TOASTERiA CAFE_吐司利亞國際餐飲股份有限公司
TOASTERiA CAFE 地中海料理西餐副主廚 Sous Chef (敦南店)
10/11 Updated
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Monthly SalaryNT$ 48,000~60,000


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

TOASTERiA CAFE is for kitchen leaders, for an exciting job with great people.
We are looking for people who understand freshness, season, and fun working with people looking for excitement to join our team. We would love to see you soon.
TOASTERiA CAFE致力打造成為全台灣最指標性的地中海料理品牌,在發展的過程中,我們希望你能加入我們,與我們一起打造堅持餐點品質和真誠領導為核心價值的餐飲品牌。我們期待一位充滿專業和領導能力的廚房領導人與我們一起工作,地中海料理西餐副主廚 Sous Chef將與創辦人一起幫助現有團隊提升,讓品牌的精神透過料理餐點品質堅持傳遞屬於地中海料理的核心態度。
【Kitchen Leader角色】
【Kitchen Leader職務職責】
● 帶領團隊提升與優化廚房營運餐點品質,不只是維持而是能讓餐點品質提升。
● 透過有效教育訓練設計與工作指導提升團隊食品衛生安全知識與技能。
● 關注夥伴需求有效發展團隊夥伴的潛力,幫助他們實現個人和專業目標。
● 注重友善與有效溝通,激勵夥伴學習發展,並與總部協作建立廚房學習型組織文化。
● 凝聚團隊向心力,提升彼此的合作意識,共同實現優秀的團隊成績。
【Kitchen Leader DNA】
● 樂於溝通並樂意分享你的知識和經驗,更重要是身為廚師的態度。
● 具備領導能力,能夠透過有效且積極的溝通帶給團隊正向發展。
● 堅持誠信與共好價值觀,成為團隊夥伴願意學習的榜樣。
● 願意不斷學習和成長,持續提升自己的專業素養。
【Kitchen Leader 職能】
● 溝通表達:良好傾聽與流利中英文溝通能力,能夠順暢地與團隊合作並傳達資訊。
● 領導管理:擁有帶領15人左右廚房部門的領導管理經驗,能夠有效管理和激勵團隊。
● 廚師專業:具備豐富的西餐料理食材專業知識和食品衛生安全管理能力。
【TOASTERiA CAFE Junior Sous Chef Role & Responsibility】
【Sous Chef Position Overview】
As the leader of our kitchen team, you will be akin to a steady hand navigating a bustling meal period. Your responsibilities encompass guiding the kitchen team, enhancing, and optimizing kitchen operations, and elevating the quality of our culinary offerings. You will be a critical partner in our team's future development.
We anticipate the fusion of your experience and knowledge in a collaborative endeavor, embedding our culinary dedication into every dish, while inspiring our team members to attain heightened culinary excellence.
【 Sous Chef Responsibilities】
1. Leading the team in elevating and optimizing kitchen operations and food quality.
2. Enhance the team's knowledge and competence in food safety and hygiene.
3. Foster effective development of team members' potential, assisting them in achieving personal and professional aspirations.
4. Prioritize guided communication and mentoring, fostering the growth of team, while cultivating an environment of proactive collaboration.
5. Cultivate team cohesion and amplify cooperation consciousness, thereby collectively achieving exceptional team outcomes.
【 Sous Chef DNA】
1. A proponent of communication, readily sharing your knowledge and experience, underscored by the demeanor of a chef.
2. Possess leadership aptitude, capable of facilitating positive team development through effective and constructive communication.
3. Uphold values of integrity and shared goodness, serving as an exemplar for team members inclined toward learning.
4. A commitment to continuous learning and growth, perpetually advancing your professional proficiency.
【Sous Chef Competencies】
1. Communication and Expression: Proficiency in English and Chinese communication, facilitating seamless collaboration within the team.
2. Kitchen Leader Leadership and Management: Demonstrated experience in leading a kitchen department of 15 or more, exhibiting adept management and team motivation.
3. Culinary Proficiency: Abundant knowledge of Western cuisine ingredients and expertise in food safety management.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Sales and Management Report Writing
Product Introduction and Explanation Sales
Retail Food Service Management
Food Cost Control
Food Storage Management
Food Purchase and Selection
Pre-Food Preparation
Food Plating and Decoration
Standard Recipe Creation
Kitchen Equipment Maintenance
Kitchen Utensil Maintenance
Understanding Food Properties and Nutrition
Planning and Supervising Nutritional Recipes
業績與管理報表撰寫 產品介紹及解說銷售 門市餐飲管理 食材成本控制 食材貯存管理 食材選購採買 食物製前準備 排盤與食品裝飾 製定標準菜譜 廚房設備維護管理 廚房器具使用維護 熟悉食物性質與營養知識 規劃與監督營養食譜作業
Job Category
Western Cuisine Chef
Executive Chef
Hotel or Restaurant Supervisor
我們品牌從2008年開店至今,一路從台北東區的5坪店面與夥伴人數5人的小店轉型為2層樓的地中海料理餐廳; 2017年在台北永康街開出第二家分店,為4層樓的獨棟旗艦店; 2021年挺過嚴峻的疫情,走出北台灣,來到台中草悟道商圈,開出第三家分店, 不僅夥伴人數突破100人,年營收也突破億元。   接下來計畫一年開一家直營店,讓地中海的生活態度落地生根在台灣的各個城市角落。 我們的願景-「讓地中海的生活態度成為台灣人的新選擇」。 TOASTERiA CAFE帶給您的是一趟通往美麗地中海國度的體驗之旅。內部設計結合新舊建材,並將窗外採光延伸入內營造明亮愜意的用餐氛圍,要讓您在彷彿置身地中海般的悠閒空間中享用療癒的道地地中海料理、體驗優質貼心的服務,以及品味精挑細選的世界音樂。 菜系方面,地中海多元的文化背景豐富了我們的菜單,堅持”沒有低糖可樂、沒有低脂牛奶、沒有低脂起司,只有好好好食材!”也盡可能使用可溯源食材。 歡迎加入TOASTERiA CAFE大家庭讓我們一起改變台灣餐飲業的生態,打造職場友善透過一頭班與豐富人才培育制度讓餐飲人才共好。 【分店資訊】 ●永康旗艦店   台北市信義路二段200號 ●三號敦南店   台北市大安區敦化南路一段169巷3號 ●台中PARK2店  台中市西區英才路534號B1    
0 ~ 5 applicants