

60 人
雲端互動(Cloud Interactive)是一間以「UX/UI設計」、「軟體開發」、「人工智慧應用」為主的全方位顧問公司。「專業、創新、挑戰、細心」是雲端互動的特質。我們專注於「使用者經驗設計」,擁有完整的設計、軟體工程與數據科學團隊,從使用者介面設計、網站前後台規劃與建置、手機App設計與開發、系統整合規劃與建置、大數據分析到機器人流程自動化(RPA),皆能提供企業高度客製化的軟體解決方案。 成立於2010年,雲端互動已順利完成上百餘件專案,服務的客戶橫跨全球市場、多元產業領域,涵蓋科技、製造、醫療、零售、金融、娛樂、健身、時尚、營建與政府單位等,合作客戶如:國泰世華銀行、家樂福、星聚點、遊戲橘子、研華科技、大陸工程、思科、瑞薩、警政署刑事警察局和外貿協會等,協助企業打造具競爭優勢的數位產品與服務。 為因應跨國佈局、打造研發技術與培養創新思維,雲端互動將總部設立於台灣台北,並在美國舊金山成立辦公室,持續為海內外的龍頭企業和新創客戶服務。我們以實現客戶的商業目標為首要任務,透過使用者經驗研究,掌握用戶的真實感受,提供出色的品牌體驗,並同時打造高彈性、跨平台的智慧解決方案。 Cloud Interactive is an AI, Software Engineering, and Design consulting company. We are a full stack organization of data scientists, engineers, designers, and app developers. At Cloud Interactive, we help you realize your business goals with cutting-edge research, design, and development services as a total solution provider. Founded in 2010, with operations across Asia and the USA, we have served clients across industries and around the world. From technology and manufacturing to healthcare, retail, finance, construction, entertainment, casino, fitness and fashion, to other highly specialized sectors, our diverse experience is our strength. We are internationally renowned for our creativity, project management, and ability to efficiently execute. Our San Francisco consultants work with you and our Taipei-based team to develop innovative and highly price-competitive solutions. For more information on Cloud Interactive. Facebook: https://goo.gl/4YYgd6 LinkedIn: https://goo.gl/6eaWzm



●解决方案: 人工智慧: 人工智慧應用諮詢與建置 機器學習流程諮詢與開發 客服聊天機器人 個人化推薦系統 電腦視覺 自然語言處理 數據科學: 定價優化模型 銷售預測模型 進階行銷分析 個人化行銷 顧客分析&報告 庫存&供應鏈優化 機器人流程自動化(RPA): RPA應用系統評估與試行 RPA應用規範及建置 RPA應用系統導入諮詢與實作 RPA人機協同流程再造諮詢 前端開發: 網路應用程式 使用者體驗最佳化 適/響應式網頁設計 混合式開發 跨瀏覽器相容性測試 關鍵字搜索 (SEO) 內容管理系統 (CMS) 後端開發: 主機架設及維護 雲端平台服務 資料庫設計 第三方系統整合 Mobile開發: 原生行動軟體開發 混合模式行動程式開發 硬體設備整合(藍芽/掃碼) 第三方SDK/API整合 使用者體驗最佳化 ●技術與工具: 人工智慧與數據科學: ML, NLP, CV, Keras, Tensorflow, Pytorch etc. 前端開發: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript(ES5, ES6+), TypeScript, Stylus, ReactJS, VueJS, Bootstrap, Electron, AngularJS 後端開發: .NET, Java EE, PHP, Python, NodeJS; MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle,Postgresql, MongoDB; Laravel, Django, WordPress, Cloud Services (AWS, Azure), Platform Virtualization (Docker, Kubernetes) Mobile開發: iOS: Swift, Objective C Android: Java, kotlin Hybrid: Native + JSbridge 對產品品質的要求,讓使用者滿意,是我們一貫的堅持 !同時,我們可依客戶的偏好、業務需求和專案屬性,提供具彈性的敏捷開發(Agile Development)來實現專案目標。歡迎與我們聯繫!


【制度類】 ■彈性上班時間,讓同仁避開上班尖峰時間,免於塞車之苦 ■彈性工作安排:Working From Home ■給薪病假(優於勞基法):年度給薪病假5天 ■優於勞基法的年假制度:第一年12天,滿一年後每一年多一天 ;總天數依在職天數計算 【薪獎/補助類】 ■年度調薪(視年度營運狀況與個人績效而定) ■暢通的升遷管道,只要你肯努力,人人都有機會! ■內部技術交流分享會,讓你跟夥伴互相切磋 ■內部推薦獎金,我們鼓勵團隊推薦優秀人才進來! ■電腦補助金,希望給予久任的員工更多感謝 【休閒/其他福利類】 ■尾牙/春酒、不定期下午茶(Friday feast)、慶生會、Happy Hour ■多元活動:萬聖節派對、聖誕節派對、團隊士氣建立活動等… ■創意又有趣的公司活動,是犒賞員工並腦力激盪的最佳時機 ■社團活動:桌遊社狼人殺起來、健行社台北大縱走、音樂社、美食社、英文社,持續增加中 ■隨選座位,舒適寬敞的辦公環境,可以挑一個看的到風景的座位,自在的工作、隨時轉換心情 ■豐富精美的零食櫃、頂級咖啡機,在舒適的沙發區享用下午茶及遠眺整個台北市的風景



UI/UX Designer 雲端互動股份有限公司
月薪 NT$ 60,000+
Responsibilities: * Create user-centered designs for our EEG neurofeedback app, balancing complex scientific data with intuitive user interfaces * Develop UI mockups and prototypes that effectively communicate how our app functions and looks * Conduct user research and usability testing, with a focus on diverse user groups including those with neurological conditions * Collaborate closely with neuroscientists and developers to translate complex EEG data into meaningful visual feedback for users * Design for various platforms (iOS, Android, web) with a focus on accessibility and responsiveness * Iterate designs based on user feedback and evolving product requirements in our fast-paced environment Requirements: * A passion for brain health technologies and a desire to make a meaningful impact in this field * Proven experience (typically 3 - 5 years) as a UI/UX Designer, preferably in a health tech startup or fast-paced environment * Proven expertise in user research methods such as user interviews and usability testing, including experience with users with diverse needs * Advanced proficiency in design software such as Figma, Sketch, or Adobe XD * Strong portfolio showcasing complex data visualization and intuitive interface design * Experience with wireframing tools and prototyping techniques * Advanced English proficiency for effective communication within our collaborative team * Up-to-date knowledge of accessibility standards and best practices in UI/UX design Nice to have: * Experience designing for medical or healthcare applications * Experience designing for accessibility and Section 508 compliance * Basic knowledge of front-end development constraints * Understanding of EEG data or neurofeedback principles We offer: Flexible work arrangements (remote-friendly)
10/08 更新
Android Developer 雲端互動股份有限公司
月薪 NT$ 60,000+
Responsibilities: * Design and develop our innovative EEG neurofeedback app for Android, focusing on real-time EEG neurofeedback training, data visualization and user interaction * Collaborate with a small team to define and quickly iterate on app features * Optimize app performance for processing and displaying real-time EEG data across various Android devices * Implement robust error handling and debugging for a seamless user experience * Manage the Play Store deployment process and ongoing app maintenance * Work closely with UX designers to implement intuitive interfaces for complex neurofeedback tasks Requirements: * A passion for brain health technologies and a desire to make a meaningful impact in this field * Proven experience (typically 3 - 5 years) as an Android Developer, ideally in a health tech startup or fast-paced environment * Advanced proficiency in Kotlin and Java * Strong knowledge of Android SDK, with experience handling different Android versions and screen sizes * Expertise in RESTful APIs for connecting Android applications to backend services, including EEG processing services * Deep understanding of Android UI design principles, patterns, and best practices * Advanced English proficiency for effective team communication * Experience with Git and CI/CD for Android development Nice to have: * Experience with Android NDK for native code implementation * Experience with Flutter or React Native for cross-platform development * Knowledge of signal processing or experience with biofeedback applications * Understanding of HIPAA compliance and health data security on Android * Familiarity with on-device machine learning frameworks for Android We offer: Flexible work arrangements (remote-friendly)
10/08 更新
iOS Developer 雲端互動股份有限公司
月薪 NT$ 60,000+
Responsibilities: * Design and build our innovative EEG neurofeedback app for iOS, focusing on real-time EEG neurofeedback training, data visualization, and user interaction * Collaborate with a small team to define and quickly iterate on app features * Optimize app performance for processing and displaying real-time EEG data * Implement robust error handling and debugging for a seamless user experience * Manage the App Store deployment process and ongoing app maintenance * Work closely with UX designers to implement intuitive interfaces for complex Requirements: * A passion for brain health technologies and a desire to make a meaningful impact in this field * Proven experience (typically 3 - 5 years) as an iOS Developer, ideally in a health tech startup or fast-paced environment * Advanced proficiency in Swift; working knowledge of Objective-C * Strong experience with iOS frameworks, particularly those relevant to real-time data processing (e.g., Core Data, Core Animation) * Expertise in RESTful APIs for connecting iOS applications to backend services, including EEG processing services * Deep understanding of Apple's design principles and interface guidelines * Advanced English proficiency for effective team communication * Experience with Git and CI/CD for iOS development Nice to have: * Experience with CoreML or other on-device machine learning frameworks * Experience with Flutter or React Native for cross-platform development * Knowledge of signal processing or experience with biofeedback applications * Understanding of HIPAA compliance and health data security on iOS We offer: Flexible work arrangements (remote-friendly)
10/08 更新
Full Stack Developer 雲端互動股份有限公司
月薪 NT$ 60,000+
Responsibilities: * Develop and maintain both frontend and backend components of our cutting-edge EEG neurofeedback app, pushing the boundaries of neurotechnology * Work closely with a small, agile team to define and rapidly implement new features * Ensure high performance, responsiveness, and scalability of the application while handling evolving product requirements such as real-time EEG signal processing * Leverage technologies like React, Node.js, and Python to build and enhance features * Manage and optimize database design and integration with SQL and NoSQL solutions * Contribute to designing and integrating RESTful APIs and microservices Requirements: * A passion for brain health technologies and a desire to make a meaningful impact in this field * Proven experience (typically 3 - 5 years) as a Full Stack Developer, ideally in a health tech startup or fast-paced environment * Proficiency in frontend technologies (e.g., React, Vue.js) and backend technologies (e.g., Node.js, Python) * Experience with database design and management (SQL and NoSQL) * Familiarity with RESTful APIs and microservices architecture * Advanced English proficiency for clear communication in a collaborative setting. * Experience with Git and CI/CD pipelines Nice to have: * Knowledge of AI/ML technologies, especially for EEG data processing * Experience with real-time data processing and visualization in a dynamic product environment We offer: Flexible work arrangements (remote-friendly)
10/08 更新
SA 雲端互動股份有限公司
月薪 NT$ 50,000~60,000
職缺描述 1. 主導需求訪談、流程分析,並將其轉化成系統架構需求的規格書文件 2. 能以創新思維、邏輯分析與資料分析能力解決問題 3. 產品規格及客戶專案需求確認與溝通協調 4. 週期性內部及外部(含客戶端)會議追蹤及專案交付工作之執行 - 需配合出席客戶端會議 職務需求 1. 3年以上SA經驗,曾參與過(執行)系統串連專案 2. 熟悉軟體開發設計流程作業,對於開發工具的元素及特色熟悉 3. 有良好邏輯分析推理能力、組織能力、溝通能力 4. 做事有耐心、細膩,理解力強,對複雜事物有彙整與排定優先順序之能力佳 5. 面談請攜帶相關作品
10/08 更新
Salesforce Developer 雲端互動股份有限公司
月薪 NT$ 60,000+
【職務內容】 1. Salesforce系統設定 2. 程式開發設計與實作 3. 施行專案品質計畫相關的程式測試 4. Salesforce系統管理與程式部署 【加分條件】 1. 有Salesforce Administrator Certification 或 Platform Developer 證照尤佳 2. 具備Salesforce開發經驗 或 CRM相關經驗尤佳
10/03 更新