9/30 Updated
Mid to Senior Level
6 ~ 10 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

1. 招募任用管理
2. 人事後台系統管理維護
3. 績效考核規劃進行
4. 員工勞健團保加退相關給付
5. 員工資料建檔與維護
6. 員工保險管理
7. 公司活動安排
8. 人力分析報表製作
9. 制定與落實各項人事規章、工作規則等
10. 其他主管交辦事項
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Execution of Daily Recruitment Operations
Recruitment System Design
Employee Education
Personnel Training
Performance and Compensation Management
Administrative Affairs Handling
Document or Data Entry and File Processing
Labor Insurance Regulations
Knowledge of Human Resources
具備人力資源相關知識 招募任用制度設計 執行日常招募業務 員工教育訓練與需求分析 人員培訓、激勵、輔導與管理 績效與薪酬管理 行政事務處理 文件或資料輸入建檔處理 勞工保險相關法規
Job Category
Human Resource Personnel
Human Resources Assistant
[企業起源] 越創科技(Viettron Technology)與合作伙伴越南精密工業集團 (VPIC) 近年來因應輕型載具電動化的趨勢,並順應時勢與客戶需求,專注於電動載具的研發設計和製造。 [服務內容] 越創(Viettron) 自2023年起便著手計劃投入電動輕型之四電系統的研發與系統整合,並致力於雲、軟、硬等領域的整合服務,相較於一般的「三電系統」,越創將此概念提升到新的水平,相關說明如下:    1❩.電池系統:提供電動載具所需的能源。    2❩.動力系統:馬達控制器(PCU,Power Control Unit),電動載具的動力來源。    3❩.電控系統:整車控制器(VCU,Vehicle Control Unit),電動載具的智能操控中心。    4❩.快充系統:充電樁,提供安全、穩定的電力,確保電動載具的運作正常。 越創科技以發展全方位的載具電動化服務為主,提供品牌商、輕型載具(LEV)製造商、燃油轉電動車品牌...等潛在合作夥伴,多面向的策略合作、整合服務。 並藉由集團資源的統籌整合,達到一站式全面服務(One-stop shop),例如:產品的「測試」、「驗證」、「系統整合」以及「軟 / 硬體開發」服務。面對接下來20年的電動化時代,我們未來也會協助全球品牌廠商開發相關電動載具的核心與系統。 Viettron Technology Co. Ltd. was established in 2023, and our business focuses on Light Electric Vehicle (LEV) development as well as system integration. We integrate system services with cloud, software, and hardware. Comparing to 3-E System, Viettron advances that to a new perspective – 4-E system, that is: Battery System: Power provider for motors Power System: Power Control Unit (PCU), power source for motors Electric Control System: Vehicle Control Unit (VCU), smart control center of electric motors Charging System: Charging stations providing safe and stable electricity to ensure normal operations of electric motors Viettron develops wide aspects of electrified motors and provides services to brand agents, LEV manufacturers, gas to electric vehicle manufacturers, etc. Our services, including not limited to, enhance strategic cooperation, integration, as well as incorporation of VPIC Group resources, ultimately to reach "one-stop shop”, that is, combining testing, validation, integration and soft/hardware development. In the next two-decades, Viettron will be assisting global branded vehicle manufacturers in developing and stepping into the fields of LEV, showing our ambition to expand the business for corporate diversification and sustainability. [交通位置] 越創科技總部位於汐止區南陽街,近南港展覽館,交通便利,附近2條國道可快速前往各縣市,公車也僅需2站即可抵達南港展覽館。 越創科技新竹辦公室位於竹東鎮工業研究院中興院區53館,透過工研院鏈結各項資源,落實各項整合實力。
6 ~ 10 applicants