售後支援 - 零件及技術 After Sales Support - Parts & Tech
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0 ~ 5 應徵者


年薪NT$ 500,000~900,000




身為零件與技術團隊的客服專員,您將在售後服務與全球服務網路拓展中扮演關鍵角色,與內外部團隊成員緊密合作,致力縮短 Tern 騎乘者的維修等待時間,並有效解決各項客服問題。
憑藉著您對自行車產業的專業知識、對 Tern 產品的深入了解以及敏銳的判斷力,您將在服務零件庫存和生命週期管理方面發揮重要作用。
1. 服務零件管理:依據您的產業知識和產品見解,決定並管理服務零件的選用。監督這些零件的整個生命週期,包括料號的申請、追蹤,並確保符合工程變更。
2. 諮詢支援:作為售後團隊的第一線支援,針對複雜的服務問題提供專業諮詢,協助找出根本原因並制定解決方案。
3. 制定解決方案:針對大規模問題,與售後團隊、產品開發和品質控制部門協調,收集數據、評估問題,並實施有效的長期解決方案。
4. 文件編制與溝通:為經銷商製作詳細的說明書,包括重要產品資訊和全面的說明,確保新產品上市時,備妥所有必要的售後服務資源,包括充足的維修零件、完整的供應商資訊,以及相關的技術支援。
1. 語言:中文與英文(了解自行車零件與規格之專業術語)
2. 客戶服務與零件管理:具備客戶服務或零件管理經驗,能改善客服作業流程。
3. 提供優質服務:了解如何為終端使用者帶來高品質的服務體驗。
4. 產品管理:擅長管理產品,能滿足甚至超越終端使用者的期待。
5. 資料準確性:能夠確保產品資料的詳細性與精確度。
6. 組織能力:工作有條理,擅長建立與管理清單
7. 專業溝通能力:具有良好的人際溝通技巧,無論是面對面、電子郵件或電話都能有效溝通。
8. 熟悉編輯文件和試算表
[Job Summary]
We are looking for someone who loves bikes, their technology, and the people who ride them. As a Service Specialist on the Parts & Tech Team, you will be integral to supporting our after-sales operations and enhancing our global service network. Your role will involve collaborating with team members internally and externally to ensure Tern riders experience minimal downtime and efficient resolution of service issues. Your expertise in the bike industry, combined with your understanding of our products and critical thinking skills, will guide key decisions on service parts stocking and lifecycle management.
1. Service Parts Management: Determine and manage the selection of service parts based on your industry knowledge and product insights. Oversee the lifecycle of these parts, including part number applications, tracking, and ensuring compliance with engineering changes.
2. Consultative Support: Act as the first level of escalation for our after sales team, and provide expert consultation for complex service issues, aiding in root cause identification and solution development.
3. Solution Development: For larger-scale problems, coordinate with the after-sales team, product development, and quality control to gather data, assess issues, and implement effective long term solutions.
4. Documentation and Communication: Create detailed publications for distributors, including critical information and comprehensive instructions. Ensure that new products entering the market are fully supported with appropriate service parts and vendor contacts.
1. Language: English and Mandarin with domain knowledge of bicycle components and specifications
2. Customer Service and Parts Management: Proven experience in hardware customer service or parts management, optimizing service operations.
3. Premium Service Delivery: Understanding of what is required to deliver a high-quality service experience to end-users.
4. Product Management: Skilled in managing products to meet and exceed end-user expectations.
5. Data Accuracy: Expertise in maintaining detailed and accurate product data with a focus on precision.
6. Organizational Skills: Highly organized with a talent for creating and managing lists.
7. Professional Communication: Strong interpersonal skills with the ability to communicate effectively in person, via email, and by phone.
8. Intermediate document editing and spreadsheet skills
Other Customer Service Personnel
Post-sales Product Technical Service
Sales Support Engineer
【認識 Tern】 Tern_香港商盟倍力股份有限公司為擁有自行車自有品牌之公司,致力於都市騎乘與環保之推廣,使自行車不僅限於休閒娛樂,而是一種交通工具。其中以折疊車為主要車款,強調外觀與性能的同步提升,注重安全、舒適和便携性的設計,讓城市公共交通系統的無縫接軌成為可能。 【獲得國際獎項肯定的產品】 本公司之主品牌 _ Tern,其車款獲得多項國際級設計獎項,包含紅點設計獎,iF 設計獎暨全球最大自行車展 Eurobike 設計獎之肯定。 我們最喜愛的座右銘之一:好還要更好。我們設計的產品有著對於功能及永久使用的願景。 而一件值得去做的事,絕對值得把它做好,不論是主要的計畫或是到後續的細節。為了成就偉大,我們將標竿訂定的很高,努力跨越並不斷重複,我們在這裡就是為了把事情做好。 【永遠致力於保護我們的地球】 永續發展是我們的核心理念。我們設計的自行車是可永久使用及維護的,並且持續追求降低環境衝擊的方法,如最小化包裝、指定再生紙卡、減少使用對環境有害的化學物質。 【提倡騎乘自行車上班(Bike To Work)】 在 Tern,我們不僅可用公司的自行車通勤,也設置舒適的淋浴間和更衣室供團隊成員使用。甚至與國外市政府的交通管理處合作,讓攜帶自行車乘坐大眾運輸工具變得更容易。除了積極參與自行車相關活動,也支持選擇使用自行車作為更健康、更環保的交通工具。 最近,我們推出的電動輔助自行車吸引了新的受眾,並將銷售量推向新的高度,隨著日益增長的業務量,目前正在擴大團隊,期望創造更高的產出。相信有您的加入,成為我們多元文化團隊的一份子,將會是一個影響全球的機會,因為我們始終相信自行車可以為人們、家庭、社區和地球帶來改變。 本公司在美國與中國設有子公司,另有合作夥伴在海外各地,稱之為衛星辦公室,其據點為美國、芬蘭、 英國、德國、瑞士。 請到 LinkedIn 和 Instagram 上看看我們目前的動態! https://www.linkedin.com/company/ternbicycles/ https://www.instagram.com/ternbicycles [ About Tern ] We're in the business of improving movement. Our mission is to empower people to do more by bike—whether that means replacing a car, running a business, or overcoming mobility barriers. We do that by creating useful, built-to-last bikes, and by making our communities more sustainable, equitable, and livable in the process. At Tern, you will work with an incredibly diverse group of people, based in cities around the world, who are all aligned with this mission. And just as we believe in bike innovation, we believe in workplace innovation, to create an environment that is welcoming, fulfilling, and continually evolves to provide avenues for growth and learning. [ International Design Award ] Our brand, Tern, has won multiple international design awards for its bicycles, including the Red Dot Design Award, the iF Design Award, and recognition at the world's largest bicycle show, the Eurobike Design Award. One of our favorite mottos is "Good, better, best." Our products are designed with a vision for functionality and long-term use. When something is worth doing, it's worth doing well, whether it's a major project or the smallest detail. To achieve greatness, we set high standards and strive to surpass them repeatedly. We are here to do things right. [ Protecting Our Planet ] Our commitment to sustainability is central to who we are. We design our bikes to be serviceable rather than land-fillable. And we are constantly searching for ways to reduce our impact, like minimizing packaging, specifying recycled cardboard, and reducing use of harmful chemicals like chromium. [ Bike To Work ] Here at Tern, we not only provide company bikes for commuting but also offer cozy shower facilities and changing rooms for our team members. We've even partnered with transportation authorities abroad to facilitate bike-friendly public transit. Beyond just participating in cycling events, we advocate for cycling as a healthier, greener way to get around. Recently, our electric-assist bikes have garnered fresh interest, reaching new sales heights. With our expanding operations, we're currently enlarging our team to drive even greater impact. Joining our diverse team means seizing a chance to make waves globally, as we firmly believe in the transformative power of bikes for individuals, families, communities, and the planet. With subsidiaries in the US and China, and satellite offices spanning the globe—from the US to Finland, the UK, Germany, and Switzerland. Stay updated with our latest on LinkedIn and Instagram! https://www.linkedin.com/company/ternbicycles/ https://www.instagram.com/ternbicycles
0 ~ 5 應徵者