Account Manager
9/26 Updated
Senior Level
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Work Experience

Job Description

Job Description
- Represent the company in building and maintaining relationships with clients externally.
- Proactively remain connected to clients and manage day-to-day communication relating to current/upcoming events, managing feedback, development opportunities, and basic social networking.
- Coordinate with supporting positions to develop and offer solutions to address customer needs.
- Develop a thorough understanding and excellent knowledge of the product, services we provide, competition and market dynamics
- Monitor market dynamics/changes and develop analytical reports
- Build strong working relationships internally by working and communicating with supporting positions, direct reports, cross-departmental contacts, and managers of all levels.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Basic Concepts of International Trade
Business or Channel Development
Customer Information Collection
Product Introduction and Explanation Sales
國際貿易基本概念 業務或通路開發 客戶情報蒐集 產品介紹及解說銷售
Job Category
International Sales
Project Sales Supervisor
International Trade Specialist
⾺紹爾群島商彩虹科技股份有限公司(Rainbow Tech)是⼀家主攻歐美市場的全球⼿機遊戲公司,Rainbow Tech是在台灣設⽴的研發中⼼,⽬前研發團隊達到近100⼈,公司旗下有多款⾯向不同歐美國家的手遊專案。 集團公司成⽴於2014年9⽉,由⼀群熱愛⽣活、熱愛編程與設計的遊戲狂⼈們組成。經過幾年的發展,遊戲業務已經覆蓋了超過30個不同的歐美國家,並在全球多地擁有不同的業務團隊,市場總部設⽴在英國倫敦。⽬前全球員⼯達到200餘⼈,其中台灣研發中⼼坐落於台北市大安區。 Rainbow Tech專注專業,崇尚⾃由,擁有輕鬆活潑的新⼀代互聯網⼈的⼯作氛圍,例如早9點半上班,⼀年四次調薪機會,⿊客松(Game Jam) 家庭日活動等⼀系列福利、競賽、活動。 歡迎儘速投遞履歷! WE WANT YOU! Company Profile Rainbow Tech is a global mobile game company primarily targeted at the European and American markets. Since our founding in September 2014, our self-developed products have been well received in more than 100 countries, providing a first-class competitive platform for tens of millions of game players worldwide. Rainbow Tech is currently headquartered in London, UK, and our development team is homed here in Daan District, Taipei City, Taiwan. Consisting of a group of game advocates who love life, programming and design, currently, we have more than 200 team members in total and nearly 50 members in Taiwan, creating a diverse and broad spectrum of knowledge and ideas. Advocating professionalism and freedom, Rainbow Tech is dedicated to providing our team members with a fun, relaxing and lively atmosphere. Our company benefits include flexible working hours starting from 9:30, four salary-increment opportunities per year, ‘Hackathon’ held regularly and other bonuses, tournaments and events. If you are interested and want to grow your career at Rainbow Tech, send your resume to us NOW! WE WANT YOU!
0 ~ 5 applicants