Senior Software Engineer, C++/ 資深軟體工程師,C++
10/4 更新
6 ~ 10 應徵者


月薪NT$ 100,000~150,000




About us:
VICI Holdings is a company specializing in high-frequency, market-making, and arbitrage trading. We focus on quantitative research and strategy development, supported by one of the most advanced software development teams in Taiwan. Our mission is to build low-latency, fully automated trading systems that operate across global markets, trading equities, futures, and derivatives with a daily transaction volume reaching hundreds of millions dollars.
This recruitment is focused on software development for large-scale high-frequency trading systems, emphasizing low-latency, high-performance computing, and development support and analysis tools for trading strategies. While our company also boasts Wall Street-grade FPGA design capabilities, that is managed by a different specialized team and is not part of this position.
Our software team values technological innovation and is constantly exploring and integrating the latest development technologies and methodologies. We offer an open and free work environment with a transparent and flat organizational structure, encouraging everyone to voice their ideas and realize their potential.
Roles/ Responsibilities:
• Strong C++ Foundation: Not limited to using standard containers, but with a deep understanding of C++ language features such as RAII, template metaprogramming, and new capabilities introduced in C++20/23, including concepts, coroutines, ranges, etc.
• High-Performance Programming Experience: Proficient in memory management, exception safety, concurrency, and maximizing CPU and memory efficiency in C++.
• Modern C++ Programming Techniques: Capable of efficiently utilizing features from C++17 and above, with a demonstrated ability to write high-performance, maintainable modern C++ code. Familiarity with C++23 is a plus, though C++20 experience is the minimum requirement.
• Software Architecture Design: Ability to design efficient and robust software architectures based on requirements, and apply design patterns to solve complex problems.
• Computer Science Fundamentals: Strong knowledge of data structures and algorithms, with the ability to apply this knowledge in practical development scenarios.
• Performance Optimization Experience: Proven experience in developing high-performance, real-time systems, with expertise in performance tuning and effective bottleneck optimization.
Preferred Qualifications:
• MS/PhD in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, or a related field, with 5+ years of relevant work experience. Candidates with a BS degree and at least 7 years of substantial relevant experience will also be considered.
• Experience in developing financial trading systems, particularly in high-frequency trading and quantitative strategies.
• Research experience in high-performance computing, edge computing, or market microstructure.
• Advanced theoretical knowledge and practical experience in system architecture, software engineering, or machine learning.
• Continuously staying informed about and exploring the latest developments in software and hardware technologies, theories, and innovations.
Other Requirement:
• High self-motivated individual with good communication skill.
• Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills and extremely detail-oriented.
• English proficiency is a plus.
Interview Process (Process sequencing may be adjusted as appropriate)
Resume selection --> Coding Test --> AI Interview (Online) --> F2F or Google Meet Interview( Hiring team) --> HR Manager


System Architecture Planning
System Maintenance Operations
System Integration Analysis
Software Engineering Development
Software Programming
系統架構規劃 系統維護操作 系統整合分析 軟體工程系統開發 軟體程式設計
Software Engineer
Systems Analyst
創辦人專注於高頻交易十多餘年,於2015年創立 VICI Holdings 威旭資訊,以台灣為基地,延攬金融與科技業的頂尖人才加入,積極研究最新的技術,持續拓展全球交易市場,追求永續高成長。 VICI Holdings 威旭資訊是一間專注於高頻交易、造市及套利交易的公司,我們進行量化研究並追求更好的交易策略。擁有領先全台的軟體研發團隊,並具備華爾街等級的FPGA設計技術,據此打造低延遲全自動交易系統;同時,交易策略橫跨股票、期貨及衍生性商品,且每日全球交易市值達數百億台幣。 我們以人為本,提供開放且自由的工作環境,讓夥伴可以專注於研究與創新,同時,透明且扁平化的組織架構,讓所有人都可以在組織裡發聲並發揮潛能。 歡迎到LinkedIn追蹤我們的更多訊息:https://www.linkedin.com/company/vici-holdings 【今周刊】創辦人專訪: https://www.businesstoday.com.tw/article/category/183034/post/202406210018/ 【馬力歐陪你喝一杯】創辦人Podcast訪談:https://www.thenewslens.com/article/199293 【科技新報】報導:https://pse.is/4cqujm 【數位時代】報導:https://lnkd.in/gW8bvcPE 威旭資訊有限公司(以下稱本公司)近期發現,有不肖人士冒用本公司名義於網路上招攬民眾私募基金投資理財。 本公司從未於網路社團成立投資群組,亦不會透過社交軟體私訊。 為避免社會大眾遭受不肖人士之欺詐,並維護本公司之清譽,特此聲明,本公司從未透過任何管道向民眾提供投資訊息。盼大眾切勿相信不實資訊,且若發現任何相關可疑或不明管道之訊息,請儘速向警政署反詐騙專線165或警察機關請求協助,以免權益受損。
6 ~ 10 應徵者