【工程部】後端工程師 Backend Engineer
9/20 Updated
11 ~ 30 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Work Experience

Job Description

At CMoney, our mission is to assist people in their lifelong investment. To this end, we have already launched several services and apps to help users make decisions on different matters. CMoney has the most popular stock mobile app and stock forum in Taiwan. So far our stock forum has had more than 450k monthly active users, and all of our products have had almost 3 million monthly active users. Everyday more than 100k articles and messages emerge from our apps and forum. Meanwhile, we collaborate with 50+ investment KOLs to help users succeed in investment. Currently, CMoney is at the fast-growing stage, and thus we are looking for brilliant talents to join our team, especially the ones with integrity, high social interest and a growing mindset. For more detail of CMoney, please refer to the following link: https://cmy.tw/00BWhP
Our backend team concentrates on manipulating finance and economics data which
are adopted by more than 400 institutional investors in Taiwan and abroad to
facilitate investment research and to enhance the performance of the investment.
Our manipulated data hold 90+% market share in Taiwan. Besides the
aforementioned B2B services, our backend team is also responsible for developing
the reliable, scalable, and maintainable services to support our all-in-one stock
investment website and several B2C apps. If you not only love to keep track of the
latest trend of backend development and techniques but also are passionate about
building services of the stock investment, we welcome you to join us.
As such, you will:
- Manipulate a wide variety of finance and economics data
- Devise, develop, and maintain distributed services of the stock investment
- Use the following programming languages, techniques, and platforms: C# ASP.NET
MVC, .NET Core, PHP, Python, PowerShell, T-SQL, NoSQL, GCP, AWS, Redis, RabbitMQ.
- Continually monitor our online services to identify the potential issues
- Realize the Scrum development process to accelerate the iteration cycle
- Make CMoney services easier to use, and make CMoney data more beneficial to the investors
- Last but not least make our customers successful.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Field of Study Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Software Engineering Development
Software Programming
Database Programming
Database Software Application
軟體工程系統開發 軟體程式設計 資料庫程式設計 資料庫軟體應用
Job Category
Back-End Engineer
Software Engineer
Internet Programmer
CMoney 是全台最大的金融科技公司,我們開發出籌碼K線、股市爆料同學會、發票載具、簡單記帳、股市大富翁、艾蜜莉定存股、權證小哥等上百種產品,在過去二十年裡,已經幫助台灣數百萬名用戶做出更好的理財決策。我們推出的投資分析系統有超過400間海內外金融機構使用,是市佔率第一的領導品牌。同時我們也持續創新,團隊至今已經推出上百個App產品。 投資理財是非常重要的領域,但卻不是學校的專業科目。有些人不懂理財,聽從他人的建議投資,最後賠上努力工作存下的積蓄。有些人則在投資過程中時刻精進自己,持續在實戰與反饋中鍛鍊做出正確的決策能力,最後,收穫遠遠超過金錢,能廣泛提升健康、工作、人際、家庭的品質,邁向自己的幸福人生。 CMoney 持續不斷打造更好的工具與平台,我們深信好的工具能幫助用戶提升決策力,使正確的行動重複發生並成為用戶的新習慣,形成正向循環,讓所有人逐步擁有美好人生。為了實現我們的願景,CMoney 聚集一群極具才華並真心認同我們企業文化的人,無論是工程、產品、行銷、設計、客戶成功、數據應用、人力資源……等各領域的優秀人才,我們都歡迎你/妳加入這場有意義的挑戰,一起讓世界變得更好!
11 ~ 30 applicants