

600 人
【關於宇瞻】 Apacer宇瞻(TWSE:8271)為全球數位儲存解決方案領導品牌,成立於1997年,擁有完整研發、設計、製造、行銷能力,以累積多年的數位儲存專利技術與研發成功經驗,提供具競爭力的客製化產品與服務。產品線豐富多樣,橫跨記憶體模組、工業用SSD、消費性數位儲存產品與物聯網整合應用等解決方案。 宇瞻致力實踐『說到做到.堅持更好.夥伴共進』的『做好伴』品牌核心價值,持續開發創新多元儲存方案與各種場域的軟硬韌體整合服務,期能成為產業生態系的最佳合作盟友,為所有利害關係人帶來共創服務加值的效益。 企業文化: 1. 使命 承諾「力求完美、分享記憶」, 整合「數位儲存、創新應用、加值服務」, 成為「最值得信賴的事業夥伴」 2. 願景 以數位儲存為核心,成為科技化資訊服務整合的翹楚 3. 價值 說到做到、堅持更好、夥伴共進 全球據點: 美國子公司、荷蘭子公司、日本子公司、中國子公司、印度子公司



1. 工業用產品: (1)儲存相關產品:記憶體模組、SSD固態硬碟 (2)創新應用產品:CAN bus通訊模組 、 Optics輝度計 2. 消費性產品: (1)儲存相關產品:記憶體模組、SSD固態硬碟、USB隨身碟、行動硬碟、記憶卡 (2)數位週邊產品:讀卡機、傳輸線、轉接器、集線器、行動電源


1. 薪酬福利: (1)優於勞基法之休假天數 (2)績效獎金(依公司營運狀況及單位及員工績效表現而定) (3)員工酬勞(依公司營運狀況及單位及員工績效表現而定) (4)年度晉升/調薪(調薪依公司營運狀況及員工績效表現而定) (5)團體及眷屬保險 2. 工作生活平衡: (1)A+工作:彈性上下班(產線除外),每月提供2次紓壓按摩 (2)A+家庭:生育獎勵最高36,000元,旅遊補助至少6,000元 (3)A+健康:每日提供3次健康餐食,每年提供免費健康檢查 3. 工作環境: (1)交通便利(永寧捷運站2號出口步行5分鐘) (2)多功能休閒設施24小時開放 (3)紓壓工作空間及休憩交誼餐廳 4. 職涯發展: (1)宇瞻學苑課程,學習成長無極限 (2)雙軌人才制度,職涯發展不受限 (3)研發創新鼓勵,發明獎勵等你拿 宇瞻更多數不盡的福利介紹與環境照片,請參閱宇瞻公司網站 https://www.apacer.com/Csr/Pages?slug=career (以上福利 . 部份不適用約聘同仁)



Content Marketing Senior Specialist_PBM200 宇瞻科技股份有限公司
We are looking for a passionate marketer to join us! We are looking for a skilled Content Marketing Senior Specialist with a passion for content marketing across diverse channels. You will play a key role in crafting an exceptional user experience that captivates our audience, generates demand, and strengthens brand loyalty. You will also collaborate with team members to develop functional and strategic content, contributing high-quality articles and documents. This role is based at Apacer Headquarters in Taipei, Taiwan, and will support our global sales offices. Roles and Responsibilities • Develop comprehensive content marketing strategies with clear short-term and long-term objectives, identifying the most effective methods for brand success. • Leverage analytics tools to evaluate the performance of content marketing efforts, refining strategies and tactics as necessary to achieve established goals. • Collaborate with internal teams and external partners to plan, produce, and distribute high-quality, engaging content across various formats, including press releases, whitepapers, case studies, brochures, social media, and digital content. • Continuously monitor industry trends, best practices, and competitor activities to enhance content impact. • Establish and maintain an editorial calendar, ensuring the timely completion of all projects. • Generate creative ideas to enhance customer engagement and brand loyalty. • Serve as the digital presence coordinator, overseeing the management of social media and online campaigns to optimize content for maximum communication effectiveness. • Share successful practices from proven campaigns, replicating success factors to boost customer and brand engagement and drive long-term success. Basic Qualifications • Bachelor’s degree in English, Communications, Journalism, or a related field; a master’s degree or higher is a plus. • A minimum of 6 years of experience in content marketing, including English content/blog/technical document writing or a related role is preferred; a writing portfolio is required. • Exceptional English writing and editing skills, with a strong attention to detail and storytelling. • Strong expertise and hands-on experience in social media and other content creation platforms. • Excellent project management and communication skills; bold and creative thinking is encouraged. • Fluency in English is essential.
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