

10 人



HBO, Cinemax, Discovery 等頻道之字幕翻譯製作


◆ 獎金 / 禮品類 1.年終獎金 ◆ 保險類 1.勞保 2.健保 3.員工退休金制 ◆ 休閒類 1.國內外不定期旅遊 2.部門聚餐 3.慶生會 ◆ 請 / 休假制度 1.週休二日 2.年假制度 ◆ 補助類 1.結婚禮金 2.員工陪產假 3.旅遊補助 4.員工及眷屬喪葬補助 5.勞工一般健康檢查:在職勞工  (1)年滿四十五以上者,每二年檢查一次。  (2)年滿三十未滿四十五者,每三年檢查一次。  (3)未滿三十者,每五年檢查一次。


兼職電影影視印尼語英文譯者 (Bahasa Indonesia) 群輪錄影企業有限公司
論件計酬 NT$ 1~100,000
We at TVi are a team of experts on digital media and new media, and has been leading the field of post-production and localization globally for over 35 years. We specialize in precise and concise localization services through the lens of culture. TVi has been working with multinational services including HBO Asia (WarnerMedia), Discovery, CatchPlay, Giloo and more. TVi is excited to announce our expansion into various language translation services, with a special emphasis on Bahasa Indonesian. As we embark on this journey to establish a dedicated translation team, we recognize the importance of bringing together talented individuals who share our passion for language and culture. This role is a unique opportunity to be part of our foundational efforts as we build this team from the ground up. We are looking for enthusiastic and skilled individuals who are eager to contribute to our vision and help shape the future of our Indonesian translation services. If you are interested in joining us during this exciting phase of growth, we welcome your application and look forward to working together to create meaningful translations that resonate with our diverse audience. [Qualifications] Attributes of the successful candidate will include fluency in both written and spoken English and Bahasa Indonesian, a solid understanding of Indonesia culture, experience in translation, highly honed language skills, attention to detail and computer literacy. You need to be equally comfortable working independently or as part of a team and capable of working under pressure in this fast-paced environment. TVi群輪為專業後製公司,已有逾35年業界經驗,從事全球化的電視、電影、串流影音字幕翻譯及配音。目前主要合作對象包含 HBO、Discovery、Catchplay 和 Giloo 等等,經手無數影視巨作。 如今TVi正在針對印尼語擴展翻譯服務。隨著我們踏上建立翻譯團隊的旅程,我們需要召集有才華的人與我們一同展開未知的旅程。 這個職位將成為本公司印尼翻譯的創始團隊。我們正在尋找熱情洋溢、技能出眾的人,渴望為我們的願景貢獻力量,並幫助塑造印尼翻譯服務的未來。 如果您有興趣在這個激動人心的成長階段加入我們,期待與您一起合作,創造能夠引起我們多元受眾共鳴的有意義的翻譯作品。 若你對影視翻譯製作與文化轉譯有極高的熱忱,且英文與印尼語/中文與印尼語程度均佳,個性有耐性且細心,歡迎加入我們。 此工作性質為兼差,譯者在家接稿。工作內容為由日/韓語文翻譯至正體中文。 若有相關檢定證照,請於自介或自傳中明確加註成績,並檢附相關語言能力證明書。
10/18 更新
兼職電影影視日韓翻中文譯者 群輪錄影企業有限公司
論件計酬 NT$ 1~100,000
We at TVi are a team of experts on digital media and new media, and has been leading the field of post-production and localization globally for over 35 years. We specialize in precise and concise localization services through the lens of culture. TVi has been working with multinational services including HBO Asia (WarnerMedia), Discovery, CatchPlay, Giloo and more. Striving for excellence and integrity, we have been entrusted and produced thousands of high-profile global contents, series and titles, including (but not limited to) The Oscars, Game of Thrones, Euphoria, Westworld, The Handmaid’s Tale etc. With our finger on the pulse, TVi has been, still is and will be the key to connecting the world. If you would like to pursue a career as a professional translator, working with the best channels and platforms in the world, TVi is now hiring! We welcome all candidates who have a passion for media, language and content to join on board! We provide solid training to qualified candidates, and they will be part of the connecting key to shaping the media industry. Applicants have to take an English-Chinese proficiency and listening comprehension test before interview. [Qualifications] Attributes of the successful candidate will include fluency in both written and spoken English and Chinese, a solid understanding of Western culture, experience in translation, highly honed language skills, attention to detail and computer literacy. You need to be equally comfortable working independently or as part of a team and capable of working under pressure in this fast-paced environment. TVi群輪為專業後製公司,已有逾35年業界經驗,從事全球化的電視、電影、串流影音字幕翻譯及配音。目前主要合作對象包含 HBO、Discovery、Catchplay 和 Giloo 等等,經手無數影視巨作,日韓作品包括《共同警戒區JSA》、《屍速列車》、《我想吃掉你的胰臟》等等,進行語言在地化及配音,內容品質方面堪稱執華語世界之牛耳。 若你對影視翻譯製作與文化轉譯有極高的熱忱,且中文與日/韓文程度均佳,個性有耐性且細心,歡迎加入我們。 此工作性質為兼差,譯者在家接稿。工作內容為由日/韓語文翻譯至正體中文。 若有日韓語相關檢定證照,請於自介或自傳中明確加註成績,並檢附相關語言能力證明書。
10/18 更新
全職電影影視英文編審 群輪錄影企業有限公司
月薪 NT$ 31,000~45,000
We at TVi are a team of experts on digital media and new media, and has been leading the field of post-production and localization globally for over 35 years. We specialize in precise and concise localization services through the lens of culture. TVi has been working with multinational services including HBO Asia (WarnerMedia), Discovery, CatchPlay, Giloo and more. Striving for excellence and integrity, we have been entrusted and produced thousands of high-profile global contents, series and titles, including (but not limited to) The Oscars, Game of Thrones, Euphoria, Westworld, The Handmaid’s Tale etc. With our finger on the pulse, TVi has been, still is and will be the key to connecting the world. If you would like to pursue a career as a professional translator and editor, working with the best channels and platforms in the world, TVi is now hiring! We welcome all candidates who have a passion for media, language and content to join on board! We provide solid training to qualified candidates, and they will be part of the connecting key to shaping the media industry. Applicants have to take an English-Chinese proficiency and listening comprehension test before interview. [Qualifications] Attributes of the successful candidate will include fluency in both written and spoken English and Chinese, a solid understanding of Western culture, experience in translation, highly honed language skills, attention to detail and computer literacy. You need to be equally comfortable working independently or as part of a team and capable of working under pressure in this fast-paced environment. TVi群輪為專業後製公司,已有逾35年業界經驗,從事全球化的電視、電影、串流影音字幕翻譯及配音。目前主要合作對象包含 HBO、Discovery、Catchplay 和 Giloo 等等,經手無數影視巨作,包括風行全球的《權力遊戲:冰與火之歌》、《高校十八禁》、《鍍金年代》、《使女的故事》等等,進行語言在地化及配音,內容品質方面堪稱執華語世界之牛耳。 若你對影視翻譯製作與文化轉譯有極高的熱忱,且中英文程度均佳,個性有耐性且細心,歡迎加入我們。 英文編審工作內容概述:翻譯與審核譯稿,學習各種字幕軟體,需負責行政職務,有影視翻譯經驗者尤佳。 求職者請務必提供中文與英文履歷及自傳。若有英語相關檢定證照,請於自介或自傳中明確加註成績,並檢附相關語言能力證明書。 福利制度有: ◆ 獎金 / 禮品類 1. 年終獎金 ◆ 保險類 1. 勞保 2. 健保 3. 員工退休金制 ◆ 休閒類 1. 國內外不定期旅遊 2. 部門聚餐 3. 慶生會 ◆ 請 / 休假制度 1. 週休二日 2. 年假制度 ◆ 補助類 1. 結婚禮金 2. 陪產假 3. 旅遊補助 4. 員工及眷屬喪葬補助 5. 勞工一般健康檢查:在職勞工  (1) 年滿四十五以上者,每二年檢查一次。  (2) 年滿三十未滿四十五者,每三年檢查一次。  (3) 未滿三十者,每五年檢查一次。
10/14 更新