上市公司,如:台塑集團、東聯化學、台聚集團...等等,國外則為當地石化大廠或知名企業。 我們重視每一位員工,有良好工作環境,也提供學習及成長空間,歡迎優秀的朋友一起加入。

Industry Sector
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Main Products

各類化工原物料、塑膠、橡膠、溶劑、油品等進出口經銷及買賣 類別如下 Polymers (PVC, PE, PP, EVA, PS, ABS, PET... etc) Solvents (Acetone, Phenol... etc) Plasticizers (DOP, DINP, DOTP, TOTM, DOA... etc) Others (BPA, 2EH, PA, EG... etc)


◆ 獎金 / 禮品類   1.年終獎金   2.三節禮金/禮品 ◆ 保險類   1.勞保   2.健保 ◆ 休閒類   1.部門聚餐 ◆ 制度類   1.完整的教育訓練 ◆ 請 / 休假制度   1.週休二日   2.特休/年假 ◆ 補助類   1.退職金提撥

Company & Workplace


馬來西亞地區業務人員 弘技化學股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 30,000~40,000
Job Summary: The Sales Representative is the front line of A & B Chemical Corporation in Malaysia, and is often the position that clients speak with when interfacing with our Indonesian office. Working as a team member, and cooperating with Taiwan headquarter colleagues, the position serves as a dedicated professional who, after training, can effectively utilize his/her resources to search potential clients, and respond to clients’ inquiries accurately and thoroughly. This position will be located in our Taipei office initially, and will be relocated to KL once the candidate is well established the sales skills. Essential Functions: 1. Search potential clients, and respond to client’s inquiries accurately and thoroughly. - Actively acquire in-depth knowledge of A & B Chemical Corporation’s products, and promote it to current/ potential clients. - Search all of potential clients in Malaysian market. - Responds to client’s inquiries, and success the business. 2. Perform additional duties and responsibilities as appropriate or as assigned by the manager
9/20 Updated
FMCG行銷業務人員 弘技化學股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 30,000~48,000
台灣知名FMCG品牌往海外延伸觸角,我們需要了解Marketing Development 及東南亞FMCG市場的人才加入! 我們需要的你是: 細心、自律、正向、重視團隊合作、對工作富有責任感、主動積極完成任務。 如果你擁有這些特質,歡迎投遞履歷加入我們 本職缺主要工作內容為: 1. 擅長品牌行銷活動規劃、執行,並進行成效追蹤與分析。 2. 擅長社群平台(FB/IG)內容經營規劃與執行。 3. 了解東南亞FMCG市場,熟悉線上B2C平台操作(Shopee/ Lazada),線下B2B推廣 4. KOL/ KOC合作企劃與執行。 5. 相關行銷數據蒐集與分析。 6. 出國至東南亞洽談B2B business 7. 基本圖檔編輯(修圖、製圖)(加分) 8. 基本廣告投放策略與操作(加分) 9. 其他主管交辦事項 可信賴的FMCG品牌需要可信賴的你的加入! 投遞應徵履歷時請附上期望薪資~謝謝。 **上班時間:9:00~18:00/週休二日(午休1小時),國定例假日依照行政院規定放假 ** 享勞健保 ** 依勞基法相關規定
English Required
9/20 Updated
印尼地區業務人員 弘技化學股份有限公司
Monthly Salary NT$ 30,000~40,000
Job Summary: The Sales Representative is the front line of A & B Chemical Corporation in Indonesia, and is often the position that clients speak with when interfacing with our Indonesian office. Working as a team member, and cooperating with Taiwan headquarter colleagues, the position serves as a dedicated professional who, after training, can effectively utilize his/her resources to search potential clients, and respond to clients’ inquiries accurately and thoroughly. Essential Functions: 1. Search potential clients, and respond to client’s inquiries accurately and thoroughly. - Actively acquire in-depth knowledge of A & B Chemical Corporation’s products, and promote it to current/ potential clients. - Search all of potential clients in Indonesian market. - Responds to client’s inquiries, and success the business. 2. Perform additional duties and responsibilities as appropriate or as assigned by the manager
9/20 Updated