Business Development Engineer (Based in Turkey)
9/25 Updated
Senior Level
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Work Experience

Job Description

The Business Development Engineer need to have strong technical knowledge in industrial robotics and automation sector, to identify and work on sales opportunities and drive them to closure. Business development engineer is responsible to both building key customers and developing new channel partners for the company.
[Roles & Responsibilities]
● Strategizing and executing all sales activities, sustain established business.
● ⁠Identify additional business at existing customers and aggressively grow sales with new customers by creating new sales opportunities.
● Developing and maintaining relationships with key customers and channel partners
● Providing regular reporting on market trends, projects, market analysis and sales forecasts.
● Monitoring competitors’ activity with the account and ensuring that appropriate response strategies are formulated and implemented.
● Based in Central Anatolia Region.
● Bachelor degree or higher in Bachelor’s degree in Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical or Mechatronic) or related studies
● Have a minimum of 3 years experiences in related field or fresh graduates with good academic performance are highly encouraged.
● Self-motivated and able to work independently.
● High English proficiency is a must for this job.
● Experience in industrial robot or industrial automation field would be an advantage
[Personality Traits]
● Enjoy freedom at work and willing to make decision
● Looking for a chance and platform to build a self-proven record and career
● Embody high standards of integrity, ethics and accountability
● Work can be flexibly adjusted
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Field of Study Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy
Job Category
International Sales
International Sales Supervisor
Sales Support Engineer
新代科技設立於民國84年8月3日,以值得信任的電控夥伴聞名在機床控制領域,為亞太市場領導品牌,據點橫跨歐洲、美洲、亞洲三大洲。新代科技長期深耕於機床控制器的軟體及硬體技術研發,主力產品包括機床控制器系統、伺服驅動、伺服電機等。旗下聯達智能致力智慧製造解决方案,包括工業機器人、機床聯網、自動化系統等,推動產業升級;另一品牌,正鉑雷射,則專注於雷射與電漿應用等減碳製程設備,聚焦工業智慧零碳化。新代集團以一站式工業4.0解决方案融合 IIoT、大數據、雲端計算等應用,提供客戶完整的解決方案,實現數位轉型、智慧工廠的願景。積極在相關領域進行資源整合與佈局。貫徹達成新代的願景:「最值得信任的電控夥伴」。
0 ~ 5 applicants