【產業高階人才培訓計畫】 博士級研發研究員
9/27 Updated
English Required
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Monthly SalaryNT$ 63,000+


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

1. 進行實驗,評估產品應用試驗,分析數據並確定新技術的可行性。
2. 負責研究與開發產品,進行合成試驗、配方設計,並提出改進建議。
3. 製程開發放大標準化與試量產
4. 有先進材料研究及製程開發興趣者尤佳
5. 定期向公司領導報告研究進展
6. 研發研究員需具備良好的科學研究能力和實驗技巧,以及良好的溝通和團隊合作能力。
1. 無經驗可,歡迎應屆畢業生申請
2. 化學、化工及材料科學及工程學相關科系國內博士學位
3. 具高分子、有機合成專業,或能源產業相關經驗者佳
4. 具備面板觸控、TFT及半導體製程經驗者佳
1. 三節獎金/禮品:公司將於農曆的春節、端午節、中秋節等重要節日提供獎金或禮品。
2. 國內外年度旅遊/尾牙
3. 員工入股:公司將提供同仁入股計劃,讓員工能夠參與公司的發展。
4. 員工分紅配股:公司將提供同仁分紅配股計劃,讓員工能夠參與公司的經營成果。
5. 勞保、健保、勞退金、員工團體保險:公司將提供完善的勞保、健保、勞退金及員工團體保險,確保同仁的福利待遇。
6. 業績獎金及年終獎金:公司將根據同仁的工作表現提供業績獎金及年終獎金。
7. 員工停車場:公司提供方便的員工停車場,使得員工在上下班時可以輕鬆停車,不再需要為交通方式困擾。
8. 完善的課程教育訓練及外訓補助:公司重視員工的成長與發展,因此提供完善的課程教育訓練,並且全額補助外部訓練課程,幫助員工在工作上的提升。
9. 優於勞基法之特休假及假日加班費
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Field of Study Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Polymer Material Design & Synthesis
Operation of Chemical Detection Instruments
Laboratory Equipment Operation
Interpretation of Inspection and Examination Report Results
Chemical Analysis Capability
Chemical Laboratory Management
Production Line Design Planning
Material Assessment Testing
Polymer Material Design and Synthesis
Product Material Analysis
Chemical Process Research and Development
Production Process Improvement and Development
Process Related Technology Development
Chemical Reaction Engineering Operations
Chemical Thermodynamics Related Knowledge
Interpretation of Chemical Related Process Diagrams
Client-Side Technical Service Business
Provision of Chemical Engineering Technical Services
Familiarity with Chemical Engineering Principles
高分子材料設計與合成 化學檢測儀器操作 實驗室設備操作 檢查及檢驗報告結果判讀 化學分析能力 化學實驗室管理 生產線設計規劃 材料評估測試 高分子材料設計與合成 產品材料分析 化學製程研發 生產程序改良與開發 製程相關技術開發 化工反應工程作業 化工熱力學相關知識 判讀化工相關製程圖 客戶端技術服務業務 提供化學工程技術服務 熟悉化學工程原理
Job Category
Material Research and Development Staff
Chemical Engineers
Specialized Chemical Engineer
律勝科技致力成為軟板業市場公認的創新領導者,並且秉承公司願景努力成為全球業界標竿。律勝擁有自主配方、配方開發技術及專業生產技術等核心技術。憑藉核心技術能力及專業研發團隊,產品應用領域除軟式印刷電路板外,並持續精進於感光型聚醯亞胺(PSPI)、高頻高速材料、透明PI等先進材料,不斷的開發創新及自我精進,拓展產品之應用領域。 律勝秉承「團隊合作、積極創新、服務滿意、重點績效及效率」之公司理念,在瞬息萬變的科技產業里,以「穩健踏實」之企業文化不斷自我要求,以雄厚的研發實力,因應電子產品趨勢要求,陪伴客戶走在趨勢的前沿。 我們相信每位員工皆有潛力透過訓練成為公司的人力資產,進而成為公司的核心競爭力,促成公司成長與員工成長的雙贏。我們承諾所有律勝員工,皆能獲得有系統與專業的訓練、培育與指導,律勝提供適當的資源,讓每位員工獲得有效執行公司任務的多重技術與知識,以作為生產力提昇的憑藉,ISO 9001是我們的標竿,是連結企業策略與品質訓練培育發展的專業指引。 我們正在尋找有熱情積極、有創意想法和對科技技術研發有熱忱的人才,加入我們並一同創造科技的未來。無論您是一位專業的工程師、銷售業務、研究人員或者社會新鮮人,我們都歡迎您的加入。 如果您對我們的公司文化、使命和願景感到興趣,請立即在104投遞您的履歷表,成為我們的一份子。歡迎您加入我們,與我們一同創造科技的未來! Microcosm Technology is committed to becoming a recognized innovative leader in the FPC industry and upholding its corporate vision to become a global industry benchmark. Microcosm has core technologies such as self-formulated, formula development technology, and professional production technology. With its core technical capabilities and experienced R&D team, the product application scope covers flexible printed circuit boards and continuously improves its advanced materials, such as photosensitive polyimide (PSPI), high-frequency, high-speed materials, and transparent PI. The company constantly develops innovations and self-improvement to expand the application scope of its products. Microcosm upholds the company philosophy of "teamwork, active innovation, customer satisfaction, key performance, and efficiency." In the rapidly changing technology industry, the company culture of "steady and practical" constantly self-requires and, with its strong R&D strength, follows the trend of electronic products to accompany customers at the forefront of the trend. We believe that every employee has the potential to become the company's human asset through training and become the core competitiveness of the company, promoting the growth of the company and the employees. We promise all Microcosm employees to receive systematic and professional training, cultivation, and guidance and provide appropriate resources to enable each employee to obtain considerable technical knowledge to effectively perform company tasks as a basis for productivity improvement. ISO 9001 is our benchmark, a professional guide linking the company strategy and quality training, cultivation, and development. We are looking for passionate, creative, and enthusiastic talent in technology and technology research and development to join us and create the future of technology. Whether you are a professional engineer, salesperson, researcher, or new graduate, we welcome your participation. If you are interested in our company culture, mission, and vision, please apply on 104.
0 ~ 5 applicants