Account Manager [客戶經理]
9/30 Updated
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
Partially Remote
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

[Responsibilities 職責內容]
- Gather business requirements for business analytics in the areas of drill-down analysis, dash boarding, reporting, visualization and data mining analysis;
- Coach and challenge the Company's clients and partners, always be a step ahead and identify what improvements can be done together with Employee's accounts;
- Develop and implement account plans that drive the attainment of critical business objectives and forecast and track account metrics/KPI’s for each of Employee's accounts;
- Together with the Company's clients create marketing promotions;
- Work out forecast and demand planning with the customer and feedback into the organization
- Represent the entire range of the Company’s products
- Distribute and present information to customers about upcoming game releases and opportunities
- 收集市場需求、業務分析報告、及可視化的數據分析。
- 挑戰公司的客戶和合作夥伴,始終領先一步,確定可以與客戶一起進行哪些改善。
- 制定和實施客戶計劃,推動實現關鍵業務目標,並預測和追蹤每個客戶的客戶指標/KPI。
- 與公司的客戶一起創建營銷促銷活動。
- 與客戶一起訂定業績目標和需求計劃,並反饋給內部團隊
- 代表公司內的所有產品系列
- 向客戶分發和展示即將發布新遊戲和市場機會
[Requirement 必備條件]
- Minimum 2 years+ working experience 至少兩年以上工作經驗
- Excellent fluency in both Mandarin and English TOEIC 800+精通中文及英文
[Nice to Have 加分條件]
- Experience in same industry 具同產業經驗
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Proposal and Presentation Skills
Marketing Strategy Formulation
Customer Relationship Management
Market Research Data Analysis and Report Writing
Customer Information Update and Maintenance
Sales Target Allocation and Performance Achievement
Sales and Management Report Writing
提案與簡報技巧 行銷策略擬定 顧客關係管理 市場調查資料分析與報告撰寫 客戶資料更新維護 業績目標分配與績效達成 業績與管理報表撰寫
Job Category
Product Marketing Planning
Product Manager
International Sales
近幾年線上遊戲產業急速成長,已經成為未來最大的主要產業趨勢之一。 【藍窗科技】團隊在亞洲區的遊戲領域中佔有不容忽視的角色,比起大量開發創新的遊戲,藍窗科技對於遊戲高品質的要求更是眾所皆知,也是唯一少數在歐洲屢獲殊榮的遊戲公司技術服務代理商。 同時【藍窗科技】也把世界首屈一指的科技技術支援及服務引進亞洲市場,提供客戶耳目一新的客製化服務。 判斷一間公司最快的是透過客戶的質量去衡量,藍窗科技擁有許多領先全球最頂尖的亞洲區客戶,而他們都非常信任【藍窗科技】提供給他們的客製化服務。 Introducing AZURE... We’ve all seen how online games have taken the world by storm, fast becoming one of the biggest global trends in history. AZURE Tech LTD. is playing a vital role in the online gaming space in Asia. We have hand-picked some of the innovative and award-winning games for Asian market instead of focusing only on quantity, and AZURE Tech is the exclusive distributor for some of Europe’s most respected game studios. With the strong technical support team and well defined framework, Azure tech demonstrates the world-class technical support and service to the industry, bringing tailored customized service to our clients. Companies are commonly be judged based on the quality of their customer base, and AZURE Tech has topped the list in Asia with multi-nation customers who do appreciate AZURE’s quality of service.
0 ~ 5 applicants