(保瑞藥業)Bora Pharmaceutical Laboratories Inc._益邦製藥股份有限公司


300 人
保瑞集團擁有國際化的領導團隊、專業的藥業行銷與經銷經驗,以及具備世界級製藥技術的實力。成立至今,深耕台灣,計畫性地發展研發、代工生產、經銷代理等各大事業主軸,一步一腳印的成長至今日的跨國集團規模。我們在台灣和加拿大擁有7座符合國際認證的生產廠房,具備最先進的儀器設備,提供自藥品研發、生產製造、檢驗測試、申請核准、認證登記到包裝運送等全面性客製化的委託開發暨生產製造服務。 目前代工與自有生產藥品已行銷全球超過100個國家,包含美洲、歐洲、東南亞及中東等國,成為台灣醫藥製劑登陸各國市場的重要橋樑。 “Contributing to Better Health All Over the World” 是每個保瑞人的使命,未來的每一步,保瑞集團也將秉持一貫的企業理念,堅持嚴格的品質標準,提供高品質的產品與高效率的服務,成為全球首屈一指的CDMO藥廠,讓全世界看到保瑞做的藥,並邁向營收與獲利的永續成長。 Bora STAR是保瑞集團的企業核心精神: ☆ Solve problems first 對事不對人 ☆ To do the right thing 做對的事而非容易的事 ☆ Always be proactive 自動自發 ☆ Respect everyone 互相尊重 益邦製藥(股)公司座落於竹南科學園區,佔地超過 20 萬平方英尺,前身為美國上市公司 Impax Laboratories,Inc.(NASDAQ: IPXL)百分百在台投資之子公司。其生產廠房已通過美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)查廠,英國MHRA 及台灣TFDA查廠,廠房年產能可達20億顆錠劑及膠囊,目前係全台唯一全廠產品外銷美國市場之專業製藥公司。目前員工人數近 300 位,80%員工為大學以上學歷,擁有碩博士學位者達30%,其中不乏國內外知名學府生化製藥學所培養出來的專業人才。




『竹南科學園區』專案管理Project Management (Associate) Manager (保瑞藥業)Bora Pharmaceutical Laboratories Inc._益邦製藥股份有限公司
Key responsibilities include the following, but are not limited to: 1. Generate Quotations: - Coordinate CDA/agreements execution between Bora/Client - Coordinate internally to gather information required for quotation - Put together a quotation for Management approval - Provide quotations/project proposal to Client and follow-ups 2. Client Communication Management - Serves as a central hub of internal/external communications with existing clients/third parties for project and product changes - Serves as a central hub of internal/external communications with potential new clients /third parties to provide proposal to meet their needs and to enhance company business opportunities - Confirm efficient and accurate information exchange between parties - Schedule and arrange project meetings and task assignments, communicate expectations and changes to project team members, record meeting minutes/critical decisions and track completion of project deliverables to ensure quality and integrity of all project-related products 3. Project Planning: - Establishes project charter and plan to define project scope and timeline - Assign tasks and perform follow-ups to ensure timely deliverables - Identify potential issues and risks, and solutions. 4. Project Execution and Delivery: - Drive project activity execution to meet goals/objectives and the agreed plan without compromising project deliverables or relationships - Propose solutions on a variety of issues with low to moderate complexity and changes - Gather information, and apply analytical and interpretation skills to tackle problems of diverse scopes - Help resolve project conflicts, identify resource requirements and align project teams on common project scopes and objectives - Track and maintain regular and ad hoc reports to gauge progress and performance status - Complete work in accordance with PMO’s best practices and methodologies - Assist in managing multi-cross functional team works to meet successful deliverables/outcomes - Ensure compliance with up-to-date regulatory guidance - Leverage robust project management skills and co-work with project managers to drive key decisions and milestones according to the endorsed plans, timelines, costs, and quality parameters 5. Perform other PMO-related duties/tasks as assigned by Management
英文 條件要求
10/20 更新
『桃園蘆竹廠』品保課_品保資深專員 (保瑞藥業)Bora Pharmaceutical Laboratories Inc._益邦製藥股份有限公司
To perform independently one or a limited number of specific functions within QA, the specific QA function could be: 1. Regulatory/registration documents review and preparation to meet local regulatory requirement or exported affiliate’s requirement. 2. Provide the assessment in site change control with regulatory point of view and coordinate with affiliates for site change control execution. 3. Coach and provide regulatory information and support. 4. Coordinate with affiliates for maintenances the most updated product licenses. 5. Be a site coordinator to handle the new/revised artworks approval process. 6. Package components management. 7. Document management 8. Change control management 9. Perform internal audits for assign topics. 10. Handle Site Quality Review Team Meeting 11. Others: Assign as requested by supervisor.
英文 條件要求
10/18 更新
『桃園蘆竹廠』技術服務課_主任/副主任 (保瑞藥業)Bora Pharmaceutical Laboratories Inc._益邦製藥股份有限公司
1. CDMO專案: (1) 參與CDMO客戶會議討論,並配合討論內容修改製程設計。 (2) CDMO專案技術轉移相關文件(protocol, report, and master batch records)之制定、教育訓練及執行。 (3) CDMO專案之預試驗、試製及GMP生產批 (Lab-scale & Submission/Commercial batch scale),並執行廠內教育訓練。 (4) 料號管理、原物料請購及庫存管理。 (5) 專案進度追蹤及其他因異動而進行之即時性調整。 2. 製程相關驗證確效作業: (1) 製程設備之性能驗證計畫書及報告書之制訂及審閱、協調相關部門依計畫書內容執行及分析結果,並於執行前安排教育訓練。 (2) 確效主計畫書之維護及更新。 (3) 製程確效、清潔確效、無菌製程模擬確效 (Aseptic process simulation; media fill)及其他。 (4) 驗證確效排程及進度管理。 3. 市售產品trouble shooting: (1) 市售產品發生異常事件時,協助品質部門執行相關技術性之調查。 (2) 市售產品安定性數據發生異常時,經調查後依規定進行處方或製程優化。 4. 部門行政事務: (1) 請購清冊及固資清冊管理。 (2) 主管交辦事項。
英文 條件要求
10/18 更新