(1665)Backend Software Engineer
9/18 Updated
English Required
11 ~ 30 applicants

Salary & Location

Monthly SalaryNT$ 60,000~100,000


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

As a Backend Software Engineer, you will be responsible for designing, developing, debugging, and maintaining back-end services and APIs that support network device management. Your main responsibilities include:
 Collaborating with other back-end service groups to achieve product functions and requirements.
 Working with front-end and mobile app teams to ensure a seamless user experience.
 Writing well-structured API documentation.
 Using version control tools to facilitate teamwork and code management.
 Utilizing Container architecture to run services effectively and efficiently.
 Ensuring the reliability and scalability of the network device management service.
 Monitoring and troubleshooting the system to ensure maximum uptime.
 Maintaining and optimizing self-host services like internal systems and NAS.
To qualify for this position, you should have the following qualifications:
 Familiarity with Linux OS and shell scripting.
 Proficiency in version control tools like Git.
 Strong knowledge of at least one programming language such as Python or Go.
 Experience with database technologies such as SQL or NoSQL databases.
 Familiarity with cloud computing platforms, especially AWS.
 Experience with containerization technologies like Docker.
 Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail.
 Good communication skills and ability to work collaboratively in a team environment.
[Preferred Qualifications]
The following qualifications are not required but would be considered advantageous:
 Experience with Agile/Scrum development process.
 Familiarity with MongoDB.
 Familiarity with Kubernetes.
 Familiarity with message brokers like Kafka or RabbitMQ.
 Experience with Gitlab CI/CD pipelines.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy
Job Category
Software Engineer
Systems Analyst
Internet Programmer
神準科技股份有限公司於民國96年5月31日登錄興櫃、民國102年12月30日公開上櫃(代號3558),主要從事無線通訊網路產品之製造及行銷,致力於外銷自製產品,包含企業無線通訊系統(ERS)、企業網路安全伺服器(ESS)、網狀網路系統(MNS)及無線網路用戶端(CPE)等產品之設計開發、製造及銷售。 神準科技具國際大廠研發製造(ODM/OEM)的經驗,提供客製化之服務及商品外,另多年投資自有品牌(EnGenius),在各自的領域及市場創造價值。總公司位於林口華亞科技園區,為因應公司營運的蓬勃發展,我們持續招募研發優秀人才,並在台北南港增設研發辦公室。目前在美國(洛杉磯)、荷蘭(安荷芬)、加拿大(安大略)、新加坡設有子公司,為當地客戶提供快捷服務和即時支援。 本公司擁有優秀的經營團隊及強大卓越的研發陣容,每年投入大量研發費用,秉持著『無所不通、無所不在、無微不至』的經營理念,追求企業永續經營及成長。 我們擁有完整的教育訓練規劃、人性化的管理制度、順暢的升遷管道、盡情發揮的舞台,歡迎各界傑出人才一同加入神準大家庭!
11 ~ 30 applicants